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Writing Support

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Using Turnitin

What is Turnitin?

Turnitin is an online software that helps support the development of your skills in preparing written assignments.

Usage of Turnitin

All graduate students have access to Turnitin through Moodle during the time they are enrolled in their respective graduate program to aid them prepare their academic written assignments. Students are encouraged to regularly use Turnitin through Moodle to improve their research and writing skills.

Originality Check

Originality Check compares the text of the submitted paper to a vast database of 24+ billion pages of digital content (including archived Internet content that is no longer available), over 250 million papers in the student archive, and 120,000+ professional, academic and commercial journals and publications. The software is regularly updated. The Originality Check provides both the instructor and student with a comprehensive view and deeper insight into the student’s writing.

Originality Report

The Originality Report provides a summary of matching or similar areas of text found in a submitted paper. Similarity is given as a percentage number. The higher the percentage, the greater the amount of text in the submission that came up as matching against information in Turnitin’s repositories. The percentage range runs from 0% to 100%. The percentage is generated by the amount of similar or matching text compared to the number of words in the submission in total.

Originality Reports are typically completed within 10-15 minutes for the first submission, but may take longer if there is heavy usage or very large submissions. Originality Reports for any resubmission may require an additional 24 hours to generate.

What does the Similarity Index mean?

The color of the report icon is linked to the percentage range and is based on the amount of matching text found by the repository comparison.

These indices in no way reflect Turnitin’s assessment of whether a paper contains plagiarized material or improperly used material. The Originality Report provides instructors with a tool to more easily locate matching or similar text within the text of a submitted work. The determination and adjudication of proper citation and plagiarism are left solely to the instructor and institution to which the work was submitted.
GSM students should carefully read the information about interpreting the Turnitin Similarity Reports on the URL below before submitting their Research Project.

Interpretation of Turnitin Similarity Reports

English Proofreading and Editing Service Providers

APU does not provide English proofreading and editing services. However, students who want to improve their writing on their own may refer to the list of service providers below.
The services of each provider may be utilized by accessing the respective links below. APU students are eligible for a discount when utilizing said services.


  • 1. The aforementioned services are provided solely by external service providers, not APU. Each service provider offers a variety of services at different prices. Please be sure to read through their website carefully prior to utilizing the services.
  • 2. The featured links provide access to the websites of the corresponding service provider. The websites are mainly in Japanese. However, certain providers do offer services in English. Please contact each service provider directly to inquire.
  • 3. Please contact the service providers directly for inquiries regarding the content and costs of services provided. The Academic Office is unable to attend to such inquiries.
  • 4. Students who wish to utilize these services using their research grants should consult with the Academic Office in advance.


Editage, the flagship brand of Cactus Communications, has provided researchers around the world with English editing, translation, publication support and academic communication education services since 2002. The company has branch offices in Japan, US, UK, China, South Korea, and India, and has covered every academic subject area. Their teams of editors and translators are one of the world’s largest and engaged in supporting researchers in publishing and disseminating their outstanding research findings to the world.


Enago is a global leader in providing scientific and academic editing services to researchers. They help researchers in more than 125 countries publish their papers in high-impact factor journals. They edit 80 to 100 papers of Japanese universities, academic societies and research institutions every day. Their most attractive offering is that two native English editors proofread your paper to ensure quality at reasonable prices starting at 4.5 yen per word. There are additional discounts offered to APU so that you can use the most reasonable editing service in the industry at even lower prices. They also provide translation and other publication support services that improve your chances of publication success.

Website in Japanese

The information on the special discount is only available on the Japanese website.


Forte specializes in providing high-quality editing services to doctors, researchers, scientists and engineers. All of their editors are native speakers of English, have strong academic backgrounds, and have years of experience in their respective fields.

  • - Abstracts (up to 600 words) can be edited in as little as 4 hours.
  • - 10% discount as part of Forte's Student Support Program
  • - You can request the same editor to ensure consistency

FAQ regarding Plagiarism and Formatting


What referencing style should I use for my paper?

APA style is the standard style recognized by the Graduate School of Asia Pacific Studies. However, it is ultimately best to consult with your supervisor, as standards may vary per field/major. GSM students should follow the formatting guidelines available on the page below for appropriate styling of their Thesis/Report/Case/Business Plan.

Research Project Outline

I am writing a Report. Do I still need to follow a specific referencing style, even though I am not writing a Thesis?

Yes. You should follow the appropriate referencing style of your field/major no matter if you are writing a Thesis/Report/Case/Business Plan/Article or even a simple class assignment.

Plagiarism / Citation:

What if I forgot to add 1 or 2 citations in my paper? What are the consequences?

Mistakes happen. If you find that you have mistakenly overlooked a few citations in your Thesis/Report, please make sure that they are corrected by final submission for binding in the APU library.
However, intentional plagiarism or general ignorance of citations will result in strict academic penalty. Be sure to carefully check your Thesis/Report/Case/Business Plan for these types of serious errors. It is also strongly recommended to have your work reviewed by another person before submission.

What if the resource I am using (web resource, etc.) does not provide all necessary information needed for proper citation?

There are methods of citing sources that do not have all necessary information available.

What if my resource is actually citing another source? Do I cite the source I am using, or the one that is referenced in my source?

It is best to cite the original source, but in this case, you must obtain this source for your own referencing. Never reference a source that you have not actually read. If you are not able to obtain the original source, there are other ways of citing a source within a source. APA reference from Simon Frasier University: https://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/cite-write/citation-style-guides/apa

I want to cite from Wikipedia, blogs, etc. Is this ok?

Sources like Wikipedia, blogs, etc. are not the most reliable sources, as there is no guarantee the information provided is correct. Check the sources listed on the Wikipedia / webpage to access the facts directly. It is best not to use an unreliable source, so keep trying to find other sources that are more reliable. It is still possible to cite from Wikipedia, etc., but students are strongly encouraged to find better resources for their information.

What if the original author of a source I cited plagiarized? Am I then also plagiarizing?

No. As long as you have appropriately cited your source, you will not be under any penalty for mistakes found in your referenced material.

How do I know when I do and do not need to cite?

The rule of thumb is that if it is a fact that is generally known, it does not need to be cited (i.e. Obama is the 44th president of the U.S., Japan is located in Asia). However, it is always best to write as if your audience is not familiar in your field. Even some facts you may be quite familiar with may be unknown to the average reader. When in doubt, make sure to cite.

What if a paper/source I cited in my paper has recently become published as a book, etc. Do I need to go back and change all the relevant citations?

No. What you cite should reflect the actual type of material you viewed at the time you composed your Thesis/Report/Case/Business Plan.


I followed APA style when I wrote my paper and now my supervisor is telling me I should follow Chicago style. Do I really have to go through and change everything?

You should follow the style recommended by your supervisor or an expert in your field. However, if you use citation software you can change the styling of your paper with just a click of a button. All students are encouraged to use citation software to aid in the appropriate styling of your paper.

Some examples of citation software are:

  • Endnote (paid software)
  • RefWorks (paid subscription)
  • Zotero (free)

Microsoft Word also has a styling function, but you need to re-enter all references for each new document. The software examples above will normally keep a library of your sources that you can access for various documents/papers.

Do I need to copyright my Thesis/Report or Journal article?

No. There is no need to copyright your Thesis/Report/Case/Business Plan. Normally, the publisher will copyright any Journal articles they publish (though the copyright will belong to the publisher).


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