Job Hunting | Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University

Job Hunting

When job-hunting in Japan, applicants create entry sheets which contain personal summaries, their reasons for applying to the job, the things they accomplished during university, etc. You can use your experiences before and during your exchange to make yourself a more appealing candidate, so make sure to write down all of your experiences (for example, in a diary).

It can also be effective to write down a list of things you want to do while on exchange. Companies are not interested in applicants just because they went on exchange. Rather, companies try to determine what your personal principles are by asking questions like “Why did you do that?” or “What was your goal?” After clarifying your reasons for going on exchange, try to re-evaluate your goals.

Improve language skills Many companies expect students with exchange experience to have very strong language skills. Try to regularly take language tests and get certifications that can prove your language skills.
Create an overseas network, do an internship When job-hunting, candidates who have been on exchange can sell their language skills, but it helps to do a little extra to deepen your knowledge in your area of expertise.
Interview APU alumni living abroad Get a clearer image of what it means to work in various professions by talking to people who are actually in those professions.

If you’re feeling anxious about job-hunting, visit the Student Office before you go on exchange.

Frequently Asked Questions

1) I’ll come back from exchange after the job-hunting season has already started. What should I do?

Answer 1:
There are some companies that do everything from the document screening to the final interview online. Try researching more about those companies here.
Answer 2:
If you do an internship at a start-up, sometimes you can get an informal job offer as early as one or one and a half years before you graduate.

2) What can I do to prepare for job-hunting while I’m on exchange?

Answer 1:
Try visiting one of the job fairs held overseas, such as the Boston Career Forum.
Answer 2:
Go to the Student Office for an individual career consultation. Student Office staff can help prepare your application documents and conduct mock interviews. The Student Office offers individual consultations in both Japanese and English.

[Job-Hunting Resources]

APU Service Learning Program
Student Exchange Advisors
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