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  • Executive Training Session Implemented by APU’s Institute for Professional Global Excellence (IPG)


Executive Training Session Implemented by APU’s Institute for Professional Global Excellence (IPG)

On Wednesday, May 9, 2018, the Institute for Professional Global Excellence (IPG) implemented an Executive Training session mainly for APU faculty and staff who have been newly appointed into management roles as part of its annual activity plan. IPG was founded by in 2016 APU to establish a multicultural FD/SD center to form the base of APU’s FD/SD activities, one of the core goals of the proposal for inclusion in the “Top Global University Project” (SGU) in 2014. IPG is an organization which comprehensively promotes FD/SD activities at APU. Starting with this Executive Training session, this year they plan to implement various initiatives including an AOL and Course Design Seminar.
Around 20 faculty and staff participated in the Executive Training session. Participants held a vision sharing session to exchange opinions about APU2030 and the action plan for the SGU project. In addition, each office offered a report of their initiatives and issues, there was an explanation of the current student situation, and participants actively shared their ideas on APU’s goals and current course.

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