Human Resource Development Goals
The College of Asia Pacific Studies aims to cultivate human resources who, upon comprehensive understanding of the diverse political conditions, economies, societies, and cultures of the Asia Pacific region, will (1) achieve basic and advanced knowledge in such areas as global society, environment and development, and tourism, (2) develop language, communication and problem-solving abilities, and (3) through understanding of the diverse problems facing the Asia Pacific, will be able to contribute to sustainable development and coexistence in the region.
Master’s Program in Asia Pacific Studies
The Master’s Program in Asia Pacific Studies aims to cultivate human resources who will contribute to the sustainable development of and coexistence in the Asia Pacific region. These individuals will possess a keen interest in research pertaining to and specialized knowledge and skills in fields including international relations and social and cultural studies, and they will demonstrate the practical problem-solving skills required for the development of the Asia Pacific region.
Master’s Program in International Cooperation Policy
The Master’s Program in International Cooperation Policy aims to cultivate human resources who will contribute to the sustainable development of and coexistence in the Asia Pacific region. These individuals will possess a keen interest in research pertaining to and specialized knowledge and skills in fields including administration, environmental studies, development, health science and tourism, and they will demonstrate the practical problem-solving skills required for the development of the Asia Pacific region.
Doctoral Program in Asia Pacific Studies
The Doctoral Program in Asia Pacific Studies aims to cultivate advanced researchers and professionals who will contribute to the sustainable development of and coexistence in the Asia Pacific region and achieve an advanced capacity for pioneering new academic disciplines required for the development of the Asia Pacific region.
Three Policies
Diploma Policy
1. Master’s Program in Asia Pacific Studies
To accomplish the educational objectives stipulated in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations, the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Master’s Program in Asia Pacific Studies has defined graduation requirements as well as the following three learning outcomes to be achieved by the time of graduation.
Graduation Requirements
- Students are required to enroll for the designated period and to complete at least 32 credits in accordance with the following course registration requirements.
- Complete 4 credits of Analytical Foundations Subjects, at least 4 credits of Core Subjects on the Asia Pacific Region, at least 4 credits of Seminars and at least 10 credits of Major Subjects in the affiliated Division. However, Optional Subjects are not included in the number of credits required for completion.
- Successfully pass the screening for the research output, in the form of either a Master’s Thesis or a special project (Research Report).
- Detailed course registration requirements shall be stipulated in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations
Learning Outcomes
- 1. Broad knowledge and understanding of the various issues facing the Asia Pacific region
- 1-a.Understand important social science issues involving the Asia Pacific Region.
- 1-b.Understand differences between issues of the Asia Pacific Region and other regions.
- 2.Advanced knowledge of discipline
- 2-a.Understand the theories important for the discipline being studied
- 2-b.Understand the current important areas for research in the discipline.
- 2-c.Apply theories using standard methodologies and current analytical tools.
- 3.Global Perspectives
- 3-a.Understand interdisciplinary theories involving the Asia Pacific region and how the region interacts with other regions.
- 3-b.Understand critical perspectives of the Asia Pacific region from a global view.
2. Master’s Program in International Cooperation Policy
To accomplish the educational objectives stipulated in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations, the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Master’s Program in International Cooperation Policy has defined graduation requirements as well as the following three learning outcomes to be achieved by the time of graduation.
Graduation Requirements
- Students are required to enroll for the designated period and to complete at least 32 credits in accordance with the following course registration requirements.
- Complete 4 credits of Analytical Foundations Subjects, at least 4 credits of Core Subjects on the Asia Pacific Region, at least 4 credits of Seminars, and at least 10 credits of Major Subjects in the affiliated Division. However, Optional Subjects are not included in the number of credits required for completion.
- Produce a research output, in the form of either a Master’s Thesis or a special project (Research Report), and successfully pass the screening.
- Detailed course registration requirements shall be stipulated in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations
Learning Outcomes
- 1. Broad knowledge and understanding of the various issues facing the Asia Pacific region
- 1-a.Understand important social science issues involving the Asia Pacific Region.
- 1-b.Understand differences between issues of the Asia Pacific Region and other regions.
- 2.Advanced knowledge of discipline
- 2-a.Understand the theories important for the discipline being studied
- 2-b.Understand the current important areas for research in the discipline.
- 2-c.Apply theories using standard methodologies and current analytical tools.
- 3.Global perspectives
- 3-a.Understand interdisciplinary theories involving the Asia Pacific region and how the region interacts with other regions.
- 3-b.Understand critical perspectives of the Asia Pacific region from a global view.
3. Doctoral Program in Asia Pacific Studies
To accomplish the educational objectives stipulated in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations, the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies, Doctoral Program in Asia Pacific Studies has defined graduation requirements as well as the following four learning outcomes to be achieved by the time of graduation.
Graduation Requirements
- Students are required to enroll for the designated period and to complete 30 credits in accordance with the following course registration requirements.
- Become a Doctoral Degree Candidate by completing 24 credits of required subjects for Doctoral Candidacy and by successfully passing the screening for Doctoral Candidacy.
- Submit the Doctoral Dissertation and successfully pass the screening
- Detailed course registration requirements shall be stipulated in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations.
Learning Outcomes
- 1.Broad knowledge and understanding of the various issues facing the Asia Pacific region
- 2.Advanced knowledge of discipline
- 3.Ability to perform fundamental research
- 4.Global perspectives
Curriculum Policy
1. Curriculum Design Policy and Curriculum Implementation Policy for Master’s Program in Asia Pacific Studies
Curriculum Design Policy
- (Subject Placement)
- The curriculum is divided into Analytical Foundation Subjects, Core Subjects on the Asia Pacific Region, Seminar Subjects, Major Subjects, Core Related Subjects, and Optional Subjects, and is designed for two years.
- Analytical Foundation Subjects are designed for mastering the skills needed by APU Graduate Students.
- Core Subjects on the Asia Pacific Region are designed for acquiring the knowledge needed by APU Graduate Students.
- Seminar Subjects are designed for developing the knowledge and skills in their research field of interest.
- Major Subjects are divided into International Relations Division Subjects, and Society and Culture Division Subjects. These are designed for acquiring the knowledge needed to deepen research in their field.
- Core Related Subjects are designed for acquiring valuable knowledge and experiences through courses, not specific to a particular field of research.
- Optional Subjects are designed for learning the Japanese language.
- (Curriculum Map)
- *Curriculum Map (or Curriculum Alignment Matrices) is available on the APU Website.
Curriculum Map
Curriculum Implementation Policy
- (Subject Offerings)
- Subjects listed in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations, with the exception of the Optional Subjects, are offered in English.
- All subjects are offered in the semester, day and period which allow students to take full advantage of structured learning.
- (Subject Operation)
- All subjects are operated in compliance with the Standards for Establishment of Universities and the University Regulations. In addition, based on the methods applied in the subject, factors such as the educational outcomes and necessary studies outside of the class hours are also taken into account.
- Each subject is operated in accordance with the Curriculum Map and each syllabus is designed to guide students in achieving the Learning Goals and Learning Objectives set for the subject.
- All subjects are aimed at achieving Multi-cultural Cooperative Learning by taking full advantage of APU’s multicultural environment and education, and encouraging interactive collaboration between International and Domestic students.
- Instructors are required to comply with guidelines related to the subject operation including administration of Class Evaluation Surveys, response to Grade Inquiries, and holding Make-up Class
2. Curriculum Design Policy and Curriculum Implementation Policy for Master’s Program in International Cooperation Policy
Curriculum Design Policy
- (Subject Placement)
- The curriculum is divided into Analytical Foundation Subjects, Core Subjects on the Asia Pacific Region, Seminar Subjects, Major Subjects, Core Related Subjects, and Optional Subjects, and is designed for two years.
- Analytical Foundation Subjects are designed for mastering the skills needed by APU Graduate Students.
- Core Subjects on the Asia Pacific Region are designed for acquiring the knowledge needed by APU Graduate Students.
- Seminar Subjects are designed for developing the knowledge and skills in their research field of interest.
- Major Subjects are divided into International Public Administration Division Subjects, Sustainability Science Division Subjects, Tourism and Hospitality Division Subjects, and Development Economics Division Subjects. These are designed for acquiring the knowledge needed to deepen research in their field.
- Core Related Subjects are designed for acquiring valuable knowledge and experiences through courses, not specific to a particular field of research.
- Optional Subjects are designed for learning the Japanese language.
- (Curriculum Map)
- Curriculum Map (or Curriculum Alignment Matrices) is available on the APU
Curriculum Map
Curriculum Implementation Policy
- (Subject Offerings)
- Subjects listed in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations, with the exception of the Optional Subjects, are offered in English.
- All subjects are offered in the semester, day and period which allow students to take full advantage of structured learning.
- (Subject Operation)
- All subjects are operated in compliance with the Standards for Establishment of Universities and the University Regulations. In addition, based on the methods applied in the subject, factors such as the educational outcomes and necessary studies outside of the class hours are also taken into account.
- Each subject is operated in accordance with the Curriculum Map and each syllabus is designed to guide students in achieving the Learning Goals and Learning Objectives set for the subject.
- All subjects are aimed at achieving Multi-cultural Cooperative Learning by taking full advantage of APU’s multicultural environment and education, and encouraging interactive collaboration between International and Domestic students.
- Instructors are required to comply with guidelines related to the subject operation including administration of Class Evaluation Surveys, response to Grade Inquiries, and holding Make-up Classes.
3. Curriculum Design Policy and Curriculum Implementation Policy for Doctoral Program in Asia Pacific Studies
Curriculum Design Policy
- (Subject Placement)
- The curriculum is divided into Lecture Subjects, Seminar Subjects, Research and Presentation Subjects, Tutorials, and Optional Subjects, and is designed for three years.
- Lecture Subjects are designed for mastering the skills needed by APU Graduate Students at the Doctoral level.
- Seminar Subjects are designed for further deepening the research in their research field.
- Research and Presentation Subjects are designed for producing a Doctoral Dissertation in their research field.
- Tutorials are designed for acquiring and developing, through practice, skills for academic instruction at tertiary level.
- Optional Subjects are designed for learning the Japanese language.
Curriculum Implementation Policy
- (Subject Offerings)
- Subjects listed in the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Graduate School Regulations, with the exception of the Optional Subjects, are offered in English.
- All subjects are offered in the semester, day and period which allow students to take full advantage of structured learning.
- (Subject Operation)
- All subjects are operated in compliance with the Standards for Establishment of Universities and the University Regulations. In addition, based on the methods applied in the subject, factors such as the educational outcomes and necessary studies outside of the class hours are also taken into account.
- All subjects are aimed at achieving Multi-cultural Cooperative Learning by taking full advantage of APU’s multicultural environment and education, and encouraging interactive collaboration between International and Domestic students.
- Instructors are required to comply with guidelines related to the subject operation including administration of Class Evaluation Surveys, response to Grade Inquiries, and holding Make-up Classes.
Admission Policy
Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies Master’s Program in Asia Pacific Studies
- (1)High level interest in research pertaining to specialist fields including international relations, social studies, and cultural studies required for the development of the Asia Pacific region and the world at large
- (2)Strong intention to contribute to sustainable development and coexistence across the world
Master’s Program in International Cooperation Policy
- (1)High level interest in research pertaining to specialist fields including administration, environmental studies, development, health science and tourism required for the development of the Asia Pacific region and the world at large
- (2)Strong intention to contribute to sustainable development and coexistence across the world
Doctoral Program in Asia Pacific Studies
- (1)High level interest in pioneering new academic disciplines required for the development of the Asia Pacific region and the world at large
- (2)Aptitude and skills for mastering new academic theories and applications as an independent researcher
- (3)Strong intention to contribute to sustainable development and coexistence across the world