May 24, 2010

Mr. Chakraborty Abhik gives a lecture at a RCAPS Seminar:

On Friday May 14, a RCAPS sponsored seminar was held at APU.

The seminar welcomed Mr. Chakraborty Abhik(Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, APU) to give a lecture titled, "Industrialization, Urbanization and Double Transition in a River Basin Context: A Case Study of the Kizu River Basin in Japan".

On May 14, RCAPS welcomed Mr. Abhik Chakraborty (APU Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies) to give a seminar entitled "Industrialization, Urbanization and Double Transition in a River Basin Context: A Case Study of the Kizu River Basin in Japan". Mr. Chakraborty's seminar focused on the research he has been conducting on the Kizu River System in the Kansai region of Japan. His main research objective he said was: "To explore the changing man environment relations in the Kizu River basin due to rapid industrialization and urbanization with a special emphasis on how a post growth Japan perceives natural hazards in a river basin and how it responds to them." Mr. Chakraborty said that he is interested in understanding man's relationship to rivers and how this relationship has changed, as well as looking at what this transition means for us. In his seminar Mr. Chakraborty discussed the characteristics of the Kizu River System, Japanese Rivers, human intervention and river floods, Kizugawa flood control in the Showa Era and dams in the Kizugawa Basin. He also described two of his field research trips, the first one to the Yodogawa River Office and to the Iga Ueno Basin and then to Kasgichou in Kyoto to Nabari in Mie and the Suzaka mountains in his second trip. The seminar was followed by a lively discussion between the audience and Mr. Chakraborty and professors also gave feedback on Mr. Chakraborty's research.

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