1. Job Hunting Guide

Contacting Alumni

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An excellent way to learn more about a profession, company, or industry is to get in contact with alumni. Think about the clubs and activities you participated in and all the friends you made during your time at APU. Most likely, some of your senior classmates entered your target company or industry, and it would be worth your time to seek them out and network. If you do not know anyone, utilize the APU alumni network to your advantage.

In getting connected, you can receive advice and firsthand insight that cannot be found in any pamphlet or given during information sessions. It is also an opportunity to receive advice on job hunting, business manners, etc. You can learn much from getting in touch with alumni so make good use of these opportunities to build your career.

Refer to the "Contacting Alumni" section in the Career Handbook for tips and advice on getting in contact such as booking appointments, writing thank-you letters, etc.

How to Search for Alumni

  • Friends and family
  • Upper classmen in your seminar classes, club or circle
  • APU professors and/or faculty
  • Contacting companies directly
  • Using Alumni Database
  • Using the APU Employment Support Web System

'Alumni Database'

You can search for alumni using the "Alumni Database" (only in cases where alumni have agreed to make their information public).
For details, please see the "Career Handbook" under the section "Using the Alumni Database."

APU Employment Support Web System

You can search for alumni using the APU Employment Support Web System (only in cases where the company has registered alumni information).
For details, please see the "Career Handbook" under the section

"Using the APU Employment Support Web System for Alumni Information."

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