Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in the Asia Pacific: Challenges to Development in the 21st Century
Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in the Asia Pacific: Challenges to Development in the 21st Century
Volume 5 Number 1, Spring 2014 pp. 4-10(7)
Research Article
Ramos, Fidel Valdez
The distribution of economic power in the world is changing, in particular with the rise of economies in Asia. It appears that the current period of globalization may result in the formation of a whole new world. This presentation looks at the changing global picture from several vantage points, including the impacts of the rise of China as it breaks out from under the strategic dominance of the Western Allies, and how this will affect its relationship with the United States. Over the last 65 years Pax Americana has brought peace and stability to the Asia Pacific. With the emergence of Asia in the global picture, this presentation contends that the challenge now confronting the Asia Pacific is to replace this Pax Americana with a Pax Asia Pacifica, founded on a balance of mutual benefit, as opposed to a balance of power. To accomplish this, a strategic concept of Unity, Solidarity and Teamwork is proposed.
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