Yearly Plan (2021)
Goals for 2021
Develop case studies and publish peer-reviewed articles on inclusive leadership research, summarize the results of theoretical and practical research and present them at existing researcher meetings, AACSB, QS, etc., and build our brand as a research center for inclusive leadership through publicizing these activities.
Implementation Plan for 2021
【Branding Strategy】
- Advance our overseas branding strategy through participation and presentations at the AACSB, QS-Maple and QS-APPLE general meetings, among others.
- Advance our overseas branding strategy through participating in and sponsoring business case competitions, both in Japan and abroad.
- Communicate the new APU Campaign to high school students and others through open campuses, etc.
- Issue an Inclusive Leadership Annual Report summarizing the influence and activities related to inclusive leadership at APU.
- Develop training programs for start-up enterprises and social innovation and venture enterprise-type projects that promote inclusive leadership.
【Research Activities】
- ① Theoretical Research
- Offer a session on inclusive leadership at the Asia Pacific Conference.
- Develop research on inclusive leadership through the publication of peer-reviewed articles.
- ② Business Practice Research
- Develop and publish inclusive leadership case studies in the social science fields.
- ③ Research into Teaching Methods
- Host and participate in business case competitions in Japan and abroad, offering opportunities for students to demonstrate their capability as inclusive leaders and to stimulate their growth.
- Encourage an understanding of inclusive leadership among students and campus guests through arranging for Inclusive Week and holding events related to inclusive leadership.
- Take part in the Global Leadership Summit held by Beta Gamma Sigma, the international honor society for business schools.
Progress Report
Annual Report 2021 (PDF)