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Human Capability and Innovation: Building a Globalized Sustainable World

Human Capability and Innovation: Building a Globalized Sustainable World

Volume 1,Number 1,Spring 2010 pp. 23-28(6)
Research Article
Author: Salva, Teresita L.
This article is a brief and personal look at the topic of human capability and innovation in the light of how organizations continue to search for the capabilities that best suit their needs and allow innovations to add value to the products, ideas, or services they sell or provide. In the end, however, it is concern for the development of people that should be the primary reason for any innovation, because, after all, people should always be at the center of any development effort. From an educational and personal perspective I therefore hope that for each of us the opportunity to see people develop their capability will be considered in every innovation that will take us, our businesses, and our organizations into the next decade and beyond.
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