APU Faculty Interview Articles
Articles which introduce innovations APU Professors are making in their classes as well as what they are doing in their seminars held for students will be published here. We hope that this knowledge will be useful for your coursework and studies.
Interview Articles on Practices to Improve Class Quality
- Vol 1: APS Associate Professor YOUN Seung Ho
- Vol 2: APM Associate Professor ACKARADEJRUANGSRI P.
- Vol 3: APM Associate Professor SHINOHARA Yoshiki
- Vol 4: CLE Tenured Senior Lecturer SAUNDERS Matt
- Vol 5: APS Associate Professor KOJIMA Shinji
- Vol 6: APM Associate Professor YANG Jeongwoo
- Vol 7: APS Assistant Professor HIRANO Miharu
- Vol 8: CLE Tenured Senior Lecturer OHARA Tetsushi
- Vol 9: APM Assistant Professor YOO Bosul
- Vol 10: EDLSC Associate Professor Peter ROUX
- Vol 11: APM Associate Professor SAITO Hiroaki
- Vol 12: APS Professor KUBO Takayuki
- Vol 13: CLE Associate Professor JUNG Jonghee
- Vol 14: EDLSC Professor HIRAI Tatsuya
- Vol 15 Spring Edition 1: ST Professor BUI Thanh Huong
- Vol 15 Spring Edition 2: EDLSC Professor SHIN Kimie
- Vol 16: CLE Tenured Senior Lecturer ITABASHI Tamiko: A Japanese Language Professor and her Student LEE Dongmin
- Vol 17: CLE Part-time Lecturer RECUERO DIAZ Jaime
- Vol 18: APM Professor BARAI Munim Kumar
- Vol 19: APS Professor YOSHIDA Kaori