APU Journal of Language Research

O n l i n e : ISSN 2432‐1389
P r i n t : ISSN 2432‐1370

Contribution Guidelines

APU Journal of Language Research publishes papers in English and Japanese relating to language and language teaching.

Notes for Contributors (PDF)
APU Journal of Language Research Guidelines (PDF)

Papers should preferably be submitted electronically to RCAPS at aplj*apu.ac.jp, as email attachments. For more information regarding submissions, please see the “Notes for Contributors (PDF)” section in the back of a recent issue of the APLJ or "Contribution Guidelines for APU Journal of Language Research Guidelines (PDF)" above. Note: we have substituted * for @ in the above address to protect against spam mail

The First APLJ Symposium: Enriching Language Education through Collaboration

The first ever APLJ Symposium will be held on Wednesday, May 8th 2019 at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University's (APU) Center for Language Education (CLE). This will be a one-day event, which will include a bi-lingual panel session, a keynote presentation and a poster session. The presentations will be given by current and past APU faculty, but attendance at the event is open to all so please feel free to invite anyone you know who is interested in language education.

The presentations will be given by current and past APU faculty, but attendance at the event is open to all.
The symposium has three main objectives, which are to:
• share the wide-ranging research interests of language faculty past and present in the CLE at APU;
• plant the seeds for new research articles;
• promote collaboration between the different languages that make up APU's CLE.

The schedule is as follows:

Date and time: 10:00-16:00 Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Venue: Address, Panel Discussion and Keynote Presentation at H202
Poster Presentations at the Atrium in F Building
10:00 AM Opening Address
10:10 AM Panel Session
James Blackwell: "A Text-based Approach to Designing Language Assessments"
Anthony Diaz: "Towards Improving Japanese EFL Learners' Pronunciation: The Impact of Teaching Suprasegmentals on Intelligibility"
Tomoko Eto: "Japanese EFL Learners in Bilingual Group Discussions: A Needs Analysis"
Huifang Zhang: "On the Corresponding Relationship between Modality Forms of Chinese and Japanese: A Case Study of the Japanese Translation of Chinese "SHI BU SHI""
Discussants: Paul Sevigny and Akiko Honda
1:15 PM Keynote Presentation by John Collins: "Conducting Research and Writing and Publishing Articles"
2:00 PM Poster Session
Group A
“Improving English Composition Pedagogy at APU” Jon Hendricks
“Quick Vocabulary Acquisition” Sara Hendricks
“Creating a video resource highlighting the variety of Englishes spoken by the academic community at APU” Andrew McMahon
“Correcting Students’ Writing” Abidemi Bankole
日本語学習者の言語運用能力の向上に向けて 栃原 玲子・ジョーダン光知子
初級日本語学習者に向けた『町歩き活動』の実践と展望 増田 寛次
Proposing a Method for Teaching BA construction in Beginning and Intermediate Chinese
—Focused on reclassification and the order of introduction for BA construction—
Luo Hua
Group B
“Understanding the acceptance of e-learning at a Japanese university using the TAM model” Benjamin Rentler
Derrick Apple
“Vocabulary Acquisition and Reading Comprehension Comparing Monologues and Dialogues in Reading Texts” Kevin Crowley
“Finding a nexus between film studies and Chinese language teaching: Jie di qi (接地气:Down to earth) to students at APU’s Introductory Chinese Language Class is the key” Christine Yu-Ting Hung
“A Framework for Involving TAs in the Language Classroom” Paul Sevigny
“Pragmatic Awareness in the English Program with Reference to CEFR” Steven Pattison
地域を題材にした多読教材作成と今後の展望 住田 環・豊田 真規・佐々木 美江
初級日本語学習者の学習ストラテジー使用 ジョーダン光知子・高松知恵美・増田寛次
なぜ「お客を盗まれる」と言えないのか −実際の使用場面から受身表現の意味を考える− 黒田弘美
留学生の自己PRに見られるコンピテンシー ―留学生が表現したい「私の特性」とは何か― 渡辺若菜・石村文恵

We very much look forward to welcoming you to the APLJ Symposium.
The APLJ Symposium Team

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