Polyglossia (Publication Discontinued)

Print :ISSN 1345‐0891

Polyglossia (Publication Discontinued)

Polyglossia was a journal that published papers in English and Japanese relating to language and language teaching since April 1999, before the opening of APU. The journal was discontinued with Volume 27 in March 2015.
In July 2016, RCAPS launched a new journal, the APU Journal of Language Research, aiming at further development of language education at APU.
Please submit inquiries to Polyglossia at rcaps*apu.ac.jp
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RCAPS Publications:
RCAPS publishes two journals: the Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies (known as "the RCAPS Journal") and APU Journal of Language Research(APLJ). The two journals have independent editorial policies and teams but the submissions are commonly assessed by the general “Editors” of each journal, and they are not formally peer reviewed.

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