1. Internship Guide

About Internships

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An internship is a fixed period of work experience with a company or organization that a student will undertake during their course of study at college, often linked to their major and/or future career plans. Internships give students a chance to further their understanding about the industries and organizations that interest them as well as answering several questions, such as 'I wonder what working life is like?', 'How can I apply what I have learned at university in the workplace?' and 'Is this the job for me?'. Internships can really make a difference when it comes to shaping the future vision of a student.

Different Types and Durations of Internships

Japanese internships usually take place during the summer and spring sessions and are known as 'Summer Internships' and 'Spring Internships'. In terms of duration, most placements last one or two weeks.

The "Basic Approach to the Promotion of Internships and Other Career Development Support Initiatives for Students (MEXT, MHLW, METI) ("Three Ministries' Agreement")" was revised on June 13, 2022 which redefined the types of industry-university collaborative initiatives in career development support for students. (MEXT, MHLW, and METI)
Promotion of Internships at Universities: MEXT

At APU, internships are divided into two types, 'Independently-arranged type Internships' where students search, apply for and arrange the internship by themselves, and 'Contract-type Internships' where the host institution and APU have signed an internship agreement.

Contract-type Internships

“ Contract-type Internships ” are internships in which companies and organizations exchange memorandums of understanding with APU and offer our students internship placements through these agreements. Students who wish to take part in this program can apply through the university. Since each institution has its own requirements, make sure you check thoroughly before applying.
If you meet all requirements and wish to do it, you can register the internship as a course. For details, please refer to the webpage "About Internship Course Registration".

Independently-arranged type Internships

“Independently-arranged type Internships” are internships in which companies and organizations directly recruit and select candidates, and students directly apply for positions. In these internships, the university is not the point of contact.
If you meet all requirements and wish to do it, you can register the internship as a course. For details, please refer to the webpage "About Internship Course Registration".

Please find detailed information about each type of internship at the links below.


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