Nov 1, 2016

Seminar Report "Intellectural Property Seminar "Universal Studios Japan®'s Licensing Activities - Theme Parks and Intellectual Property Rights -"

Legal Department Deputy Managing Director, KITAGUCHI Keisuke, who works in USJ Co., Ltd., spoke at an Intellectural Property Seminar from 13:00 on Wednesday, October 26, 2016 in RCAPS Conference Room A of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University.

[Report by participant]
On Wednesday, October 26th, 2016, Deputy Managing Director Kitaguchi of USJ Co., Ltd.'s legal department gave a seminar in Japanese on theme parks and intellectual property rights.

As USJ is a well-known company, many students came to listen and about 40 students, faculty, and staff attended in total. Mr. Kitaguchi employed examples of actual theme park attractions and characters to explain the work of the legal department, Universal Studios Japan's marketing strategy and licensing agreements, and intellectual property in an easy-to-understand way.

Concluding agreements requires not only legal knowledge but also the English skill (reading, writing, conversation) to propose ideas to and negotiate with the partner company. It is also very important to find points that will be win-win for USJ and the partner company and that will generate affection not only for USJ but also for the partner company's contents. These are some of the topics Mr. Kitaguchi discussed in his seminar.

In the Q&A, the audience asked a variety of questions about theme park attraction agreements and employee recruitment, showing their interest in the theme.

Deputy Managing Director,
Legal Department, USJ Co., Ltd.
(second from right)

This seminar is organized by the Regional Collaboration Research Consortium Oita.

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