Itoi Shigesato Office Employees Come to APU for Training Session


Oct 29, 2013

On October 22 and 23, about 60 employees from Tokyo Itoi Shigesato Office Co. Ltd., popular for its Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun ("Almost Daily Itoi News") and Hobonichi Techo planner, underwent two days of employee training on APU's multicultural campus.

The employees held talks with APU faculty and staff, observed classes being taught in both English and Japanese and joined a workshop with students. Each portion of the training was mutually inspiring, resulting in an enjoyable event.

A special feature on the training session was published in the Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun, and it can be viewed on the Hobonichi homepage (Japanese only).
A report on the workshop with students is slated for publication on the APU students' website FAFA in the near future.
"Hobonichi ha shain kenshu de APU ni itte kimasu" ("Hobonichi employees are going to APU for training"). Hobo Nikkan Itoi Shinbun.

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