APU Dual Degree Graduates Receive Japanese and Austrian Diplomas


Apr 16, 2018

In a first for the University, two exceptional individuals graduated last month with degrees from APU and an Austrian University. Wacharavee Veeravoodteerachot (2018, College of Asia Pacific Studies, Thailand) and Chikako Adachi (2018, College of Asia Pacific Studies, Japan) are the first graduates of APU’s dual degree program with the Salzburg University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg, Austria.

In this unique program, first year students attend classes at APU, then spend their 2nd and 3rd years at SUAS, finishing with their fourth year at APU. Upon graduation, students receive a Bachelor of Social Science from APU and a Bachelor of Arts in Business from SUAS. This is an incredible distinction for students, as a regular graduate will receive one degree from one institution.

In Salzburg, those on the program study in the Innovation and Management in Tourism cluster, focusing on such subjects as Strategic Management and Accounting. This means that APS students are able to experience APM-subject classes in a different setting. Participants in the program will also have the opportunity to study German, in addition to the Japanese and English required at APU.

Adachi said the program “made my life a lot more meaningful.” Veeravoodteerachot commented that her time in Austria was a life changing experience. Dr. Eva Brucker, head of SUAS’s Innovation & Management in Tourism degree program, said that “this is a historical moment for us…you will be the future of what tourism stands for.”

APU currently offers three dual degree programs. In addition to the program with SUAS, APU maintains programs with St. Edward’s University in the United States and Kyung Hee University in South Korea. If you would like to know more about APU’s dual degree programs, you can find out more here:

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