Guidance Session on Reference Management Tool Mendeley


Mendeley is a reference management tool offered by Elsevier, allowing you to manage academic articles and share information online.
An expert lecturer will explain the best way of using Mendeley, so please join us if you have trouble managing documents!
It would be useful to create your own Mendeley account and bring your laptop with downloading Desktop version in advance.


  • Date&Time:9th July (Tue) 4th period (14:15~15:50)
  • Place:BuildingD 1st floor, APU Library Presentation Room
  • Language:English
  • Application:Please sign up through the survey
    【Seats are available for the first 30 registrants】
  • Inquiry:APULibrary Reference Counter (

※For details regarding creating the account and downloading Desktop verion,please access the following URL.

APU Library