Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Chapter 9: College of International Management

3. Graduation Requirements & Areas of Study

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232023 Curriculum

  • 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students from AY 2023 onwards.
  • 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students from AY 2024 onwards.
  • 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students from AY 2025 onwards.

Graduation Requirements

Your graduation requirements depend on your enrollment language and whether you are a domestic or international student. In order to graduate from the College of International Management, you must fulfill all of the requirements marked by 〇 in the table below. Please check the column that corresponds to your language basis and status as an international/domestic student.

Credits Required for Graduation by Curriculum

The following tables show the credit requirements for graduation by curriculum. (How to check your curriculum)
However, each student’s starting level for required language subjects (English or Japanese) differs depending on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. For this reason, even though students belong to the same curriculum, the number of required credits for “English Language Subjects” or “Japanese Language Subjects” may also differ between students. Please see “Graduation Requirement 3” for more information about required language subjects.
How to Check your Individual Credit Requirements

APM 23 JST: Credits Required for Graduation (APM 2023 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Standard Track)

Subject Field Required Credits Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects English Language Subjects 24 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 10
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 0
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Major Education Subjects 44
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0    

APM 23 JAT: Credits Required for Graduation (APM 2023 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Advanced Track)

Subject Field Required Credits Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects English Language Subjects 12 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 10
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 12
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Major Education Subjects 44
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0    

APM 23 E: Credits Required for Graduation (APM 2023 Curriculum, English-basis)

Subject Field Required Credits Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects Japanese Language Subjects 16 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 10
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 8
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Major Education Subjects 44
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0    

Explanation of Each Graduation Requirement

Graduation Requirement 1: Enroll for at least four years

Students must be enrolled at APU for at least four years.

Year Level 1st Year Student 2nd Year Student 3rd Year Student 4th Year Student
Semester Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Enrollment Enroll Graduate
Graduation Requirement 2: Complete at least 124 credits in total
Students must earn a total of at least 124 credits to graduate.
However, even if a student has earned 124 credits overall, they cannot graduate if they have not fulfilled any of graduation requirements 3 to 8.
Graduation Requirement 3: Complete all required language subjects (or be exempted from required language subjects)

The number of required credits for English or Japanese Language Subjects differs between students based on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. APU automatically registers and assigns students to these classes until they earn credits for all their required language subjects.

【English】Required Language Subjects for Japanese-Basis Students

  • Students can only proceed to the next level after earning credits for both English A and B at a given level. Students who fail either subject A or B cannot proceed to the next level. (For example, if a student passes English A but fails B, then they will only be registered for English B again in the next semester.)
  • At all levels, English A is worth 4 credits and English B is worth 2 credits.
  • Please refer to the “English Language Subjects” page for more details.
Track Starting
No. of
Required for
Standard Track
Registration Period for Required English Subjects
Advanced Track
Registration Period for Required English Subjects
Elementary A Pre-Intermediate A Intermediate A Upper-Intermediate A Advanced 1A Advanced 2A
Elementary B Pre-Intermediate B Intermediate B Upper-Intermediate B Advanced 1B Advanced 2B
Standard Track Elementary 24 1st Semester After
(Optional) (Optional)
Pre-Intermediate 18 Exempt 1st Semester After
(Optional) (Optional)
Intermediate 12 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After
(Optional) (Optional)
6 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester (Optional) (Optional)
Advanced 1 12 Cannot Register 1st Semester After
Advanced 1
Advanced 2 6 Exempt 1st Semester
Exempt 0 Exempt Exempt

※The "XX semester" in red font indicates the semester in which APU registers the subject in question

【Japanese】Required Language Subjects for English-Basis Students

Starting Level No. of Credits
Required for
Registration Period for Required Japanese Subjects
Foundation I
(4 Credits)
Foundation II
(4 Credits)
Foundation III
(4 Credits)
(4 Credits)
Foundation I 16 Both Registered in 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation I – II
After Completing
Foundation I – III
Foundation II 12 Exempt 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation II
After Completing
Foundation II – III
Foundation III 8 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation III
Intermediate 4 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester
Higher than
0 Exempt Exempt Exempt Exempt

※The "XX semester" in red font indicates the semester in which APU registers the subject in question

Graduation Requirement 4: Fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field
  • Of the 124 credits required for graduation, students need to earn 102 credits in specific subject fields (Graduation Requirements 3,4 and 5-8).
  • Although students are required to complete 102 credits in the set subject fields, they can complete the remaining 22 credits (124 credits – 102 credits) in any subject field they are interested in.
  • Depending on each student’s starting level for required language subjects, the number of required credits for “English/Japanese Language Subjects” and “Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects” will change. However, all students are still required to earn a total of 102 credits in the required subject fields.
【E.g.: English-basis Students (Starting from Foundation Japanese I)】
Subject Field Credit Requirement Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects Japanese Language Subjects 16 102 Credits 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 10
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 8
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Major Education Subjects 44
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0
Graduation Requirement 5: Complete at least 20 credits of subjects held in English (Japanese-basis domestic students only)

Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects (either from their own college or another college) held in English.
Japanese-basis students must fulfil the following requirements in order to register for subjects held in English.

English Track Requirements for Taking Subjects Held in English
Standard Track (JST) Complete credits for or be exempted from “Intermediate English A/B”
Advanced Track (JAT) No specific requirements. Can register for subjects held in English from their 1st semester.


  • Language Education Subjects and subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
  • Japanese-basis international students do not need to complete this requirement for graduation.
  • Even if your residence status (domestic/international) changes after enrollment, your curriculum and graduation requirements do not change.
  • The subject “Bridge Program” counts as a subject held in English.
“Bridge Program”
Subject Outline
Bridge Program is a Common Liberal Arts Subject where students study a wide variety of liberal arts topics while improving their English ability.
This subject was established to serve as the first step towards students taking regular classes held in English.
Students cannot register for this subject again if they have already earned credits for it before.
Eligibility Only Japanese-basis domestic students on the English Standard Track can register for this subject.
Registration Restrictions Available after completing “Pre-Intermediate English A & B” and before completing “Upper-Intermediate English A & B”.
The classes are separated by college, so students cannot register for the “Bridge Program” of other colleges.
Students who want to take this subject should register for it themselves during one of the course registration periods.
Graduation Requirement 6: Complete 4 credits of required Common Liberal Arts Subjects for APM (excluding the subjects in No. 7)

APM students are required to earn credits for both of the following subjects to graduate.

Subject Code Subject Name Credits Semester Available From Registration Method
027003 Statistics 2 1st semester Registered by Student
020031 Introduction to Economics 2 1st semester Registered by University
in 2nd semester*

*Notes about “Introduction to Economics”:

  • The university will register students for “Introduction to Economics” in their enrollment language.
  • APU normally registers students for this subject in their 2nd semester. However, students can register for this subject by themselves during their 1st semester if they have enough credits available. If a student registers for this subject early and successfully earns the credits, then APU will not register them for this subject in their 2nd semester.
Graduation Requirement 7: Earn credits for either “Fundamental Mathematics” or “Advanced Mathematics”

APM students must earn credits for at least one of the following subjects to graduate.

Subject Code Subject Name Credits Semester Available From Registration Method
028011 Fundamental Mathematics 2 1st semester Registered by Student
028111 Advanced Mathematics 2 3rd semester Registered by Student
  • You can take both classes if you are interested.
  • “Fundamental Mathematics” can only be taken in your enrollment language.
Graduation Requirement 8: Complete all required APM Major Education Subjects (9 subjects, 18 credits)

APM students must earn credits for all of the following subjects to graduate.

  • The university will automatically register and assign students to these classes until they earn credits for all the required subjects.
  • The university will register students for these subjects in their enrollment language.
Subject Code Subject Name Credits Semester Registered
by University
Registration Method
030566 Introduction to Management 2 1st semester Registered by University
030571 Accounting I 2 1st semester Registered by University
037213 Introduction to Marketing 2 2nd semester* Registered by University
030600 Finance 2 2nd semester* Registered by University
033011 Legal Strategy in Business 2 3rd semester Registered by University
038201 Production and Operations Management 2 3rd semester Registered by University
038404 Organizational Behavior 2 3rd semester Registered by University
038211 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility 2 5th semester Registered by University
037210 Global Management (Capstone) 2 7th semester Registered by University

*Notes about “Introduction to Marketing” and “Finance”:

  • APU normally registers students for these subjects in their 2nd semester. However, students can register for these subjects by themselves during their 1st semester if they have 16 or less credits of automatically registered subjects in their 1st semester (they have enough credits available). If a student registers for any of these subjects early and successfully earns the credits, then APU will not register them for that subject in their 2nd semester.

*Note about “Global Management (Capstone)”:

  • APU automatically registers students for this subject in their 7th semester. However, students who wish to postpone the time of taking this subject due to job hunting or other reasons can drop it by themselves during course registration periods. If a student drop this subject, APU will register the subject in their 8th semester.

Prerequisite Subjects

Some subjects have set “prerequisite subjects” to ensure that students register for courses in a systematic manner. If the prerequisite subject is listed on the “Subject List”, students must earn credits for the set prerequisite before they can register for this subject. The required APM Major Education Subjects are prerequisites for many other APM Major Education Subjects.
You can check the “Subject List” here.

APM Areas of Study *Not a graduation requirement

The College of International Management has established the following four Areas of Study in order to support the development of future business people with high professional ethics and the ability to discover and resolve management issues. Students will acquire knowledge of management and a deep understanding of diverse societies, cultures, and traditions and also interact with individuals from a variety of backgrounds in the world of international business.

APM Areas of Study
Strategic Management & Leadership(SML)
Accounting & Finance(AF)
Entrepreneurship & Operations Management (EOM)

If a student completes the following requirements, the Area(s) of Study will be noted on their diploma.

  • APM students can register one of the four Areas of Study as their Major.
  • If a student completes 16 or more credits from among the designated subjects for their registered Area of Study (including up to 4 credits for seminar subjects), then the name of that Area of Study will be noted as their Major on their diploma.
  • APM students can also register one of the other Areas of Study as a Minor.
  • Students can only register one Minor.
  • If a student completes 12 or more credits from among the designated subjects for the Area of Study they registered as their Minor (including up to 4 credits for seminar subjects), then the name of that Area of Study will be noted as their Minor on their diploma.
  • Furthermore, a student’s Minor will only be noted on their diploma if they have also fulfilled all the requirements for their Major. If a student only fulfils the requirements for their Minor, and not their Major, then neither the name of their Major or their Minor will be noted on their diploma.
Schedule for Area of Study Registration & Registration Method

Schedule for Area of Study Registration

Eligible Semesters 1st Semester – Final Semester
Registration Periods Students can register/change their Areas of Study at any point between the start of Period A and end of Correction Period 2
(Including during Period B and Correction Period 1)

* After a student has registered for an Area of Study, they can change it an unlimited number of times within the registration period above.
*Students are not permitted to register or change their Area of Study outside of the period listed above.

How to Register for an Area of Study

Please refer to this manual and register using the “2023 APM Area of Study Application Form”.

Area of Study Registration Manual
2023 APM Area of Study Application Form APM

How to Confirm your Major / Minor Area of Study

A list of students’ registered Areas of Study will be uploaded below after Correction Period 2 each semester.
Please check your registered Major and Minor using this list.

2023 Curriculum APM Students: Current Area of Study Registration (After 2024FA Correction Period 2)

How to Check your Credit Completion Status for Subjects Assigned to Each Area of Study

Please refer to this manual.

Checking your Credit Completion Status Manual

Students who want to obtain CPA, CFA or CMA certification

"Accounting and Finance (AF)” major students who plan to pursue CPA, CFA, or CMA certification are recommended to complete 20 or more credits in AF Major Education Subjects, excluding “Accounting I”, “Finance”, and seminar subjects.

Number of Credits Earned from Distance Learning Courses

Number of Credits from “Distance Learning Courses” Included in Credits Counted Toward Graduation

A maximum of 60 credits earned from Distance Learning Courses may be counted toward graduation.

Under the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and APU’s University Regulations, the maximum number of credits from Distance Learning Courses that can be counted towards graduation for undergraduate students is 60 credits. Please note that if a student earns more than 60 credits, the additional credits will not count toward the number of credits needed for graduation. In addition, please note that even if a student earns more than 60 credits for applicable courses, this will not be indicated under “Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation” on the “Grade Report [Credit Completion]” page of Campusmate.

As such, students must check and manage the number of credits earned through Distance Learning courses themselves and make sure they do not exceed 60 credits.

Please check this page for the list of Distance Learning Courses and other information.

172017 Curriculum

  • 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students between AY 2017 and AY 2022.
  • 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students between AY 2018 and AY 2023.
  • 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students between AY 2019 and AY 2024.

Graduation Requirements

Your graduation requirements depend on your enrollment language and whether you are a domestic or international student. In order to graduate from the College of International Management, you must fulfill all of the requirements marked by 〇 in the table below. Please check the column that corresponds to your language basis and status as an international/domestic student.

Credits Required for Graduation by Curriculum

The following tables show the credit requirements for graduation by curriculum. (How to check your curriculum)
However, each student’s starting level for required language subjects (English or Japanese) differs depending on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. For this reason, even though students belong to the same curriculum, the number of required credits for “English Language Subjects” or “Japanese Language Subjects” may also differ between students. Please see “Graduation Requirement 3” for more information about required language subjects.

How to Check your Individual Credit Requirements

APM 17 JST: Credits Required for Graduation (APM 2017 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Standard Track)

Subject Field Required Credits Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects English Language Subjects 24 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 12
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 0
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Required Major Education Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Major Education Subjects 42
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0    

APM 17 JAT: Credits Required for Graduation (APM 2017 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Advanced Track)

Subject Field Required Credits Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects English Language Subjects 12 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 12
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 12
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Required Major Education Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Major Education Subjects 42
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0    

APM 17 E: Credits Required for Graduation (APM 2017 Curriculum, English-basis)

Subject Field Required Credits Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects Japanese Language Subjects 16 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 12
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 8
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Required Major Education Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Major Education Subjects 42
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0    

Explanation of Each Graduation Requirement

Graduation Requirement 1: Enroll for at least four years

Students must be enrolled at APU for at least four years.

Year Level 1st Year Student 2nd Year Student 3rd Year Student 4th Year Student
Semester Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th
Enrollment Enroll Graduate
Graduation Requirement 2: Complete at least 124 credits in total
Students must earn a total of at least 124 credits to graduate.
However, even if a student has earned 124 credits overall, they cannot graduate if they have not fulfilled any of graduation requirements 3 to 7.
Graduation Requirement 3: Complete all required language subjects (or be exempted from required language subjects)

The number of required credits for English or Japanese Language Subjects differs between students based on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. APU automatically registers and assigns students to these classes until they earn credits for all their required language subjects.

【English】Required Language Subjects for Japanese-Basis Students

  • Students can only proceed to the next level after earning credits for both English A and B at a given level. Students who fail either subject A or B cannot proceed to the next level. (For example, if a student passes English A but fails B, then they will only be registered for English B again in the next semester.)
  • At all levels, English A is worth 4 credits and English B is worth 2 credits.
  • Please refer to the “English Language Subjects” page for more details.
Track Starting Level No. of
Required for
Standard Track
Registration Period for Required English Subjects
Advanced Track
Registration Period for Required English Subjects
Elementary A Pre-
Intermediate A
Intermediate A Upper-Intermediate A Advanced 1A Advanced 2A
Elementary B Pre-
Intermediate B
Intermediate B Upper-Intermediate B Advanced 1B Advanced 2B
Elementary 24 1st Semester After
(Optional) (Optional)
18 Exempt 1st Semester After
(Optional) (Optional)
Intermediate 12 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After
(Optional) (Optional)
6 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester (Optional) (Optional)
Advanced 1 12 Cannot Register 1st Semester After
Advanced 1
Advanced 2 6 Exempt 1st Semester
Exempt 0 Exempt Exempt

【Japanese】Required Language Subjects for English-Basis Students

Starting Level No. of Credits
Required for
Registration Period for Required Japanese Subjects
Foundation I
(4 Credits)
Foundation II
(4 Credits)
Foundation III
(4 Credits)
(4 Credits)
Foundation I 16 All Registered in 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation I – III
Foundation II 12 Exempt Both Registered in 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation II – III
Foundation III 8 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation III
Intermediate 4 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester
Higher than
0 Exempt Exempt Exempt Exempt
Graduation Requirement 4: Fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field
  • Of the 124 credits required for graduation, students need to earn 102 credits in specific subject fields (Graduation Requirements 3 and 5-7).
  • Although students are required to complete 102 credits in the set subject fields, they can complete the remaining 22 credits (124 credits – 102 credits) in any subject field they are interested in.
  • Depending on each student’s starting level for required language subjects, the number of required credits for “English/Japanese Language Subjects” and “Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects” will change. However, all students are still required to earn a total of 102 credits in the required subject fields.
【E.g.: English-basis Students (Starting from Foundation Japanese I)】
Subject Field Required Credits Subtotal Total
Common Education Subjects Japanese Language Subjects 16 102 Credits 40 At least 124 Credits
Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 4
Common Liberal Arts Subjects 12
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 8
APM Major Education Subjects Required Major Education Subjects 18 62
Required Major Education Subjects (Mathematics) 2
Major Education Subjects 42
Other College Subjects 0 0
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0
Graduation Requirement 5: Complete at least 20 credits of subjects held in English (Japanese-basis domestic students only)

Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects (either from their own college or another college) held in English.
Japanese-basis students must fulfil the following requirements in order to register for subjects held in English.

English Track Requirements for Taking Subjects Held in English
Standard Track (JST) Complete credits for or be exempted from “Intermediate English A/B”
Advanced Track (JAT) No specific requirements. Can register for subjects held in English from their 1st semester.


  • Language Education Subjects and subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
  • Japanese-basis international students do not need to complete this requirement for graduation.
  • Even if your residence status (domestic/international) changes after enrollment, your curriculum and graduation requirements do not change.
  • The subject “Bridge Program” counts as a subject held in English.
Subject Outline Bridge Program is a Common Liberal Arts Subject where students study a wide variety of liberal arts topics while improving their English ability.
This subject was established to serve as the first step towards students taking regular classes held in English.
Students cannot register for this subject again if they have already earned credits for it before.
Eligibility Only Japanese-basis domestic students on the English Standard Track can register for this subject.
Registration Restrictions Available after completing “Pre-Intermediate English A & B” and before completing “Upper-Intermediate English A & B”.
The classes are separated by college, so students cannot register for the “Bridge Program” of other colleges.
Students who want to take this subject should register for it themselves during one of the course registration periods.
Graduation Requirement 6: Complete all APM Required Subjects

APM has established 11 required subjects (22 credits).
APM students are required to earn credits for all the following subjects to graduate.

【Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects】
Subject Code Subject Name Credits Semester Available From Registration Method
027003 Statistics 2 1st semester Registered by Student
020031 Introduction to Economics 2 1st semester Registered by University
in 2nd semester*

*Notes about “Introduction to Economics”:

  • APU normally registers students for this subject in their 2nd semester. However, students can register for this subject by themselves during their 1st semester if they have enough credits available. If a student registers for this subject early and successfully earns the credits, then APU will not register them for this subject in their 2nd semester.
【Required Major Education Subjects】
Subject Code Subject Name Credits Semester Available From Registration Method
030566 Introduction to Management 2 1st semester Registered by university
030571 Accounting I 2 2nd semester* Registered by university
037213 Introduction to Marketing 2 2nd semester* Registered by university
030600 Finance 2 3rd semester Registered by university
037214 Management of Human Resources and
Organizational Behavior
2 3rd semester Registered by university
030630 Production Management 2 3rd semester Registered by university
033011 Legal Strategy in Business 2 3rd semester Registered by university
033033 Business Ethics 2 5th semester Registered by university
037210 Global Management (Capstone) 2 7th semester Registered by university

*Notes about "Accounting I" and "Introduction to Marketing".

  • APU normally registers students for these subjects in their 2nd semester. However, students can register for these subjects by themselves during their 1st semester if they have 16 or less credits of automatically registered subjects in their 1st semester (they have enough credits available). If a student registers for any of these subjects early and successfully earns the credits, then APU will not register them for that subject in their 2nd semester.

*Note about “Global Management (Capstone)”:

  • APU automatically registers students for this subject in their 7th semester. However, students who wish to postpone the time of taking this subject due to job hunting or other reasons can drop it by themselves during course registration periods. If a student drop this subject, APU will register the subject in their 8th semester.
Graduation Requirement 7: Complete at least 2 credits from APM Required Subjects (Mathematics)

APM students must earn credits for at least one of the following subjects to graduate.

Subject Code Subject Name Credits Semester Available From Registration Method
030564 Fundamental Mathematics 2 1st semester Registered by Student
037215 Advanced Mathematics 2 3rd semester Registered by Student
  • You can take both classes if you are interested.
  • “Fundamental Mathematics” can only be taken in your enrollment language.
  • Students are strongly recommended to take these subjects in the early stages of their studies.

APM Areas of Study *Not a graduation requirement

The College of International Management has established four Areas of Study in order to support the development of future business people with high professional ethics and the ability to discover and resolve management issues. Students will acquire a knowledge of management and a deep understanding of diverse societies, cultures, and traditions and also interact with individuals from a variety of backgrounds in the world of international business.

APM Areas of Study
Accounting and Finance(AF)
Strategic Management and Organization(SMO)
Innovation and Economics(IE)
Area of Study Registration
  • APM students can register for one of the four Areas of Study listed above.
  • If a student completes 12 or more credits from among the designated subjects for their registered Area of Study (including up to 4 credits for seminar subjects), then the name of their Area of Study will be noted on their diploma.
  • If a student does not fulfil the above requirements, then no Area of Study will be noted on their diploma.
Schedule for Area of Study Registration & Registration Method

Schedule for Area of Study Registration

Eligible Semesters 1st Semester – Final Semester
Registration Periods Course Registration Periods A & B, Correction Periods 1 & 2

* After a student has registered for an Area of Study, they can change it an unlimited number of times within the registration periods above.
*Students are not permitted to register or change their Area of Study outside of the periods listed above.

How to Register for an Area of Study

Please refer to this manual and register on Campusmate under “Area of Study Registration”.

APM Area of Study Registration Manual

How to Check your Credit Completion Status for Subjects Assigned to Each Area of Study

Please refer to this manual.

Checking your Credit Completion Status Manual

Number of Credits Earned from Distance Learning Courses

Number of Credits from “Distance Learning Courses” Included in Credits Counted Toward Graduation

A maximum of 60 credits earned from Distance Learning Courses may be counted toward graduation.

Under the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and APU’s University Regulations, the maximum number of credits from Distance Learning Courses that can be counted towards graduation for undergraduate students is 60 credits. Please note that if a student earns more than 60 credits, the additional credits will not count toward the number of credits needed for graduation. In addition, please note that even if a student earns more than 60 credits for applicable courses, this will not be indicated under “Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation” on the “Grade Report [Credit Completion]” page of Campusmate.

As such, students must check and manage the number of credits earned through Distance Learning courses themselves and make sure they do not exceed 60 credits.

Please check this page for the list of Distance Learning Courses and other information.

112011 Curriculum

  • 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students between AY 2011 and AY 2016.
  • 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students between AY 2011 and AY 2017.
  • 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students between AY 2011 and AY 2018.
  • 4.Students who originally enrolled before AY 2011, but as a result of reinstatement or readmission will be in the same semester as students in Group 1.

Areas of Study

The College of International Management has established four Areas of Study in order to support the development of future business people with high professional ethics and the ability to discover and resolve management issues. Students will acquire a knowledge of management and a deep understanding of diverse societies, cultures, and traditions, and also interact with individuals from a variety of backgrounds in the world of international business.
Registration in a Area of Study is not a graduation requirement.

APM Areas of Study
会計・ファイナンス Accounting and Finance
マーケティング Marketing
経営戦略と組織 Strategic Management and Organization
イノベーション・経済学 Innovation and Economics

Registering for an Area of Study

Once students have registered for an Area of Study and completed 30 or more credits from among the designated subjects, core subjects, and 3rd- and 4th-year seminars for their Area of Study, the name of the registered Area of Study that they took courses in will be shown on their diploma. Students can register for only one Area of Study. Registration in an Area of Study is optional.

【Registering / Changing an Area of Study】
Eligible Semesters 1st Semester ~ Final Semester
Registration Periods During Course Registration Period A, B, Correction Period 1, 2
【How to Register for an Area of Study】

Please register on Campusmate under “Area of Study Registration”.

APM Area of Study Registration Manual

Requirements for Graduation

In order to graduate, students must fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field, as well as complete at least 124 credits total.
Please check the following table to see how the credit requirements are counted in the subject fields.

Subject Field Subjects counted towards the Subject Field
Common Education Subjects
  • Opposite language-basis Language subjects:
    Japanese-basis students: English
    English-basis students: Japanese
  • Language Education Subjects (language electives) (Asia Pacific languages)
  • Common Liberal Arts Subjects
Major Education Subjects
  • Major Education Subjects from the college of enrollment (APM)
General Electives
  • If the number of credits required for graduations is exceeded in the fields of Language Education subjects, Common Liberal Arts subjects, and Major Education Subjects in a student’s college, the excess credits will count as General Electives.
  • Major Education Subjects from another college (APS) (for 2nd-year and above students)

Japanese-basis Students

Japanese-basis students will be placed on either the English Standard Track or English Advanced Track based on the results of a placement test taken at the time of enrollment.

【English Standard Track】(Students beginning from any level within Elementary English ~ Upper Intermediate English)
Field No. of Required Credits Total
Common Education Subjects English Language Subjects 24 at least 40 at least 124
Language Education and
Common Liberal Arts Subjects
Major Education Subjects at least 62
General Electives at least 22
  • *For cases in which a student is exempted from English Language subjects, the exempted number of credits must be taken under General Electives.

Japanese-basis Domestic Student Graduation Requirements

  • Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits overall from Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects (in their own or another college) held in English.

    • *Subjects such as seminar subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
    • *Completion of Pre-Intermediate English A and B is required to take Bridge Program courses. However, students can only take a maximum of 6 credits of Bridge Program courses.

      What is the Bridge Program?

      Bridge Program courses offer students a way to study a wide variety of Liberal Arts subjects while improving their English ability. These courses were established as the first step to begin taking classes fully held in English for students who have completed Pre-Intermediate English A and B. Only Japanese-basis domestic students may register for these courses.

  • Japanese-basis domestic and international students must complete Intermediate English A and B before they can take Common Liberal Arts or Major Education subjects held in English.

【English Advanced Track】(Students beginning from any level within Advanced English 1A ~ English Language exemption)
Field No. of Required Credits Total
Common Education Subjects English Language Subjects 12 at least 40 at least 124
Language Education and
Common Liberal Arts Subjects
Major Education Subjects at least 62
General Electives at least 22
  • *For cases in which a student is exempted from English Language subjects, the exempted number of credits must be taken under General Electives.

Japanese-basis Domestic Student Graduation Requirements

  • Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits overall from Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects (in their own or another college).

    • *Subjects such as seminar subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
    • *There are no special requirements for English Advanced Track students in order to register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in English. Advanced Track students cannot, however, register for “Bridge Program” subjects.

English-basis Students

English-basis students must meet the following credit requirements to graduate.

Field No. of Required Credits Total
Common Education Subjects Japanese Language Subjects 16 at least 40 at least 124
Language Education and
Common Liberal Arts Subjects
Major Education Subjects at least 62
General Electives at least 22
  • *There are no special requirements for English-basis students in order to register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in Japanese.

Automatically Registered Subjects

"Business Mathematics" and "Introduction to Management" are subjects which form the basis of study in APM. These subjects are automatically registered by the University for all APM students during their first year.

Subject Name Subject Field Registered Semester Registration
Introduction to Management APM Major Education subject 1st Semester Registered by the University
Business Mathematics 2nd Semester

Core Subjects

Students are strongly encouraged to complete the following five subjects positioned as "Core Subjects." These subjects form the foundation for later major subject studies, and students should aim to complete them by the end of their 2nd year.

Subject Name Subject Field Grade Level Registration
Accounting I APM Major Education subject 100-level Registered by the Student
Accounting II 100-level
Finance 200-level
Principles of Marketing 200-level
Organizational Behavior 200-level

Number of Credits Earned from Distance Learning Courses

Number of Credits from “Distance Learning Courses” Included in Credits Counted Toward Graduation

A maximum of 60 credits earned from Distance Learning Courses may be counted toward graduation.

Under the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and APU’s University Regulations, the maximum number of credits from Distance Learning Courses that can be counted towards graduation for undergraduate students is 60 credits. Please note that if a student earns more than 60 credits, the additional credits will not count toward the number of credits needed for graduation. In addition, please note that even if a student earns more than 60 credits for applicable courses, this will not be indicated under “Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation” on the “Grade Report [Credit Completion]” page of Campusmate.

As such, students must check and manage the number of credits earned through Distance Learning courses themselves and make sure they do not exceed 60 credits.

Please check this page for the list of Distance Learning Courses and other information.


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