Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Chapter 8: APS / Chapter 9: APM / Chapter 10: ST
  2. 5. Common Education Subjects (Language Education Subjects)

5-1. English Language

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Students who enter APU on a Japanese basis focus on English language studies in order to improve English ability. With individuals from around the world gathering at APU, the campus is an ideal environment for students to strengthen their English language skills.

232023 Curriculum

  • 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students from AY 2023 onwards.
  • 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students from AY 2024 onwards.
  • 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students from AY 2025 onwards.

English Language Courses

The appropriate curriculum and starting level of required English language subjects for Japanese-basis students will be based on the results of the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. There are two curriculums: English Standard Track (24 credits) and English Advanced Track (12 credits). Note that once your curriculum is set, no changes can be made.

English Placement Test

Click here for more information on the 2025 Spring Semester English Placement Test (PDF).


the 2025 Spring Semester English Placement Test

Mid-March Primary notification (via e-mail)
28 February 2025 ~ 23 March 2025 Notification of test details (via e-mail)
March 25, 2025 English Placement Test (administered in person at the campus)

Submitting English Proficiency Test Scores for the English Placement Test

Scores from the English Language Proficiency Test are available for the English Placement Test. If you wish to do so, please read the following carefully and submit your scores during the designated period.
However, even if you submit your score, you must still take the placement test. If you do not take the placement test, you will start from the Elementary level in English courses.

Subjects Japanese-basis students who will enroll in the Spring semester of 2025 and have the following English proficiency test scores.
Available English Proficiency Tests ・TOEFL iBT® Test
・TOEIC® Tests
・PTE Academic/Pearson Progress Test (GSE)
・Other English Language Proficiency Tests (to be used as reference)
How to apply Submit via the online survey below.
Survey for submission of English Language Proficiency Test scores
*Member registration is required to complete the survey. Please click "Create Account" on the above link to register and complete the survey.
Acceptance period February 28, 2025 ~ March 23, 2025

Course Registration in Each Track

  • Required English language subjects are divided into A (4 credit) and B (2 credit) subjects, each graded according to its own evaluation criteria. A student can only proceed to the next level after earning credit for both the A and B subjects.
  • The university automatically registers students for their required English courses based on their Track. Although the timetables and teachers for the courses may differ even at the same level, all classes are registered by the university and cannot be changed or dropped.

English Standard Track

Subject Name (No. of Credits) Required / Elective Registration
Elementary English A (4) Elementary English B (2) Required Registered by University
Pre-Intermediate English A (4) Pre-Intermediate English B (2)
Intermediate English A (4) Intermediate English B (2)
Upper-Intermediate English A (4) Upper-Intermediate English B (2)
Language for Specific Purposes English for Discussion and Debate (2) Elective Registered by Student
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course I (2)
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course II (2)
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course III (2)
English for Journalism (2)
Business English A (2)
English for Hospitality and Tourism (2)
English Communication Skills (2)
  • Only Standard Track students who have completed the necessary prerequisite courses can register for Language for Specific Purposes courses.
  • Students can register for Advanced Track courses after earning credit for “Upper Intermediate English A and B.” Advanced Track courses start at the “Advanced English 1A / 1B” level. These courses can be registered during Registration Period B only if there are seats remaining.

English Advanced Track

Subject Name (No. of Credits) Required / Elective Registration
Advanced English 1A (4) Advanced English 1B (2) Required Registered by University
Advanced English 2A (4) Advanced English 2B (2)
Elective Courses English in the Media (2) Elective Registered by Student
Business English B (2)
English Novel Reading (2)
  • Advanced Track students can take elective courses after completing “Advanced English 1A and 1B.”

Registration of English Language Subjects by English-basis Students

English-basis students may register English language courses in the Advanced Track.

Registration of "Advanced English 1A・1B"

Only students with scores LOWER than those in the table below may apply.

6.5 524 410 395 164 156 58

Students who wish to register must apply in advance in the semester prior to the semester in which they wish to register for courses. Students may register for these courses by themselves during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

  • *Applications are open to students in their second semester or above at the time of enrolment.
  • *Advance application information will be posted on Campus Terminal each semester.

Registration of "Advanced English 2A・2B" or Language for Specific Purposes in Advanced Track

Students may register for these courses by themselves during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

External Exams (Benchmark Test) included in the Grade Evaluation for Required English Courses

The results of external exams are included in the grade evaluation of some required English language courses. These external exams can be used as useful indicators for measuring the results of each student’s English learning, and aid students in gaining comprehensive English skills that can be used in this era of globalization. Japanese-basis Standard Track students taking required English courses must take the Benchmark Test on campus on the designated exam dates.

What is the Benchmark Test?

The Benchmark Test is Pearson’s computer-based test of English language proficiency that is designed to show learner progress in the language over a period of time. It is an integrated-skills test, including Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening. As well as giving detailed feedback to students on all of these language skills, the Benchmark Test provides students with a Global Scale of English (GSE) score.

Language Study Outside the Classroom

To further improve your language skills, APU offers a wide range of short-term programs during summer and winter holidays, as well as six-month and one-year overseas language training and study abroad programs. Students are also strongly encouraged to take the TOEFL ITP®, TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test and IELTS, which are conducted on campus, as an opportunity to objectively assess their English language skills. We look forward to your active participation and taking these tests!

BOOST Program

This is an English study program designed to improve IELTS scores for students who are currently taking Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate English.
Please check the BOOST page for more information.

Off-Campus Language Study

Please see the Off-campus Programs page for more information.

SALC (Self-Access Learning Center)

In the SALC, in addition to various levels of learning materials written in English and Japanese we also provide self-study guidance so you can effectively develop the skills you want to focus on. Please feel free to stop by!

Language Proficiency Exams

Website for Self-Study(made by APU English Faculty)

Announcement of the Timetable for Required English Courses

  • Current Students / Reinstatement Students
    Announced in mid-March (Spring Semester) or mid-September (Fall Semester) via an Action Required message on Campus Terminal.
  • New and Readmitted students
    Announced in early April (Spring Semester) or early October (Fall Semester).

Exemption from English Language Courses

Students at APU are required to take language courses in their non-basis language as a graduation requirement. The starting level of these required language subjects is determined by the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. However, in the following cases it is possible to apply for an exemption for English language subjects.

While in APU

【Application Criteria】
  • The student must not apply for a subject which they are taking in the semester of application.
  • The student has obtained a valid score on either the TOEFL iBT® Test, IELTS, PTE Academic, or the TOEIC® Test which fulfills the exemption criteria.
【Exemption Criteria】
  • The student must earn a passing grade (A+/A/B/C) for their registered English subjects.

While studying abroad or taking a leave of absence

【Application criteria】
  • A pass grade for all registered English subjects in the semester immediately before leaving for study abroad or taking leave of absence.
  • The student must have a valid score on the TOEFL iBT® Test, IELTS, PTE Academic or TOEIC® Test, which fulfills the exemption criteria.
  • Students must apply for an exemption during the semester immediately preceding their return to APU.

Exemption Criteria for English Language Courses

<Available Scores>
TOEFL iBT®: TOEFL iBT® (on-site version, 2/3 hour version), TOEFL iBT Home Edition
* TOEFL ITP, TOEFL®PBT, TOEFL®︎ Essentials™️ tests are NOT accepted

TOEIC®: TOEIC®, TOEIC IP (on-site/online)
* TOEIC Bridge® Tests are NOT accepted

IELTS: IELTS Academic, IELTS General Training, IELTS for UKVI, IELTS OnlinePearson

GSE (PTE Academic): PTE Academic, PTE Academic Online
* Benchmark test in class is NOT accepted.

English Track Course Name TOEFL iBT® Test IELTS GSE TOEIC ® Tests
Standard Track Pre-Intermediate English A/B 48 5 39 L230/R230
Intermediate English A/B 55 5.5 44 L285/R285
Upper Intermediate English A/B 61 6 50 L330/R325
Advanced Track Advanced English 1A・1B 70 6.5 58 L410/R395
Advanced English 2A・2B 80 7 65 L430/R410

Application Schedule

Details of the application schedule will be announced on Campus Terminal.

Semester Application Period Interview date Announcement of the result
Spring Semester Around July Late July – Early August Grade Announcement date
Fall Semester Around January Early February Grade Announcement date

Application Method

Information on how to apply will be announced on Campus Terminal. The screening will be based on your application content and an interview. To apply, you must submit your test results (expired results not accepted). Please be sure to keep the original copy.

Score Sheet

An "original score sheet (The score within the validated period.)" is a certificate or report from a testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself. Please note that the testing organizations may require several days in order to reissue score sheets, therefore we ask that you apply well in advance when an additional certificate is needed.If you do not have the printed documents and only have access to the score result page online, a screenshot of the score inquiry screen may be accepted. However, please note that we may request the printed(original) documents later.


If you are unable to attend the interview, your application will be rejected. Please make sure you are available for the interview.

Important Notes

In principle, applications for exemption cannot be cancelled after taking the exemption exam.
Please note your exemption application will be canceled or rejected in the cases shown below.

  • Application is incomplete
  • Application submitted after the deadline
  • Details of submitted certificate data, such as proficiency exam score sheet, is unclear, or if the original cannot be produced following request by the office
  • Lack of score from a designated exam
  • Score was not received while on “leave of absence” or during “period of exchange” (Only for exchange students or students on leave of absence)
  • Does not attend interview on the designated day (for any reason)

Language Class Attendance Rules

The following rules concerning class attendance will apply to all language education subjects (English, Japanese, AP languages). In addition, each class may have special rules concerning attendance. Please be sure to confirm these in each course syllabus.


Please attend all classes. Even if you must be absent from class for an unavoidable reason, you must attend at least ¾ of all classes (including regular classes days and final exam days). If you do not fulfill this attendance requirement, you will receive an automatic failing grade (F) for the course.


If you are not present at the time class attendance is taken, you will be marked absent. However, absences may be excused in the following cases:

【Absences due to Legally-Recognized Infectious Disease】

You must submit a certificate from a medical institution stating that you have contracted a legally-recognized infectious disease to the Student Office. The Student Office will contact your course instructor directly in the following days.

【University-Authorized Absences】

The office involved (Student Office / Outreach and Research Office, etc.) will contact your course instructor directly with the required documents. The student is not required to submit any documents to the instructor.

172017 Curriculum

  • 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students between AY 2017 and AY 2022.
  • 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students between AY 2018 and AY 2023.
  • 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students between AY 2019 and AY 2024.

English Language

For Japanese-basis students, the appropriate curriculum and starting level of required English language subjects will be based on the results of the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. The curriculum types include the English Standard Track (24 credits) and the English Advanced Track (12 credits). Note that once curriculum types are set, no changes can be made.

Course Registration

  • Required English language subjects are divided into A (4 credit) and B (2 credit) subjects, each graded according to its own evaluation criteria. Only once credits for both subjects have been completed can a student proceed to the next level.
  • The university automatically assigns classes for required English language subjects in each track. Although there may be different timetables and teachers for courses at the same level, all classes are assigned by the university and cannot be changed or cancelled.
  • The grade level restriction will not apply if a student meets the other requirements to enroll in a language education subject (English).

English Standard Track

Subject Name (credits) Required / Elective Registration
Elementary English A (4) Elementary English B (2) Required Registered by University
Pre-Intermediate English A (4) Pre-Intermediate English B (2)
Intermediate English A (4) Intermediate English B (2)
Upper-Intermediate English A (4) Upper-Intermediate English B (2)
Language for Specific Purposes English for Business Writing (2) Elective Registered by student
English for Business Presentations (2)
English Project 1 (2)
English for Discussion and Debate (2)
English for Journalism (2)
  • Students who wish to take "Language for Specific Purposes" in the Standard Track may do so by completing "Upper- Intermediate English A and B."
  • Students who wish to take Advanced Track courses may do so by completing "Upper- Intermediate English A and B." Studying in the Advanced Track begins with "Advanced English 1A and 1B." Students can register for these courses during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

English Advanced Track

Subject Name (credits) Required / Registration Registration
Advanced English 1A (4) Advanced English 1B (2) Required Registered by University
Advanced English 2A (4) Advanced English 2B (2)
Language for Specific Purposes English for Business 1 (2) Elective Registered by student
English for Business 2 (2)
Extensive Reading in English (2)
English Project 2 (2)
English of the Media (2)
  • Students who wish to take Language for Specific Purposes in the English Advanced Track may do so after completing "Advanced English 1A and 1B."

Specific Subject

Subject Name (credits) Required / Elective Registration
TESOL (2) Elective Registered by student
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course I (2)
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course Ⅱ (2)
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course Ⅲ (2)
  • The subject area of the Specific Subject is a language education subject. Please check the syllabus for course content.

Registration of Required English Language Subjects by English-basis Students

English-basis students may register English language courses in the Advanced Track.

Registration of "Advanced English 1A・1B"

Only students with scores LOWER than those in the table below may apply.

6.5 524 410 395 164 156 58

Students who wish to register must apply in advance in the semester prior to the semester in which they wish to register for courses. Students may register for these courses by themselves during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

  • *Applications are open to students in their second semester or above at the time of enrolment.
  • *Advance application information will be posted on Campus Terminal each semester.

Registration of "Advanced English 2A・2B" or Language for Specific Purposes in Advanced Track

Students may register for these courses by themselves during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

Requirement to Take the Benchmark Test for Required English Language Subjects

To evaluate the English learning level and progress, Japanese-basis students taking the required English language subjects in the Standard Track are required to undergo several Benchmark Tests at each registered level. The result of the Benchmark Test will make up a portion of student’s grade evaluation for the individual level or course.

Benchmark Test

The Benchmark Test is a computer-based test of English language proficiency that is designed to show learner progress in the language over a period of time. It is an integrated-skills test, including Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening. As well as giving detailed feedback to students on all of these language skills, the Benchmark Test provides students with a Global Scale of English (GSE) score.

Language Study Outside the Classroom

To further improve your language skills, APU offers a wide range of short-term programs during summer and winter holidays, as well as six-month and one-year overseas language training and study abroad programs. Students are also strongly encouraged to take the TOEFL ITP®, TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test and IELTS, which are conducted on campus, as an opportunity to objectively assess their English language skills. We look forward to your active participation and taking these tests!

BOOST Program

This is an English study program designed to improve IELTS scores for students who are currently taking Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate English.
Please check the BOOST page for more information.

Off-Campus Language Study

Please refer to Off-campus Programs

SALC (Self-Access Learning Center)

SALC has a wide range of English and Japanese materials at different levels and also offers self-study guidance to help you develop the skills you want to improve efficiently. Please feel free to drop in.

Language Proficiency Test

Website for Self-Study(made by APU English Faculty)

Announcement of the Timetable for Required English Courses

    • Current Students / Reinstatement Students
      It is announced on March 15, 2024, on "Action Required" in the Campus Terminal.
    • New and Readmission students
      To be announced in April 3, 2024

English Language Subject Exemption

For students at APU it is a graduation requirement to take mandatory language subjects in one's non-basis language. The starting level of these mandatory language courses is determined by the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. In the following instances, however, it is possible for AY 2017 Curriculum students to apply for exemption for English language subjects.

While in APU

【Application Criteria】
  • The student must not apply for a subject which they are currently taking in the semester of application.
  • The student must have a valid score on the TOEFL iBT® Test, IELTS, PTE Academic or TOEIC® Test, which fulfills the exemption criteria.
【Exemption criteria】

A pass grade for all registered English subjects in the semester of application.

While studying abroad or taking a leave of absence

【Application criteria】
  • A pass grade for all registered English subjects in the semester immediately before leaving for study abroad or taking leave of absence.
  • The student must have a valid score on the TOEFL iBT® Test, IELTS, PTE Academic or TOEIC® Test, which fulfills the exemption criteria.
  • Students must apply for an exemption during the semester immediately preceding their return to APU.

Exemption Criteria

<Available Scores>
TOEFL iBT®: TOEFL iBT® (on-site version, 2/3 hour version), TOEFL iBT Home Edition
* TOEFL ITP, TOEFL®PBT, TOEFL®︎ Essentials™️ tests are NOT accepted

TOEIC®: TOEIC®, TOEIC IP (on-site/online)
* TOEIC Bridge® Tests are NOT accepted

IELTS: IELTS Academic, IELTS General Training, IELTS for UKVI, IELTS OnlinePearson

GSE (PTE Academic): PTE Academic, PTE Academic Online
* Benchmark test in class is NOT accepted.

Track Subject Name TOEFL iBT® Test IELTS GSE TOEIC ® Tests
Standard Track Pre-Intermediate English A & B 48 5 39 L230/R230
Intermediate English A & B 55 5.5 44 L285/R285
Upper-Intermediate A & B 61 6 50 L330/R325
Advanced Track Advanced English 1A & 1B 70 6.5 58 L410/R395
Advanced English 2A & 2B 80 7 65 L430/R410

Application Schedule

Details will be announced through Campus Terminal.

Semester Application Period Interview Date Announcement of the Result
Spring Semester Around July Late July – Early August Grade Announcement Date
Fall Semester Around January Early February Grade Announcement Date

Application Method

Application method will be announced through Campus Terminal. The screening will be judged comprehensively based on the application and the interview.
Score sheets (within the validity period) are required for the application. Please keep the original at hand.

Score Sheet

An "original score sheet (The score within the validated period.)" is a certificate or report from a testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself. Please note that the testing organizations may require several days in order to reissue score sheets, therefore we ask that you apply well in advance when an additional certificate is needed.If you do not have the printed documents and only have access to the score result page online, a screenshot of the score inquiry screen may be accepted. However, please note that we may request the printed(original) documents later.


In the event you are unable to attend the interview, your application will be invalidated. Please be sure to arrange your schedule to allow your attendance.

Important Notes

In principle, students cannot cancel the application after taking the exemption test.
Also, please note that the exemption application will be invalid or will not be considered in the following cases.

  • The application is incomplete or incorrect.
  • Application documents are not submitted or do not arrive by the deadline.
  • If the online submitted certificate, such as a qualification exam score sheet, is unclear, or if the original document cannot be submitted when requested by the office.
  • The test score is not one of the specified qualifications for exemption.
  • Score was not received while on “leave of absence” or during “period of exchange” (Only for exchange students or students on leave of absence)
  • Does not attend interview on the designated day (for any reason)

Language Class Attendance Rules

Starting from 2010 Spring Semester, the following rules concerning class attendance will apply to all language education subjects (English, Japanese, AP languages).
In addition, each class may have special rules concerning attendance. Please be sure to confirm these in each course syllabus.


Please attend all classes. If circumstances require your absence, you will still be required to attend at least 3/4 of the classes (including regular class days and final exam). If you do not attend this number of classes, you will automatically receive a failing (F) grade for the course.


If you are not present at the time class attendance is taken, you will not be counted present. However, absences may be excused in the following cases:

【Contraction of an infectious disease (as recognized by Japanese School Health Law)】

Students must apply to the APU Student Office with the required documentation in order to have their absences from class excused for this reason.

【University-authorized leave of absence】

The relevant APU office (i.e. Student Office, Outreach and Research Office) will send the documents directly to the class teacher. The student does not need to submit the documents to the teacher.

112011 Curriculum

  • 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students between AY 2011 and AY 2016.
  • 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students between AY 2011 and AY 2017.
  • 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students between AY 2011 and AY 2018.
  • 4.Students who originally enrolled before AY 2011, but as a result of reinstatement or readmission will be in the same semester as students in Group 1.

English Language Subjects

For Japanese-basis students, the appropriate curriculum and starting level of required English language subjects will be based on the results of the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. The curriculum types include the English Standard Track (24 credits) and the English Advanced Track (12 credits). Note that once curriculum types are set, no changes can be made.

Course Registration

  • Required English language subjects are divided into A (4 credit) and B (2 credit) subjects, each graded according to its own evaluation criteria. Only once credits for both subjects have been completed can a student proceed to the next level.
  • The university automatically assigns classes for required English language subjects in each track. Although there may be different timetables and teachers for courses at the same level, all classes are assigned by the university and cannot be changed or cancelled.
  • The grade level restriction will not apply if a student meets the other requirements to enroll in a language education subject (English).

English Standard Track

Subject Name (credits) Required / Elective Registration
Elementary English A (4) Elementary English B (2) Required Registered by University
Pre-Intermediate English A (4) Pre-Intermediate English B (2)
Intermediate English A (4) Intermediate English B (2)
Upper-Intermediate English A (4) Upper-Intermediate English B (2)
Language for Specific Purposes English for Business Writing (2) Elective Registered by student
English for Business Presentations (2)
English Project 1 (2)
English for Discussion and Debate (2)
  • Students who wish to take "Language for Specific Purposes" in the Standard Track may do so by completing "Upper- Intermediate English A and B."
  • Students who wish to take Required English language subjects in Advanced Track may do so by completing more than 2 subjects from "Language for Specific Purposes". Study in the Advanced Track begins with "Advanced English 1A and 1B." Students can register for these courses during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

English Advanced Track

Subject Name (credits) Required / Elective Registration
Advanced English 1A (4) Advanced English 1B (2) Required Registered by University
Advanced English 2A (4) Advanced English 2B (2)
Language for Specific Purposes English for Business 1 (2) Elective Registered by student
English for Business 2 (2)
Extensive Reading in English (2)
English Project 2 (2)
  • Students who wish to take Language for Specific Purposes in the English Advanced Track may do so after completing "Advanced English 1A and 1B."

Specific Subject

Subject Name (credits) Required / Elective Registration
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course I (2) Elective Registered by student
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course Ⅱ (2)
English Proficiency Test Preparation Course Ⅲ (2)
  • The subject area of the Specific Subject is a language education subject. Please check the syllabus for course content.

Registration of Required English Language Subjects by English-basis Students

English-basis students may register English language courses in the Advanced Track.

Registration of "Advanced English 1A・1B"

Only students with scores LOWER than those in the table below may apply.

6.5 524 410 395 164 156 58

Students who wish to register must apply in advance in the semester prior to the semester in which they wish to register for courses. Students may register for these courses by themselves during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

  • *Applications are open to students in their second semester or above at the time of enrolment.
  • *Advance application information will be posted on Campus Terminal each semester.

Registration of "Advanced English 2A・2B" or Language for Specific Purposes in Advanced Track

Students may register for these courses by themselves during Course Registration Period B only if there are seats available.

Requirement to Take the Benchmark Test for Required English Language Subjects

To evaluate the English learning level and progress, Japanese-basis students taking the required English language subjects in the Standard Track are required to undergo several Benchmark Tests at each registered level. The result of the Benchmark Test will make up a portion of student’s grade evaluation for the individual level or course.

Benchmark Test

The Benchmark Test is a computer-based test of English language proficiency that is designed to show learner progress in the language over a period of time. It is an integrated-skills test, including Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening. As well as giving detailed feedback to students on all of these language skills, the Benchmark Test provides students with a Global Scale of English (GSE) score.

Language Study Outside the Classroom

To further improve your language skills, APU offers a wide range of short-term programs during summer and winter holidays, as well as six-month and one-year overseas language training and study abroad programs. Students are also strongly encouraged to take the TOEFL ITP®, TOEIC® Listening and Reading Test and IELTS, which are conducted on campus, as an opportunity to objectively assess their English language skills. We look forward to your active participation and taking these tests!

BOOST Program

This is an English study program designed to improve IELTS scores for students who are currently taking Pre-Intermediate or Intermediate English.
Please check the BOOST page for more information.

Off-Campus Language Study

Please refer to Off-campus Programs

SALC (Self-Access Learning Center)

SALC has a wide range of English and Japanese materials at different levels and also offers self-study guidance to help you develop the skills you want to improve efficiently. Please feel free to drop in.

Language Proficiency Test

Website for Self-Study(made by APU English Faculty)

Announcement of the Timetable for Required English Courses

  • Current Students / Reinstatement Students
    It is announced on March 15, 2024, on "Action Required" in the Campus Terminal.
  • New and Readmission students
    To be announced in April 3, 2024

English Language Subject Exemption

For students at APU it is a graduation requirement to take required language subjects in their non-basis language. The starting level of these required language subjects is determined by the placement test taken at the time of enrollment. In the following instances, however, it is possible to apply for exemption for English language subjects.

While in APU

【Application Criteria】
  • Must be "studying abroad" or taking a "leave of absence" at the time of application
  • Must have received a score for a university-designated language proficiency exam while studying abroad or taking a leave of absence, and must be able to submit the application for exemption one semester before returning to the university

Exemption Criteria

<Available Scores>
TOEFL iBT®: TOEFL iBT® (On-site version, 2/3 hour version), TOEFL iBT Home Edition
* TOEFL ITP, TOEFL®PBT, TOEFL®︎ Essentials™️ tests are NOT accepted.

Track Subject Name Exemption Criteria (TOEFL iBT® Test)
Standard Track Pre-Intermediate English A & B 48
Intermediate English A & B 55
Upper-Intermediate A & B 61
Advanced Track Advanced English 1A & 1B 70
Advanced English 2A & 2B 80

Application Schedule

Details will be announced through Campus Terminal.

Semester Application Period Interview Date Announcement of the Result
Spring Semester Around July Grade Announcement date Grade Announcement date
Fall Semester Around January Early February Grade Announcement date

Application Method

Application method will be announced through Campus Terminal. The screening will be judged comprehensively based on the application and the interview.
Score sheets (within the validity period) are required for the application. Please keep the original at hand.

Score Sheet

An "original score sheet (The score within the validated period.)" is a certificate or report from a testing organization which shows an evaluation of language ability. This must be printed by the testing organization itself. Please note that the testing organizations may require several days in order to reissue score sheets, therefore we ask that you apply well in advance when an additional certificate is needed.If you do not have the printed documents and only have access to the score result page online, a screenshot of the score inquiry screen may be accepted. However, please note that we may request the printed(original) documents later.


In the event you are unable to attend the interview, your application will be invalidated. Please be sure to arrange your schedule to allow your attendance.

Important Notes

In principle, students cannot cancel the application after taking the exemption test.
Also, please note that the exemption application will be invalid or will not be considered in the following cases.

  • The application is incomplete or incorrect.
  • Application documents are not submitted or do not arrive by the deadline.
  • If the online submitted certificate, such as a qualification exam score sheet, is unclear, or if the original document cannot be submitted when requested by the office.
  • The test score is not one of the specified qualifications for exemption.
  • Score was not received while on “leave of absence” or during “period of exchange” (Only for exchange students or students on leave of absence)
  • Does not attend interview on the designated day (for any reason)

Language Class Attendance Rules

Starting from 2010 Spring Semester, the following rules concerning class attendance will apply to all language education subjects (English, Japanese, AP languages).
In addition, each class may have special rules concerning attendance. Please be sure to confirm these in each course syllabus.


Please attend all classes. If circumstances require your absence, you will still be required to attend at least 3/4 of the classes (including regular class days and final exam). If you do not attend this number of classes, you will automatically receive a failing (F) grade for the course.


If you are not present at the time class attendance is taken, you will not be counted present. However, absences may be excused in the following cases:

【Contraction of an infectious disease (as recognized by Japanese School Health Law)】

Students must apply to the APU Student Office with the required documentation in order to have their absences from class excused for this reason.

【University-authorized leave of absence】

The relevant APU office (i.e. Student Office, Outreach and Research Office) will send the documents directly to the class teacher. The student does not need to submit the documents to the teacher.


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