Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Chapter 2: Classes & Syllabus

3. Class Evaluation Survey

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Every semester, APU administers the ‘Class Evaluation Survey’ at the end of each course to get meaningful feedback from students on their learning in the class. This allows students to directly contribute to improving the quality of courses offered at APU, while also providing you an opportunity to reflect on your participation and engagement in class.

Purpose of Publishing Class Evaluation Survey Results

We publish the class Evaluation Survey Results to give students infomation about course content, teaching methods, course design, and other items on reference when choosing their courses.

Points to Consider When Viewing the Results

When viewing the class evaluation survey results, it should be carefully noted that the data presented is based on evaluations from students who have previously taken the course. Please be aware that the data is NOT a complete representation of the course and is for reference purposes only.
Moreover, please note that the number of registered students, response rate, and other factors vary by course subject and may affect the reliability of the data. Students are strongly encouraged to refer to the ‘no. of students’, ‘no. of responses’, and ‘response rate’ when considering each course.

Class Evaluation Survey Results

  • Before viewing the survey results, please refer to :

  • Survey Questions :

  • Survey Results :

    For 2023 Curriculum Students

      APS APM ST
      Liberal Arts
    Core Subjects
    Culture, Society, & Media
    Global Economy
    International Relations
    APS Common
    Marketing and Strategic Management
    and Leadership

    Accounting & Finance
    Entrepreneurship and
    Operations Management

    APM Common
    Tourism Subjects
    Sustainable Society Subjects
    ST Common
    Off-Campus Program
    Spring Semester

    For 2011/2017 Curriculum Students

      APS APM
      Liberal Arts Culture, Society & Media
    Environment & Development
    Hospitality & Tourism
    International Relations
    & Peace Studies

    Accounting & Finance
    Innovation & Economics
    Strategic Management
    & Organization

    Spring Semester
    Fall Semester
    Spring Semester
    Fall Semester
    Spring Semester
    Fall Semester
    Spring Semester
  • *The data does not include Language Subjects, Required Major Subjects, or Lecture Subjects that are co-taught by 2 or more faculty members.
  • *Please note that only results for questions 1 to 25 are included. (*Results for questions 26 to 31 are not included)

Class Evaluation Survey Response Page

Please click on the link below to answer the survey.

【For Undergraduate students】(Response period: From July 10th to July 30th)
【For graduate students】(Response period: From July 10th to July 30th)

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