Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Office Hours & Consultations

Writing Center

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The Writing Center was created in April of 2011 with the aim of improving both the English and Japanese academic writing abilities for undergraduate students. This is a place for you to check the level of your writing skills, as well as improve them. Feel free to visit the Writing Center not just for help writing class reports, but also any other kind of writing support you may need. Refined writing skills are crucial, not only as a student here or at any other university, but in the working world as well. Please make the most of the services the center has to offer to gain the writing skills you need!


"To produce better writers, not better writing"

The APU Writing Center provides students with workshops and individualized teaching, with the goal of nurturing “self-reliant writers” through supporting students wanting to improve themselves. “Self-reliant writers” are those who are able to notice problems in their own writings and make corrections by themselves.


At the Writing Center, students can get one-on-one individualized instruction with one of our tutors. If you have ever had any of the following concerns, please visit us for assistance!

“I was assigned a paper in class, but I don’t know what I should write on, or how to write about it…”

It’s ok, even if you haven’t started writing yet. By discussing the topic with a tutor, we will help you put your thoughts together and make them into writing.

“I finished my report, but I don’t know if it’s really OK the way it is… Can someone look it over?”

Tutors will not correct or do any touch ups to your text, but will help you to find potential problematic points in your writing by yourself. This is the first step in becoming a “self-reliant writer”.

Please go to the Japanese Writing Center for help with writing in Japanese, and the English Writing Center for help with writing in English. Each session is 40 minutes.

  • Only one session reservation per student per day. However, additional walk-in sessions are possible.
  • No scholarship essays, job applications or exchange program essays.
  • Please make a copy of your essay (data) and share it with the tutor at the beginning of the session.
  • When students make reservations and fail to show up they prevent other students from signing up and thus using the service. If you have 2 no-shows you will not be allowed to sign up for any more sessions at the Writing Center this semester.
  • Don't be late for your reservations. If you are more than 5 minutes late for your reservation it will be marked as a no-show.
  • We will not be held accountable for your grades.

Make a Reservation

From the AY 2023 fall semester, graduate students are permitted to use the Writing Center English booth during specified times.

Please check the reservation system below for the list of available times.

Reservation System:

QR Code

You must bring a hard copy (on paper) of your writing assignment.
(*If you haven't yet started writing your assignment, this is not required.)


Library, 1st floor

Library, 1st floor


Please take the survey after your session to make the Writing Center (English) a better place.

  • If you have used Writing Center (English): Survey
  • If you have used Writing Center (Japanese): Survey

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