Career Support

Job Placement and Advancement

AY 2022 Job Placement and Advancement Statistics

College of Asia Pacific Studies College of International Management Graduate Total
Graduates1 562 554 87 1,203
Breakdown of Career Options Job offer recipients 386 386 51 823
Graduates pursuing further education2 37 31 4 72
Others (including returnees)3 139 137 32 308
Domestic Students International Students Total
Graduates1 581 622 1,203
Breakdown of Career Options Job offer recipients 480 343 823
Graduates pursuing further education2 10 62 72
"Others (including returnees)3 91 217 308
Notes: 1. Undergraduate students and graduate students who completed their degrees in September 2022 and March 2023 (including international students)

2. APU graduates proceeding to graduate schools or another university

3. Includes those who return to their home countries, those who pursue additional professional qualifications, those who prepare for higher education, those who continue job hunting, and those who attend to domestic affairs

AY 2022 Employment Decision Rate

Domestic Students International Students Overall
Success Rate 98.0% 96.3% 97.3%
Job offer recipients 480 343* 823
Job seekers 490 356 846
No. of Graduates 581 622 1203
* : 219 out of 343 found a job in Japan

AY 2021 Job Offers by Region in Japan

Kanto 61.1%
Chubu/Hokuriku/Kinki 14.0%
Chugoku/Shikoku 1.5%
Kyushu/Okinawa (excluding Oita) 11.9%
Oita 7.4%
Other areas 4.2%

AY 2022 Job Offers by Region in Japan

Over all
Manufacturing 9.2%
Telecommunications Industry 13.4%
Wholesale and Retail Industry 13.4%
Finance 3.5%
Service 40.1%
Civil Service 3.3%
Other 17.1%
Notes: 1. “Civil Service” includes graduates who work for administrative organizations i n Japan as well as overseas

2. “Others” include those who: Chose employment in foreign countries, joined a family business, established their own business, or who failed to clearly report their career decision