Double Degree Program (Undergraduate) Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS) | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Double Degree Program (Undergraduate) Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS)

Double Degree Program (Undergraduate) Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS)

  • Pursue Your Field of Specialization

Program Characteristics

The aim of the Double Degree Program is to enable students from APU and Salzburg University of Applied Science (SUAS) to take courses for two years at each university (four years in total) to receive the degrees from both universities. Students from APU will enroll in the “Innovation and Management in Tourism” program at SUAS. This program is aimed at those students interested in Tourism Management. They will be able to gain a deeper and practical understanding of the subject field in Salzburg, one of the most popular tourist sites in Europe. Students will face new challenges while studying at SUAS, having to actively engage in classes held in English with local and international students. Also unique is that they will have to learn German, and take part in an internship for 6 weeks in total.

Receiving two degrees in 4 years is not easy. Therefore, students need to keep themselves motivated and actively engaged in studies and extra-curricular activities throughout these 4 years. At the end of this, the experience gained as a result of the hard efforts put in, will provide a great advantage in an increasingly internationalized society.

In order to provide some context, please find below a chart comparing the exchange program and the DUDP.

Study Abroad Exchange Program Double Degree Program
Duration of the study abroad Up to 1 year 2 years
Subjects students take Students choose a number of subjects they want to take Subjects are predetermined by SUAS
Number of years until graduation 4 years 4 years
Degrees obtained upon graduation Bachelor degree from APU Bachelor degrees from both APU and SUAS
Program Schedule:
Semester Spring Enrollees Enrolled University
Spring 1st Semester APU
Fall 2nd Semester APU
Spring 3rd Semester SUAS
Fall 4th Semester SUAS
Spring 5th Semester SUAS
Fall 6th Semester SUAS
Spring 7th Semester APU
Fall 8th Semester APU

Credit Acquisition During the Program

Double Degree Program students need to plan their studies well in advance and make sure that they obtain the designated number of credits for each university to complete the program in 4 years.
Below are charts describing the model of credit acquisition during the program. Students should complete a minimum of 120 ECTS at SUAS (excluding transferred credits from APU to SUAS) to earn a degree from SUAS.

Model of Credit Acquisition

*Transfer of up to 60 credits from the credits obtained from curricular subjects at SUAS is allowed. However, only credits for subjects related to those offered at APU can be transferred (e.g. credits from sports, arts, etc. are not transferrable).

Credits transferred from SUAS to APU

The number of SUAS credits written in the above “Model of Credit Acquisition” are transferred to APU’s credits as below.
Please also see the website for courses offered to DUDP students.

Subject Field APU Subject Name Semester at SUAS Number of Credits per Subject
Common Liberal Arts Subjects Common Liberal Arts Subject 4 4 4 3 15
Major Education Subjects Major Education Subject (Common) 3 6 3 5 17
Sustainable Society Subjects Major Education Subject (Sustainable Society) 2 5 - - 7
Tourism Subjects Major Education Subject (Tourism) 4 - 7 2 13
Required Academic Skills Subjects Critical Reading 1 2 - - - 2
Critical Reading 2 - - - 2 2
Other College Subjects APM Major Subject - - 2 2 4
Number of Credits per Semester 15 15 16 14
Total Number of Credits Transferred to APU 60

Academics and Requirements of the Program

Concrete study plan for the time abroad is absolutely necessary! The Double Degree Program coordinators in both APU and SUAS work with students to help them create the most appropriate study plan. The curriculum at SUAS is relatively strict and does not allow for a lot of choice. Therefore, creating a study plan that keeps that in mind for when students return to APU is all the more important, since students have to satisfy both APU and SUAS graduation requirements in 4 year.

SUAS Requirements for Program Completion

  1. (1) Attend the welcome week at SUAS in the 2nd or 3rd week of February.
  2. (2) Attend at least one activity related to Markets and Innovation Excursion arranged by SUAS.
  3. (3) Submit two theses under the guidance of a SUAS faculty adviser during the last semester at SUAS and the returning semester at APU.
  4. (4) Pass the final SUAS Oral Exam after completing the required 180 ECTS credits.
  5. (5) Complete a minimum of 228 hours of internship (usually 6 weeks) during the Program either in Japan or overseas. It is also accepted to do the internship in Japan during the break
    *SUAS graduation requirements are subject to change

Program Fees

(1) APU Tuition and Scholarships

Double Degree Program students pay tuition to APU during the 4 years in the program. Students do not have to pay tuition to SUAS.
JASSO scholarships may be available for domestic Japanese students.
Tuition reduction scholarships will remain in effect even while on study abroad for students who meet the scholarship continuation conditions before leaving APU.

(2) Fees

The following fees will be the responsibility of the participant during the program period.

Fee Amount
Accommodation* Approx. €600 / month
Insurance Approx. 280,000 JPY / 2 years
Insurance required from NBS TBA
Other Expenses
(travel expenses, meals, books, passport/visa application fees, entertainment and any other fees incurred for the participant’s private activities)
Approx. €400~€600 / month

*Dormitories are available but not guaranteed.

Dismissal from the Program

Participants who fail to meet the program requirements will be dismissed from the program.

Undergraduate Dual Degree Program Team
E-mail :

Double Degree Program (SUAS) [2025 Spring Departure]

We are recruiting students for the AY 2024(AY2025 Departure) Double Degree Program with Salzburg University of Applied Sciences

If you would like to participate, please read both the program information and application guidelines carefully before applying."
Program Length 4 years (2 years study abroad period) Program Timing Study abroad period:
Semester 3 - Semester 6 of enrollment
Location Salzburg, Austria Acquired Skills/Abilities
  • Self Management
  • Autonomy
  • Specialized Knowledge
Program fee None (excluding travel expenses, rent, insurance, living expenses etc.)
Number of Participants Approx. 3 Application Period June 10, 2024 July 1, 2024 (14:00)
Eligibility Be a 1st year student who enrolled in the College of Sustainability and Tourism in the AY2024 Spring Semester.
* There are other application requirements. Please check the Application Information for details.
Additional Information
Guidance Session
How to Apply Apply through the online survey. Details to be found in the Application Information (survey will be opened during the recruitment period)

The above is an overview of the program. Please be sure to check the details from the Application Information below before applying.

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