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Almost everyone who has studied at APU has a Multicultural Week story or experience that they share with their friends and classmates. Every semester, students plan, arrange, and produce a series of week-long events to celebrate the different cultures that are found on campus.

Indonesian Week has been a staple on campus, always drawing a standing-room-only crowd to APU’s Millennium Hall for their grand show on Friday. Continue reading for a message from the organizers of Indonesian Week 2019.


Based on an Indonesian famous proverb “tak kenal maka tak sayang”, which translates to “if we don’t know each other, then we can’t love each other”, we, Indonesian students in Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), want to introduce the richness of Indonesian cultures to the international community. Through Indonesian Week, the international community can experience firsthand the beauty and warmth of Indonesian cultures.

As we have been given an outstanding opportunity by APU through Multicultural week program, we would like to create an event that will bring the atmosphere of Indonesia to Beppu and APU. The international community in APU campus as well as the local citizen of Beppu City can feel the authentic experience of Indonesian cultures through a whole week full of different activities, exhibitions and performances. Held annually since 2002, Indonesian Week has become one of the main media and sources for the international community to get to know Indonesia.

With different theme every year, we are trying to continuously innovate and provide better experience to both the participants as well as the audience of Indonesian Week. This year, we will also create unforgettable moments in Indonesian Week 2019. Indonesian Week 2019, will be opened with cheerful parade in front of the iconic APU tower and fountain. This parade will be a festive opening, with different performances from different parts of Indonesia, and the parade will end with mass dance, performed by 60 students from all around the world. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday will be filled with various events that will not only fun and full of entertainment, but also educative. In the recent years, Indonesian Week has brought issues of globalization, socio-entrepreneurship and Indonesian culture in Japan.

Indonesian Week 2019 will be closed with a Grand Show. The Grand Show will combine traditional dances and music performance with a touch of modern story and technical support. Indonesian Week is well-known for bringing the stories on stage into life with the outstanding decorations and visual effects. We have received warm welcome from international students in APU, professor and staffs, local Beppu citizens, and even the officials of sponsors that have been giving us continuous support.

In the end, we are hoping that we will be able to create and give unforgettable Indonesian culture experience for the international community, which will remain in their heart.

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Tokyo Century Corporation

Tokyo Century Corporation

Multicultural Weeks

Message from Student

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