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Pursuing Postgraduate Studies

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In recent years, more and more people are pursuing graduate studies in order to enhance their own expertise. Some enroll in graduate school immediately after graduating from an undergraduate program, others do so after having worked at a company for a while; the timing may vary, but surely there are many people who think about going to graduate school at some stage. At APU, around 10% of new graduates proceed to graduate school immediately each year.

Below you can see how some of your seniors succeeded in attending graduate school:

Japanese Graduate School Testimonials


Graduate Student at Akita International University Graduate School of Global Communication and Language


Ms. Y.M.

College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS), 2023

To those who are worried about going to graduate school or about their future after graduation
I think that if you are even slightly interested in something, it’s best to give it a try. Of course that is easier said than done, but putting yourself out there even 1mm while relying others can often lead to surprising results. “What do I like and what do I not like? Why do I feel that way?” As you try different things, and ask yourself these questions to self-analyze and introspect, little by little, your path will become clear.

When I entered university, I couldn’t picture myself job hunting, so I began searching for another path
Did self-analysis during my search period and discovered my area of interest
Came across the website for AIU while trying to figure out how to pursue my area of interest
Fortunately, a online information session for graduate school at AIU was introduced in one of my classes, so I participated and decided to pursue postgraduate studies
Prepared for my application (requesting recommendation letters, language test scores, research proposal and personal statement, CV, etc.)
Applied following a online meeting with a professor from AIU
Received acceptance and began procedures for entering AIU
Applied for the pre-enrollment studies program and commenced graduate school studies
Formally entered Akita International University Graduate School of Global Communication and Language

Overseas Graduate School Testimonials


University of Pennsylvania


Qinnuan Lyu

College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS) , 2023

Hello, I'm Qinnuan Lyu (Aria), currently pursuing a Master's degree in Environmental Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. I studied Environment and Development at APU, where I also had an overseas exchange experience that expanded my knowledge into human geography. Yet, my most enriching experience at APU was joining Professor Hiromi’s seminar, where I spent nearly two years studying environmental sociology, focusing on wetland research. Overall, my education at APU has provided me with a solid environmental foundation and enhanced intercultural communication skills, enabling me to further explore environmental sustainability with peers from diverse backgrounds here in the USA.

Became interested in attending graduate school after taking courses related to environmental sociology. Decided I wanted to pursue further exploration and research in these areas at a graduate level.
Started exploring various programs (courses offered, program duration, available research resources and career support). Through this process, I discovered many interesting research opportunities and various academic projects, which ultimately lead me to seriously consider pursuing graduate school.
Narrowed down the schools and programs and consulted with my seminar professor regarding strategies for selecting schools. We discussed each program in great detail.
After deciding which schools to apply to, I checked each school's application timeline, materials required for submission, and started preparing necessary documents, such as language test scores, reference letters, etc.
Wrote my CV, personal statement and application essay for each program With assistance from my seminar professor.
Received interview invitations from several programs and underwent the interview process.
Received offer letters from multiple schools, but ultimately chose to attend the University of Pennsylvania. Started on the enrollment process.
In September 2023, I enrolled as a Master of Environmental Studies student with a concentration on environmental sustainability, in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania.
At the University of Pennsylvania, I participated in various academic panels, earned certificates such as LEED GA, and joined organizations like the Penn Sustainability Consulting Club. I am also currently preparing to obtain the CFA ESG Investing Certificate.


The George Washington University (USA)


Disovankiri (Kiri) Boung

College of International Management (APM), 2019

My recommendation for APU students is to consider the possibility of pursuing graduate studies as soon as they can. There's no harm in simply contemplating this option. Making an early decision allows ample time for preparation. Choose a program of interest and begin creating actionable steps to enhance your chances of acceptance. The more effort and planning you invest in your application, the smoother the process will likely be.

Confirmed my interest in acquiring advanced degree in economics
Collected information about eligibility and requirements of programs I want to apply to.
Made action plans to strengthen my application, including taking more economics courses, writing undergraduate thesis, etc.
Took IELTS test and requested recommendation letters from professors. Applied early to schools I was interested in.
09: Enrolled at The George Washington University (USA), Department of Economics
Worked part-time on campus as TA, RA and Statistical Consultant
Interned at the World Bank Group in Washington DC for one semester
Searched and applied for jobs early: almost 9 months before I graduated.
06: Started working at Coherent Economics

Career Handbook, Going to Graduate School Chapter

Career Handbook, Going to Graduate School Chapter

Useful Links

  • 大学院へ行こう!
  • EducationUSA アドバイジングセンター
  • ブリティッシュ・カウンシル 英国留学
  • トビタテ!留学 JAPAN 海外大学院進学
  • AGOS アゴス・ジャパン
  • 留学コンシェルジュ beo
    ※ MPA, MPP 情報
  • PPIA Program
  • 海外留学奨学金検索サイト(JASSO)

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