Individual Consultations
Students have the option of speaking with an Exchange Team staff member or a Student Exchange Advisor (SEA) depending on their inquiry. Please review the information below and book a consultation session.
How to choose session type?
SEA Advising Booth
SEAs (Student Exchange Advisors) are students with exchange experience. They will answer all kinds of questions related to student exchange. Feel free to book a consultation with them!
【Example Questions】
- ・What is an overseas exchange program?
- ・What are the necessary preparations to go on exchange?
- ・How should I choose a host university?
- ・What should I prepare before going on exchange?
- ・I’m worried I cannot write a good application essay. What should I do?
- ・If I’m accepted to the program, how should I prepare before my departure?
【Advising Booth format】
Please log into your APU zoom at your reservation time.
Zoom ID: 937 4096 3962
The SEA Advising Booth is inside the APU Library located on the 1st floor of Bldg.D. Please visit the Library for your scheduled advising session.
【SEA member for 2024FA】
※Notes when making a reservation
- ・You may reserve up to 2 appointments per week, but not on the same day.
- ・If you fail to respond up to 5 minutes after your scheduled time, we will treat your booking as a no-show and cancel your booking.
- ・Same day walk-in advising sessions are possible, but priority will be given to students who have booked a session.
- ・Multiple students may join the same advising session.
Individual Consultation Sessions
Staff from the Exchange Team will advise you on matters related to studying abroad, including courses, credits, leave of absence, etc.
【Consultation Format】
- ・Please log into your APU Zoom account at your reservation time. You will be directly contacted by a member of staff from the Exchange Team on Zoom. There is no Zoom ID.
- ・If you fail to respond up to 5 minutes after your scheduled time, we will treat your booking as a no-show and cancel your booking.
- ・Please visit the Outreach and Research Office at your scheduled consultation time. Please tell the staff at the counter that you have booked a student exchange consultation.
※Notes when making a reservation
If you need to cancel or change the reservation prior to your scheduled consultation time, please email the Exchange Team outbound@apu.ac.jp.