Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Chapter 9: College of International Management
  2. 7. APM Major Education Subjects

7-1. What are APM Major Education Subjects?

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232023 Curriculum

  • 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students from AY 2023 onwards.
  • 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students from AY 2024 onwards.
  • 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students from AY 2025 onwards.
  • These subjects help students understand the goals and philosophy of APM, acquire specialized knowledge and skills, and pursue their interests.
  • Most subjects can be taken from your 2nd year onwards.
  • APM’s Major Education Subjects are further divided into the following categories.
  • Please check the “APM 2023 Curriculum Outline” to see which subjects belong to which subject field.
Required Subjects These subjects help students understand and apply fundamental business concepts and provide a solid grounding in each of the APM Areas of Study.
Area of Study Subjects Strategic Management & Leadership (SML) This specialization teaches students about strategic management concepts, skills, and competencies, including strategy formulation, resource management, and leadership.
Marketing (M) Students learn how to build brands, develop products and services, set pricing and promotion strategies, develop digital business and marketing, and manage customer relations and distribution systems.
Accounting & Finance (AF) These subjects cover accounting, which determines the state of company through the flow, increase, and decrease of money, as well as the procurement and management of capital, which is known as finance. Students are taught how to understand and manage the finances of companies and various other types of organizations.
Entrepreneurship & Operations Management (EOM) Students gain the knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to create and operate new companies and organizations, including learning about how to identify business opportunities, business model development, project management, and the entrepreneurial mindset.
APM Common Subjects These subjects help students acquire specialized and practical knowledge and experience regardless of their Area of Study.

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