Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Chapter 2: Classes & Syllabus

6. Course Formats

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Courses at APU are offered in one of two formats: “In-person” or “Distance Learning (Online / On Demand).”
The format of each course can be checked from “2. Course Timetable” under “Chapter 2: Classes & Syllabus.”

Number of Credits from “Distance Learning Courses” Included in Credits Counted Toward Graduation

Under the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and APU’s University Regulations, the maximum number of credits from Distance Learning Courses that can be counted towards graduation is 60 credits. If a student earns more than 60 credits from applicable courses, the additional credits will not count toward the number of credits needed for graduation. In addition, please note that even if a student earns more than 60 credits for applicable courses, this will not be indicated under “Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation” on the “Grade Report [Credit Completion]” page of Campusmate.

As such, students must check and manage the number of credits earned through Distance Learning Courses themselves and make sure they do not exceed 60 credits.

As shown in the figure below, both Student A and Student B have earned 124 credits. However, Student B has earned 64 credits from Distance Learning Courses. Only a maximum of 60 credits from Distance Learning Courses can count toward graduation, so the additional 4 credits (blue shaded area) are not recognized as counting towards their graduation requirements. For this reason, Student B has only earned 120 credits that count toward graduation.

List of Distance Learning Courses (from AY 2023 onwards)

Please check which courses (by year offered and subject name) are designated as “Distance Learning Courses” by the university from the document below. A maximum of 60 credits earned from the courses listed in this document may be counted towards graduation requirements. Please see “Subjects for Transferred Credits” below for details on how transferred credits are handled.

List of Distance Learning Courses (from AY 2023 onwards) Updated March 1, 2024

Courses not listed in the document above are not included in the 60-credit maximum as they were offered online as a special measure during the COVID-19 Pandemic. These courses will count toward graduation as normal.

However, regardless of the actual course format, there are some courses whose credits do not count toward graduation. Please note that credits from these courses are not included in the number of credits earned for graduation. Students should check the “Credit Requirement Area on Campusmate” section of the Subject List for their own college and curriculum for details about applicable subjects.
(Example) “Academic Advising”

Please check below for details on course formats.

In-Person Courses

Classes are held in person. However, for some courses, a number of classes may be held online (via Zoom). In that case, students will need to attend that particular class online via Zoom.

*How to check the Zoom Meeting ID if some classes will be held online or on demand → The course instructor will notify students of the Zoom Meeting ID or access method (URL, etc.).

Distance Learning Courses

Classes are held online (via Zoom or on-demand). However, for some courses, a number of classes may be held in person. In that case, students will need to attend the class in-person in the classroom.

Format / Notation on Course Timetable
(AY 2024 Courses)
Maximum Number of Distance Learning Credits Counted
Toward Graduation
  • “Online)” is written before the course name
  • Zoom Meeting ID listed on the Course Timetable
60 Credits

How to Check the Format of Each Class Session

Information about the format of each class (in person/online/on demand) is written under the “Overview of Each Class” section on the syllabus.
Please be sure to check the syllabus to confirm the format for each class.

1st Class (April 9th, In Person)

  • Introduction and overview of the course
  • The state of education

2nd Class (April 12th, Online)

Difference between Online and On-Demand
Online Classes are held in real-time.
The class will be held interactively via Zoom on the day and period indicated on the Course Timetable.
On-Demand Materials or recorded lectures are uploaded to Moodle or another platform, and students must watch them and submit any assignments within the set period.
In principle, materials will be made available on the day and period listed on the Course Timetable.
Subjects for Transferred Credits

Some of the subjects used for credit transfer count as Distance Learning Sourses. These courses have “(Distance Learning)” written after the subject name on the “Credit Transfer Subject List” for the corresponding college and curriculum. Credits from these courses are also included in the 60-credit maximum for Distance Learning credits that can be counted toward graduation. Please check the “Credit Transfer Subject List” for each college below.

College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS)
College of International Management (APM)
College of Sustainability and Tourism (ST)


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