APU Journal of Language Research *Volume 4,March 2019

APU Journal of Language Research Vol.4

Preface Steven Pattison(PDF)

No. Author Title Date
1 IWAMOTO Joji 日本語教育におけるゲーミフィケーションの試み   ―教室外での目標言語使用の活性化を目指して―
Examining Gamification in Japanese Language Learning: Encouraging the Use of the Target Language Outside of the Classroom
March 15,2019
2 LUO Hua 初・中級中国語における「把」構文の教授法についての一提案 ―「把」構文の再分類及び導入順序を中心に―
Proposing a Method for Teaching BA Construction in Beginning and Intermediate Chinese: Focus on Reclassification and the Order of Introduction for BA Construction
March 15,2019
3 ZHANG Huifang “ 是不是” の日本語訳から見る中日モダリティ形式の対応関係
On the Corresponding Relationship between Modality Forms of Chinese and Japanese: A Case Study of the Japanese Translation of Chinese “SHI BU SHI”
March 15,2019
4 KOJIMA Naoko English-Medium Instruction (EMI)に求められている教育実践及び学習環境   ―日本人学生の動機づけの視点から―
Pedagogical Practices and Learning Environment Needed in EMI: From the Motivational Perspectives of Japanese Students
March 15,2019
5 BLACKWELL James A Text-based Approach to Designing Language Assessments March 15,2019
6 DIAZ Anthony Developing a Pilot Learner Corpus: New Directions in Writing Instruction March 15,2019
7 ETO Tomoko Japanese EFL Learners in Bilingual Group Discussions: A Needs Analysis March 15,2019
8 JONES Kent Minding the Gap between Japanese University Studentsʼ Expected and Actual English Use March 15,2019
9 MCMAHON Andrew The Potential of Coursebooks to Raise Learnersʼ Awareness of English as a Global Language March 15,2019

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RCAPS publishes two journals: the Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (known as "the RCAPS Journal") and APU Journal of Language Research(APLJ). The two journals have independent editorial policies and teams but the submissions are commonly assessed by the general “Editors” of each journal, and they are not formally peer reviewed. Since 2012, the RCAPS Journal has started an “in-house” peer review with the help of APU faculty members as well as a few other affiliated researchers and reviewers.

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