1. Future Employers

On Campus Recruiting

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For companies wishing to participate in on-campus information session

If you would like to participate in an information session hosted by the university, please be sure to read the information below before applying using the application form.

<Points to Confirm>
  • *We welcome application from companies throughout the year.
  • *For schedule arrangements, the staff in charge will only reach out to companies that have been selected to participate in the program.
  • *We anticipate that the number of applications will far exceed the capacity of the university’s needs. We are unable to accommodate all of the companies that apply, and therefore we apologize in advance for the inconvenience.
  • *As a countermeasure to the above point, it is possible to use navigation sites such as Caritas UC, where companies can connect with students without having to go through the Student Office. We ask that you please consider this option as well.
    (Reference URL:https://joboffer.uc.career-tasu.jp/auth/default/?id=ffd07593c11aa07d30e8c94e357e66b2)
  • *In principle, we do not hold events, distribute flyers, or other PR activities on alternative dates as requested by individual companies.

For meetings regarding recruiting activities

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support of our students in their job-hunting activities.

If you would like to schedule a meeting with the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Student Office to discuss your recruitment activities, please fill out the following online form.

<Requests from the Office>
  • * We are currently receiving many meeting requests from companies and organizations. The office will do our best to accommodate as many appointments as possible, but there may be times when we are unable to accommodate requests.
    We apologize for the inconvenience, but we would appreciate your understanding regarding the current difficulty for us in arranging individual appointments.
  • * Appointments must be made in advance. Due to staff and facility arrangements, we are unable to accept requests for meetings without an appointment or requests on the day of the visit. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

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