CIL Conference 2024 Held at OIC|Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University


CIL Conference 2024 Held at OIC

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On June 1 and 2, 2024, CIL held its first international conference, the CIL Conference 2024, at Ritsumeikan University’s Osaka Ibaraki Campus (OIC).

Under the main theme of " Inclusion x Sustainability," the conference aimed to promote discussion and networking among experts, academics, practitioners, and policymakers from around the world to share their research and experiences related to inclusion and sustainability. Approximately 70 participants from 14 countries attended the conference, with a plenary session, keynote sessions, oral presentations, and panel sessions being held on a wide range of topics.

For the plenary session, we invited President Hiroshi Yoneyama (APU), and Prof. Miki Horie (College of Global Liberal Arts, Ritsumeikan University) as speakers. Under the theme of “Cultivating Inclusive Thought in the Japanese Education System”, speeches and a panel session were moderated by Prof. Yoshiki Shinohara (Director of CIL).

For the keynote sessions, we invited Dr. Heekyung Jo Min (EVP, Head of CJ Social Responsibility), Prof. Tomoki Sekiguchi (Vice Dean, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto University), and Prof. Sandy Lim (Director, NUS Care Unit (NCU), Office of the Senior Deputy President; Provost & Associate Professor, NUS Business School at the National University of Singapore) as speakers. They provided keynote speeches on inclusion and sustainability, sharing their knowledge as practitioners and academics in their fields of expertise.

The following was some of the feedback received by participants:
“I was inspired by many researchers and had a chance to expand my view on the concept of inclusion”, “I was satisfied with the enthusiasm of the presenters, the collaborative atmosphere among the participants, and was able to have a good exchange of ideas.”

We are delighted to have been able to serve as a platform for active discussion, knowledge sharing, and networking.
CIL will continue to actively hold events to promote the research and development of inclusive leadership. We look forward to your participation in future events.