Research Meeting on Diversity and Inclusion in Japan|Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University


Research Meeting on Diversity and Inclusion in Japan

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On January 9, 2021 the CIL held a research meeting for researchers in the fields of diversity, inclusion, and inclusive leadership titled “Diversity and Inclusion in Japan.” Participants included researchers from Tsuda University, Ritsumeikan University, universities we have been working with since the CIL was established, as well as researchers from as far away as Uva Wellassa University in Sri Lanka.

Each participant gave a presentation on their research in the morning, followed by a Q&A and discussion session in the afternoon. As it was a closed meeting, the researchers were able to give presentations that contained deeper and more detailed information than usual. The afternoon session also included many insightful questions and comments from researchers based on their perspective in the field of inclusive leadership. Thanks to the unique opportunity presented by gathering leaders in this field, we were able to facilitate a deep and fulfilling expert-level discussion