United Nations Development Programme’s Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa holds seminar at APU


Aug 9, 2022

On Monday, May 23, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Assistant Administrator and Regional Director for Africa, Ms. Ahunna Eziakonwa, visited the APU campus to present a special seminar.

Thanks to the coordination of Professor Tomonori Sudo of the College of Asia Pacific Studies, APU was able to welcome Ms. Eziakonwa to hold a special lecture, entitled "The Present State of African Development and the Role of Youth as Next Generation Leaders: Toward TICAD8." Around 90 students participated in the seminar both online and in person. As the director of UNDP Africa and Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations, Ezakonwa has a deep passion for equality, inclusion, reshaping narratives on Africa, mobilizing for youth entrepreneurs, and the dignity of Africa’s people. After her presentation, the audience, including students from a variety of African countries, asked about her opinions on the continent's present state and how they may contribute to a brighter future.

One African student concluded the sessions by asking, "Now that we had this discussion, what can we do from here as students?" Ms. Eziakonwa replied, "As students, use your research to contribute to the knowledge. Engage and get your voice out. Challenge your leaders and continue to be curious about the world's problems and their solutions." After the lecture, she exchanged opinions with two APU students from Africa on how African youth can contribute to the future of the African continent and its development.

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