Polyglossia *Volume 24, March 2013

Polyglossia *Volume 24, March 2013

目次 / Contents (PDF)
Foreword (PDF)
Contributors (PDF)

研究論文 / Research Papers
Author Title
BLACKWELL, James Understanding the Structure of Texts
HASWELL, Christopher G.
LEE, Richard A.
A Comparative Study of Listening Comprehension and Organization of Lecture Notes in Intermediate English Classes
HUANG, Jianbin
The Design of Task-based College English Coursebooks: A study from the perspective of task-based language teaching
ZHAI, Yong Processing Subject Control Sentences among L1 English/L2 Chinese Learners
ISOMINE, Sei Japanese Students in Fraternities and Sororities: A way to reduce cognitive dissonance and enrich the study abroad experience
ONG, Shyi Nian
MUSAEV, Talaibek
MOHD, Jamila
Significance of Error Analysis to the Teaching of Bahasa Melayu as a Foreign Language to Japanese Students
YU, Shulin EFL Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices regarding Peer Feedback in L2 Writing Classrooms
ROUX, Peter Words in the Mind: Exploring the relationship between word association and lexical development
GUO, Ruth Xiaoqing The Use of Video Recordings as an Effective Tool to Improve Presentation Skills
王 振宇 湘語蔡橋方言のヴォイス表現について―前置詞「担」、「把」、「着」を中心に
張 文青 アスペクト助詞“着”の教授法に関する試み
鄧 凌志 中国語の『可能補語』習得状況に関する一考察
李 晶波、 趙 煒宏 中国語における外来語のイメージ調査報告
牧野美希 初級日本語母語学習者における韓国漢字語彙教育―漢字語彙を利用した教材の提案―
須藤潤 日本語のアクセント・イントネーション学習に対する意識と動機づけ
大喜多 紀明 アイヌ民族による日本語筆記資料についての考察―知里幸惠の『アイヌ神謡集』「序」を題材として―
実践報告/ Reports on Teaching Practics

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