Nov 17, 2015

On October 21, 2015, RCAPS welcomed Mr Ryota Matsuzaki (CEO, Kibidango, Inc.) to deliver an RCAPS seminar entitled, "From Rakuten to Kibidango: Crowdfunding as Viable Tool for Entrepreneurs.”

[Report by APS Professor Yukihiko Nakata]
In the beginning of the seminar, Professor Nakata explained cloud innovation. As information technology (IT) develops, social network services (SNS), social media, crowdfunding, and crowdsourcing have appeared. By utilising crowdfunding, a large number of people can become the main players in the crowd, and create and accelerate innovation. This has been called as crowd innovation and makes it easier to start businesses. Mr Ryota Matsuzaki talked about how crowdfunding is actually used and answered questions from the floor.

After working in the investment bank division of the Industrial Bank of Japan, Mr Matsuzaki established Rakuten with Mr Hiroshi Mikitani and four other members in 2000. Mr Matsuzaki was engaged in M&A in Rakuten Group and became independent in 2011. He was inspired by Kickstarter, the biggest crowdfunding service in the United States, which has made many great ideas into reality. He launched Kibidango, Inc. in Japan in February 2013.

Kibidango has supported 137 projects so far and has gathered 100 million yen. The company uses a method called “All or Nothing” in which, if a certain amount of target money has been raised in a certain period of time, funding support will be given. The success rate so far is 80%. One of the success cases is a camera bag, Ciclissimo, which looks like a messenger bag and allows for taking out a camera quickly. Ciclissimo attracted 6.55 million yen from 226 people. Another case is an artificial arm made using a 3D printer.

Mr. Matsuzaki Ryota

Chair:Professor Nakata Yukihiko(APS, APU

Oct 20, 2015

The 13th Asia Pacific Conference (AP Conference) will be held at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University on November 7-8, 2015. The theme for this year's conference is "Societal Transformation in Asia Pacific: Charting the Waves of Change" and there will be presentations from various fields of study. Everyone is welcome to attend the event.

Event Name:
Asia Pacific Conference
"Societal Transformation in Asia Pacific: Charting the Waves of Change"
November 7 (Sat) – November 8 (Sun), 2015
Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU), Beppu City, Oita Pref., Japan
Application Deadline:
October 30 (Fri), 2015
Contact: (APU Research Office)

◆What is AP Conference?
Every year, the Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies (RCAPS) holds an international Asia Pacific Conference (AP Conference) aiming at becoming a Center of Excellence.

◆What is RCAPS?
The Ritsumeikan Center for Asia Pacific Studies (RCAPS) was established in July 1996 as a lead-up to the opening of Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU). Aiming to be a "Center of Excellence" for Asia Pacific Studies, RCAPS holds research meetings and international symposiums, conducts research projects and joint research, disseminates APU research results, and strengthens the network of researchers and research institutions around Japan and across the world.

Research Office

Oct 19, 2015 On September 30, 2015, RCAPS welcomed Professor Lawrence E. MARCEAU (Senior Lecturer in Japanese, University of Auckland)to give a lecture entitled,  "Appropriating Aesop's Fables in Early Modern Japan: The Asianization of the Mediterranean".

In this seminar, Dr. Marceau examined the transformation of European-language editions of Aesop’s Fables into the early modern Japanese cultural idiom, and explored the significance of the decisions made in this transformation. In 1593, the first translation of Aesop’s Fables appeared in a non-Western language, Japanese. The product of the Jesuit Mission Press in Amakusa, Kyushu, the Fables were rendered into the local colloquial dialect and were printed using the Roman alphabet. Subsequently a separate translation of the Fables was made in standard written Japanese, using Kanji and Kana orthography. This translation was reprinted over the 17th century by several different publishers, and finally in 1659 a woodblock illustrated edition circulated. In this edition, Aesop himself appears as a character, but instead of being depicted as a Mediterranean, he is dressed as a Japanese. The other people he encounters are also depicted as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, or other Asian ethnicities. Dr. Marceau concluded his presentation with a question and answer session. This presentation attracted the participants’ attention and some of them expressed their interests about the process how the Fables were diffused among the people in Kyushu area in the early 17th century.

Jul 16, 2015 On July 15th, 2015, RCAPS welcomed Professor Roger D. Smith (Associate Professor, University of Kyushu)to give a lecture entitled,  "Cosmopolitan Communities in the Asia Pacific : Migration Trends for Highly-Skilled Residents in Metropolitan Centers in Asia".

Jul 16, 2015 On July 2nd, 2015, RCAPS welcomed Professor Naoko Kojima (Assistant Professor, Doshisha University) and Ms. Monica Hamciuc (Lecturer, Miyazaki International College) to give a lecture entitled,
"Teaching Japanese Foreign Policy to Japanese Students in English"

Professor Naoko Kojima

Ms. Monica Hamciuc

Chair; Professor Yoichiro Sato (APS)

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