Support Desk
IT - Information Technology – is a crucial part of learning.
APU provides technology support for both teachers and students to ensure more effective teaching and learning.
Please feel free to make use of our services.
Information Systems Office
- Place: 3rd Floor, D Building
- Hours: Monday – Friday, 10:00 - 16:30
- Please use the inquiry form here to receive support.
We offer the support in the following areas:
Use of APU’s classroom facilities such as computers and AV equipment
APU-provided IT services (Office365, other software)
LMS (Questions regarding the services and their use in class)
Information on our AV equipment rental service (Instructors only)
* We also provide workshops on topics not listed above. Please contact us for details.
ALRCS(Academic & Learning Resource Core Staff)

ALRCS (Academic & Learning Resource Staff) are staff members in the Academic Office who provide support to foster students’ autonomous learning in a range of situations.
- Hours: 2nd - 5th period on regular class days (10:35-17:50)
We offer the support in the following areas:
How to use APU Moodle
How to use Microsoft365
How to set up a VPN
How to find books