On October 3, 2009 (Sat.) Professor Nakata Yukihiko, Director of Asia Pacific Innovation Management Center (AP-IMAC) received a doctor's degree in Management of Technology from Ritsumeikan University.
Management of Technology (MOT) ties together technology and business. As well as offering MOT in the College of International Management, at APU, the "Innovation and Technology Management" is offered as a master's course in the graduate school.
The Ritsumeikan University MOT Graduate School Technology Management Research Course consists of both Master's and Doctoral programs. It is for both members of society and for graduate students and offers classes at Biwako-Kusatsu Campus and at Ritumeikan Academia @ Osaka (Satellite Campus). Evening courses and courses on Saturdays are also held.
Professor Yukihiko Nakata received his doctor's degree in engineering for his research on solar battery in 1992 from Osaka University, and has now received his doctor's degree in technology management.
Professor Nakata says,
"I wanted to have a PhD degree in liberal arts as well as in sciences as I am currently teaching and investigating technology management. The doctoral program was established in the Ritsumeikan Graduate School of Technology Management and as classes are offered also on Saturdays and Sundays, I decided to enroll. Though there were times where I was puzzled because of the different approaches of research in the sciences and liberal arts, I was able to successfully finish my degree. I want to make the best of my experiences in both liberal arts and sciences and aim for the improvement in education and research. I hope that students and graduate students take advantage of this opportunity and challenge themselves for their own progress."
Asia Pacific-Innovation Management Center (AP-IMAC) home page
Ritsumeikan Graduate School of Technology Management home page