Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Chapter 7: Other Procedures (College Transfer, Accelerated Graduation, etc.)
  2. 4. Reenrollment/Transfer

3rd Year Reenrollment/Transfer

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3rd Year Reenrollment / Transfer is a system that allows students to reenroll or transfer from another university to APU as a 3rd year student.

Those who wish to reenroll or transfer in as a 2nd year or 3rd year student must watch the video below.

Credit Transfer

Credits earned at other universities can be transferred to APU.
3rd Year Transfer Students can transfer a maximum of 62 credits to APU.

As a rule, course names will not be carried over.

Only selected courses from accredited schools (AACSB, EQUIS, EPAS, AMBA) will have their course names transferred.

Credits for Required Courses at APU cannot be transferred.

This also applies to Required Language Education courses.

How to check Transferred Credits

You can check your transferred credits on the grade report system after enrollment.
The university will not notify you. You must check the information yourself.
Details on how to check this information will be shared at the guidance session after enrollment.

Seminar Courses (Seminars)

At APU, Seminar Courses (Seminars) are required in some colleges.

Transfer students / reenrollees will be registered for seminars immediately after enrollment.
You must apply for registration in advance (especially APS and ST students). You will be contacted individually about registration procedures that need to be completed before enrollment. Before applying, we recommend that you read through the seminar course pages of each college to find the information necessary for your application, such as which professor’s seminar you would like to take.

Each College’s Seminar Course Page

  • This is an important procedure that APS and ST students must carry out in order to graduate. Please check the application schedule and overview yourself.
  • Transfer students begin applying for seminars after the application period for current students has already ended, so you can only apply for seminars which still have seats available at that time. Thank you for your understanding.

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