Specoal Programs

Campus Life Report
<Student Report>
“A Lasting Impression” Tenku Festival
—140 days of toil—
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 Members of the Base Event Committee held their first meeting in June to launch preparations for APU's second Tenku Festival. The committee members wanted to create a festival that left a lasting impression on people's lives. In the scorching heat of the summer holidays, they visited over 100 local companies in business attire and distributed pamphlets to promote the event. Once fall semester had commenced, committee members continued to work incessantly to get all the preparations done in time, often catching the last bus home.
 The day of the festival finally came. The weather forecast was 100% rain for the first day, but a miracle occurred, and the sun shone down on the Tenku Festival. The following day was less fortunate weather wise, but the lively atmosphere compensated for this and the festival was a huge success.
 Just wandering around the festival, seeing the big smiles on peoples' faces, there is no doubt that the festival-goers took away something special from the two day event. This was the perfect reward for the enthusiasm and the energy of the Committee.

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