Donation Report

Jha Ashmi

India, College of International Management

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▼ About the project
Jha Ashmi

Challenging the World at the Cornell EMI Corning Business Case Competition
We, Onsen TamaGO, were selected as one of the 8 finalists out of over 700 participants in the 2024 Cornell Emerging Markets Institute Corning Case Competition hosted by Cornell University, and participated in the New York finals as the first Japanese representatives in the competition's history. During the preparation period, we faced the challenges of obtaining visas and working across the time zones of Canada, Japan, and the Republic of South Africa, but with the support and guidance of our professors, we prepared for the competition and developed a creative proposal. As a result, we were awarded second place in the competition.
Through this valuable experience, I learned the importance of collaboration with peers and time management, and acquired practical business skills in emerging markets. We deeply appreciate the support of our donors and will continue to take on further challenges in the future.

Members of the winning APU team, OnsenTamaGO
・ADE Putri Aulia Wijharnasir (GSM, Indonesia)
・ASSER Ossama A. A. (GSM, Egypt)
・KATARINA Jocelyn Chandra (APM 3rd year, Indonesia)
・NICOLE Indrani J. (APM 3rd year, Indonesia)
・JHA Ashmi (APM 3rd year, India)

【Supported project】Students’ Action Support

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