Social Outreach Seminars - Focusing on a Sustainable World
Since 2010, APU holds lectures called "Social Outreach Seminars" In order to assist students in their studies and research by inviting lecturers with insight in various fields from outside the university. In AY2023, 1 of the 11 sessions were held as a hybrid of face-to-face and online attendance, while 1 session was held entirely online. A total of 1061 students participated throughout the 11 sessions.

Sumitomo Corporation Digital Strategy & Promotion Dept TAKAGI Hiroshi
“Intrapreneurship Introduction”

Terra Renaissance Founder and executive board members ONIMARU Masaya
“Learning on the Ground: How to Change Individuals, Teams, and the World”

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Head of Government Relations, Tokyo Office MORISHIMA Yoko
“Towards Reconstruction of Ukraine and stability of Central Asia - The Role of EBRD”

Certified NPO Mura no Mirai Inhouse consultant WADA Nobuaki
“Are you asking effective questions? Introduction to Metafacilitation® interview technique for community development and beyond”

Way & I, Inc. CEO AWANO Tomoko
“Sustainable Community Development Program”

Trial Division, International Criminal Court Assistant Legal Officer David Yuga Saitoh
“International Criminal Law”

Kumamoto Regional Taxation Bureau SAICHI Yoshitaka
“The first step in international taxation”

Script writer YATSU Hiroyuki
“Communicating courage and messages to public through drama scripts”

AGC(Ace Global Communication) Company president KURODA Shunrei
“Promoting Multicultural Coexistence and Community Revitalization through SNS-Discovering the Treasures of Our Community-”

Pathways Japan Board director ISHII Hiroaki
“Complementary pathways for admission of Refugees and Its Practice in Japan”

Resilience Innovation Knowledge Academy (RIKA)
and RIKA Institute (a non-profit wing of RIKA)/Co-founder Rajib Shaw