About APU and the Program | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

 About APU and the Program

About APU and the Program

About APU

Located in southwest Japan in the city of Beppu, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU)’s undergraduate programs are conducted both in English and Japanese, allowing exchange students to continue or complement their major study while in Japan.

APU’s global campus is its pride, hosting students originating from over 90 countries and regions across the globe, and giving them the opportunity to be in a space that encourages experimentation and discovery. What results is a completely unique and vibrant community of students who not only embrace APU’s multicultural atmosphere but thrive in it through a colorful array of activities, events, clubs, and societies. No matter what your interests are, APU has a place for you.

About the Independent Study Abroad Program

Below is a cursory explanation about the Independent Study Abroad Program.
Studying at APU, for 1 semester or 2 semesters, will allow you to learn with students and from faculty at APU who come from various cultural and ethnic backgrounds. We encourage incoming students to bring their own unique culture and ideas to share while learning and acquiring intercultural communication skills in and outside the classroom. It is a truly unique atmosphere that cannot be found anywhere else.
Outside the classroom and off-campus, we encourage students to get involved in student clubs and interact with the local Japanese community to better enhance their understanding of Japanese language and culture.

Course Level Undergraduate Only
Duration of Exchange 1 Semester or 2 Semesters
College Choice
  • College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS)
  • College of International Management (APM)
  • College of Sustainability and Tourism (ST)
Note: Students must choose any one of these colleges they would like to enroll in but will be able to take courses from any colleges. It is advised that students choose a college that is similar to their program at their home university.
Language–basis Choice English-basis or Japanese-basis
Note: Students must choose either one but will be able to take courses in both English and Japanese.
Depending on the language basis, some language courses are restricted.
Language of Instruction English and Japanese
Overview of the Academic Year APU operates on a semester system made up of two quarters. Courses are taught on either a semester or quarter basis, but the total number of classes is the same.
Spring Semester Fall Semester
April-May June-July Aug Oct-Nov Dec-Jan Feb
Semester long Session
(1 week)
Semester long Session
(1 week)
Number of Class Hours per Week per Course
Type of courses Term No of class per week Class hour per class
Language courses Semester 4 times 100 minutes
Major and Liberal Arts courses Semester Once
Quarter Twice
Required Number of Credits

Minimum: 14 credits in one semester (10 hours of classes per week)
Maximum: No limit (APU’s degree-seeking students usually register 18~20 credits per semester)

Important note:
As a student on a student visa, students must register a minimum of 14 credits throughout the entire semester AND their weekly class hours must be at least 10 hours.
Students are not allowed to register for courses during only one of two quarters.

Course Registration Registration is all on-line and is held after students attend the orientation (spaces per class are limited)
Course List General course list is available to download as reference. *Incoming students are not eligible for gray-outlined courses.

The finalized course list will be released in March for Spring Semester, and September for Fall Semester. We cannot confirm which courses are offered and held in English or Japanese any earlier.

Credit System 1 major or liberal arts course = 2 credits
1 language course = 4 credits
Grading System A+ 100 – 90%
A 89 – 80%
B 79 – 70%
C 69 – 60%
F Fail
Transcript Incoming students are able to purchase their official academic transcript after the following dates.
  • Spring Semester: September 20
  • Fall Semester: March 31
*We cannot issue transcripts earlier under any circumstances.
Registration and Tuition Fees
Items Amount
Registration Fees 32500JPY per Semester
Tuition A 380000JPY
Tuition B 22500JPY per a credit
*1,250JPY per Bank Transaction will be charged separately.
*The above amount is subject to change without prior notice.

At APU, tuition is composed of Tuition A (based tuition) and Tuition B (calculated by the number of credits registered).
Tuition A is paid for prior to arrival and Tuition B is paid for later in the semester when your course registration has been finalized. Note that incoming students are required to take a minimum of 14 credits throughout the semester.
Student staying for 2 semesters will also be required to pay Registration fee, Tuition A and Tuition B for the second semester.

Payment Deadline Spring Semester Enrollment:
Items Payment Deadline
Registration Fee, Tuition A, Housing Fee, Comprehensive Insurance for Students “Gakkensai” Within one month of acceptance (Mid-January)
Tuition B Mid-July
2nd Semester's Registration fee and Tuition A for 2 semesters students Mid-July
2nd Semester's Tuition B for 2 semesters students Mid-January

Fall Semester Enrollment:
Items Payment Deadline
Registration Fee, Tuition A, Housing Fee Comprehensive Insurance for Students “Gakkensai” Within one month of acceptance (Mid-July)
Tuition B Mid-January
2nd Semester's Registration fee and Tuition A for 2 semesters students Mid-January
2nd Semester's Tuition B for 2 semesters students Mid-July
Withdrawal and Cancelation Policy

If applicants wish to withdrawal their application to the study abroad program, applicants must contact us by email and notify us of their cancellation by the below deadlines.

Deadline for Withdrawal (Japan Time):
Spring Semester Enrollees March 31
Fall Semester Enrollees September 20

Refundable and Non-refundable Items:
Items Refundable / Non-refundable
Screening Fee*2 Non-refundable
Registration Fee*2 Non-refundable
Tuition Fee*1 Refundable
Moving-in Fee*2 Non-refundable
Accommodation Fee*1 Refundable
Student’s Comprehensive Renters Insurance*3 Non-refundable
Administration Fee*2 Non-refundable

*1 A full refund is possible if the applicant applies to withdraw before the deadline for admission withdrawal. The service fee associated with the refund will be borne by the applicant.
*2 Non-refundable, regardless of deadline for admission withdrawal.
*3 Refund is possible if the applicant applies for the withdrawal before purchase by APU.

Other Information

Exchange students are not allowed to drive or buy motor vehicles including motorbikes during their study abroad program at APU.

Part-time jobs are sometimes available within the university and in the city. For students who wish to work off-campus, they have to look for part-time jobs by themselves and Japanese proficiency is oftentimes required.

Employment Regulations:
Students on student visas are required to apply for a "work permit" from the Immigration Bureau before taking a job. Please ask your inbound exchange coordinators at APU if you need further information about work permit.

APU Service Learning Program
Student Exchange Advisors
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