spaceStudent staff are actively involved around the campus in an array of jobs related to student life at APU, such as Teaching Assistant and Library Assistant.
spaceIn this issue we will be reporting on the Information System Assistant (Information SA), students who are using their extensive skills in supporting the technology infrastructure here at APU. Information SAs are not only providing technological backup and support. All of the assistants are continually trying to strengthen their IT skills while striving to improve themselves within the job. The job also provides students with the opportunity of working in a tertiary level educational environment.

SAs also assist at the Information System training session for new University lectures.

(APM 2, Indonesia)

spaceThis job is valuable in helping me prepare for my future goal of becoming a specialist in the IT industry. In addition to offering support to students using the computers, I am also responsible for interpreting between international students and University staff. This job is also teaching me the importance of good time management, something that we don't pay that much attention to in Indonesia. Because the job centers around offering support at the various computer related training sessions it is important that the SAs work well together. This job not only gives you the opportunity to enhance your IT skills and knowledge, but also the chance to learn important communication stills.

(APM 4, Japan)

spaceWhen I first arrived at APU I didn't know much about computers at all. It was the careful instruction of the Information SA at the time that was the trigger for me wanting to become an Information SA myself. My computer skills were limited to what I had picked up through playing around on the computer. I acquired a more technological skill base after enrolling in three of the information systems related courses and in my third year I applied to become an Information SA. In order to be able to resolve the various problems accurately I make an effort to listen carefully and ask detailed questions to the person experiencing the difficulty. When I don't know something technical I ask the teacher for advice, so the job is also helping me strengthen my technical computer skills.

spaceWithin the university Information System Assistants are known as Information SAs. Their primary job is to help resolve the various problems that arise when any of the computers located in the Information Systems' operated buildings are being used.

spaceInformation SAs require a certain level of computer skills in order to deal with the technical problems that arise.

spaceSAs are involved with a wide array of jobs, including filming lectures and on campus events and assisting lecturers with information systems related classes. SAs also help out at training sessions for lecturers on the creation of on-line learning materials and assist with the 'APU Net-Guide'* and the creation of Web pages for the different university offices. They also assist at the explanation sessions for students on the correct usage of information system's facilities.

*Usage guide for APU Information System

spaceInformation SAs have WebCT (an internal online learning tool) training sessions for new University lecturers. In accordance with their own abilities, SAs can assist at either the beginners or intermediate training session.
spaceSAs also assist lecturers creating WebCT courses.

spaceStudents are able to use the computers in the Multi Media Room freely. This job involves providing computer maintenance and helping students experiencing computer difficulties in the Multi Media Room.

Taking and/or assisting at the system information orientations
Instructing new students on how to use the computers and Campus Terminal

spaceThis job is basically the same as that in the Multi Media Room. However, assistants need a higher level of expertise in order to deal with the wide variety of questions and requests by not just other students, but by faculty members as well.

Information SAs are also in charge of the loaning out of equipment such as tripods and video cameras for use in classes.

spaceThe Media Center recruits for new Information SAs at the start of each semester (April and October). There is an intake of approximately ten new assistants per each recruitment period. If you are interested in becoming an Information SA please visit the Media Center, on the first floor of building D, for more information.

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Campus Life Report
A look into the role of the Information System Assistant
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