1. Job Hunting Guide

Absence from Class due to Job Hunting Activities

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Verification of Job Hunting Activity

In order to support the career planning and job hunting activities for APU students, we offer the Verification of Job Hunting Activity, which can be used as proof of attendance to mandatory job hunting activities held during classes and examinations. Students who enrolled in Spring and are in their 6th semester or above, and students who enrolled in Fall and are in their 7th semester or above are eligible to apply for this verification.
Please note the following when applying for this verification:
Please be advised that APU does not ‘Excuse students from class attendance’ if you fail to attend due to any unavoidable circumstances.
The Verification of Job Hunting Activity is mere proof of your attendance to a mandatory job hunting activity and does NOT guarantee that students will be excused from class. With this formal proof of your absence, the teaching staff will decide depending on the circumstance, whether to accept it or not. The students are responsible for communicating with the faculty in advance and receive the support they need for their job hunting activities.
Make sure to check the 3 points below before applying.

【How to apply?】
  • 1. Inform the respective teaching staff if you are unable to attend a class due to mandatory job hunting activities and kindly request to be excused from class.
  • 2. Check with the teaching staff if the Verification of Job Hunting Activity is necessary.
    (Depending on the teaching staff's judgment, the verification may not be required.)
  • 3. Confirm that the job hunting event you are going to attend meets the criteria for "Verification of Job Hunting Activity".
    If so, submit the following documents to the Student Office by the deadline.

Events for which Verification of Job Hunting Activity Certificate shall be issued


  • Written examination and mandatory interview for screening
    For activities taking place online, please only apply for class(es) during the event time.
    *You cannot apply for absences from class(es) before/after due to preparation or travel.
  • Company recruitment seminar that constitutes one of the mandatory steps for screening (*1)
  • Job-Offer confirmation ceremony (Naitei-shiki)

*1 "Company recruitment seminar that constitutes one of the mandatory steps for screening" means a required seminar event in the company's selection process, i.e., an event without attending which you cannot, for instance, obtain the company's entry sheet or proceed to the ensuing


  • Company recruitment seminar in which is not mandatory in the company's screening process
  • Job Fairs with only company briefing sessions, excluding interviews
  • Participation in the events held in your prospective employer, i.e., Pre-training after receiving a job offer, Gatherings intended to foster friendship among prospective employees, Medical check-up, Interviews for assigning prospective sections, company tours for prospective entrants
  • Internship
  • Time for travelling as the day before or after the event
  • Job hunting activities abroad

Regarding the procedure

If any mandatory screening events/interviews are scheduled on days that you have classes or final examinations, please kindly negotiate with the company and request to reschedule. This may be difficult for group interviews or written tests conducted for a large number of applicants together, but individual interviews are usually flexible enough to be requested for rescheduling due to academic purposes.
If you fail to do so and need proof for your absence, please apply for the Verification of Job Hunting Activity for mandatory screening events related to job hunting. For any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact the Student Office at your convenience.

Applying for the Verification of Job Hunting Activity

  Absence from Class Absence from Session classes
(Summer / Winter)
Absence from Final Examinations
Eligibility Spring Semester Enrollees: 6th semester and above Fall Semester Enrollees: 7th semester and above
  • 1. Try to request the company to reschedule your interview slot when they overlap with your classes or final examinations.
  • 2. Inform the respective faculty if you are unable to attend a class due to mandatory job hunting activities and kindly request to be excused from class.
  • 3. Confirm that the screening event you are going to attend meets the criteria for "Verification of Job Hunting Activity". If so, submit the following documents to the Student Office by the deadline.
  • A.Apply using the Verification of Job Hunting Activity.
    *A Verification of Job Hunting Activity that has not been stamped or signed by a company representative will not be accepted.
  • B.Apply by submitting the documents listed below
    • Document with the company name, event date and time, and event location (email from the company, screenshot of the MyPage, etc.)
    • Document confirming your attendance (Screening results email, document issued by the company confirming your participation, email confirming that you participated, etc.)
    • Document confirming that attendance at the information session is mandatory
      *3. is required for students who have participated in an information session as a necessary step in the hiring process.
      (Document explaining that you cannot continue in the company’s screening without participating in the information session, clearly lists participating in an information session as a requirement, etc.)
  • 1.A or B
  • 2.Copy of your course registration (highlight the subject/course concerned).
  • 1.A or B
  • 2.Copy of your course registration (highlight the subject/course concerned).
  • 3.Session Timetable
  • 1.A or B
  • 2.Copy of your course registration (highlight the subject/course concerned).
  • 3.Final Exam Schedule
    (highlight the subject/course concerned)
Deadline 16:30 hrs on the last day of class in the quarter (excluding the final exam period and Make-up classes) 16:30 hrs on the last day of the session period Please check the Make-up Exam Page in the Academic Office website
If you are unable to
meet the deadline
Please make sure to immediately inform the Student Office in person or by email (career2@apu.ac.jp) ONLY. Late submissions will NOT be accepted under any circumstances, if you fail to notify us of such in advance. Contact the Academic Office
Issuance 3 business days after submission (if there are no issues) Next business day after submission (if there are no issues) Next business day after submission (if there are no issues)
After Issuance The student themselves should submit it to the Lecturer in charge The student themselves should submit it to the Lecturer in charge The student uploads the documents to the Academic Office ‘Application Form for Make Up Examination’ to apply for the make-up exam.

【Important Notes】

  • It’s the students’ responsibility to take the necessary forms before or after the event in order to get the information written by the person in charge at the company. Please refrain from requesting the office to fax the forms or send by post, if you forget to do it yourself.
  • There are different forms that should be used when applying for the Verification of Job Hunting Activity for sessions and Regular Classes, session and Final Examinations. Please check accordingly and make sure you fill in the correct form for your requirement and submit by the deadlines!

Document Submission

Please submit the required documents via the application form.
(Applications submitted at the Student Office front desk or by email will not be accepted.)


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