Donation Report


(APU Student/The Netherlands)

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▼ About the project

〇 I want to become a diplomat in my home country and work on solving global problems

After graduating from APU, I would like to continue my education and pursue a master’s degree to develop myself further. My goal is to eventually work for the ministry of foreign affairs in my home country: The Netherlands. I dream of contributing to a well-functioning international order and promoting international agreements to tackle global issues.

To achieve this goal, I will take international relations classes to sharpen my critical thinking skills and learn more about the history and policies of different countries. APU's global environment is also greatly helpful in broadening my perspective. APU has students representing more than over 100 countries, enriching my outlook on life and improving my ability to communicate with others.

Living in Japan has also been a fantastic experience. Contrasting to the lively and multicultural environment on campus is the serenity of being downtown. The residents downtown are friendly and enthusiastic about communicating with foreigners; this has made me feel more welcome and reassured. While Beppu is a smaller city in Japan, there are many activities to do and restaurants to visit. After having lived here for six months, there are still many things I want to experience in Beppu and the surrounding area.

Living in Japan has also made me more appreciative of my surroundings and has reminded me to stay humble and respectful. The culture of Japan is very different from the Netherlands. Due to a massive lack of living spaces in the Netherlands, we are less focused on appreciating nature and more on urbanizing as quickly as possible. Seeing Japan’s relationship with nature was inspiring and made me want to go outside more. In Beppu, I love nothing more than being downtown and taking a walk next to the seaside or going to the park.

Since moving to Japan, I have also regained my love for traveling. While studying here, I want to see as much of Japan as possible. Japan is a rare country where the four seasons are fantastically represented in nature. Places look different depending on the time of your visit, which makes me want to explore sites multiple times.

Lastly, I would like to thank the donors for their generous donation. Due to their contribution, I can focus more on my studies and feel increased motivation to pursue my dreams. APU inspires me to live to the fullest and work hard for my goals. I hope to reflect on my college life in 4 years and be satisfied with everything I have achieved and experienced.

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