“For APU Faculty and Graduate Student only”【AY2023】CIL Teaching Case Development and Publication grant: Call for applicants|Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University


“For APU Faculty and Graduate Student only”【AY2023】CIL Teaching Case Development and Publication grant: Call for applicants

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The applications for the CIL Teaching Case Development and Publication Grant for AY2023 are now open.
Case teaching is a tool to develop leadership skills and values. In case teaching, students are expected to play the role of the protagonist in the case to analyze problems and develop solutions. There is a lack of diversity in case studies; very few cases have a protagonist from minority groups. Most protagonists in teaching cases are men. Only 13% of cases had a female protagonist and only 11% of the best-selling teaching cases had a female protagonist.
Aiming to contribute to solving the above issues, CIL provides grant for the development of teaching cases related to diversity and inclusive leadership or teaching cases with a protagonist from underrepresented groups, including women, minorities, and people with disabilities, and for the publication in Scopus indexed journals and high-quality case publishers.

For more details, please refer to the pdf file below.
Interested applicants are required to fill out the application form and submit it by the stipulated deadline.

Guideline (PDF)
Application Form (docx)