3. Graduation Requirements & Areas of Study
232023 Curriculum
- 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students from AY 2023 onwards.
- 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students from AY 2024 onwards.
- 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students from AY 2025 onwards.
Graduation Requirements
Your graduation requirements depend on your enrollment language and whether you are a domestic or international student. In order to graduate from the College of Asia Pacific Studies, you must fulfill all of the requirements marked by 〇 in the table below. Please check the column that corresponds to your language basis and status as an international/domestic student.
No. | Graduation Requirement | Language Basis & Domestic / International Student | ||
Japanese-basis | English-basis | |||
Domestic Student | International Student | ― | ||
1 | Enroll for at least four years | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
2 | Complete at least 124 credits in total | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
3 | Complete all required language subjects (or be exempted from required language subjects) |
〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
4 | Fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
5 | Complete at least 20 credits of subjects held in English (Japanese-basis domestic students only) |
〇 | ― | ― |
6 | Register for one of the APS Areas of Study | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
7 | Complete at least one of the required Common Liberal Arts Subjects for each of the three Areas of Study, earning a total of at least 6 credits for these subjects | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
8 | Complete at least 36 credits from the Major Education Subjects for your registered Area of Study (including the credits from No. 9) | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
9 | Earn credits for “Graduation Research II” | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
Credits Required for Graduation by Curriculum
The following tables show the credit requirements for graduation by curriculum. (How to check your curriculum)
However, each student’s starting level for required language subjects (English or Japanese) differs depending on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. For this reason, even though students belong to the same curriculum, the number of required credits for “English Language Subjects” or “Japanese Language Subjects” may also differ between students. Please see “Graduation Requirement 3” for more information about required language subjects.
How to Check your Individual Credit Requirements
APS 23 JST: Credits Required for Graduation (APS 2023 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Standard Track)
Subject Field | Required Credits |
Subtotal | Total | |
Common Education Subjects |
English Language Subjects | 24 | 40 | At least 124 credits |
Required CSM Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Required GE Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Required IR Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 10 | |||
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 0 | |||
APS Major Education Subjects |
Registered Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects | 34 | 62 | |
Graduation Research II | 2 | |||
Major Education Subjects | 26 | |||
Other College Subjects | 0 | 0 | ||
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation | 0 |
APS 23 JAT: Credits Required for Graduation (APS 2023 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Advanced Track)
Subject Field | Required Credits |
Subtotal | Total | |
Common Education Subjects |
English Language Subjects | 12 | 40 | At least 124 credits |
Required CSM Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Required GE Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Required IR Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 10 | |||
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 12 | |||
APS Major Education Subjects |
Registered Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects | 34 | 62 | |
Graduation Research II | 2 | |||
Major Education Subjects | 26 | |||
Other College Subjects | 0 | 0 | ||
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation | 0 |
APS 23 E: Credits Required for Graduation (APS 2023 Curriculum, English-basis)
Subject Field | Required Credits |
Subtotal | Total | |
Common Education Subjects |
Japanese Language Subjects | 16 | 40 | At least 124 credits |
Required CSM Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Required GE Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Required IR Common Liberal Arts Subject | 2 | |||
Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 10 | |||
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 8 | |||
APS Major Education Subjects |
Registered Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects | 34 | 62 | |
Graduation Research II | 2 | |||
Major Education Subjects | 26 | |||
Other College Subjects | 0 | 0 | ||
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation | 0 |
Explanation of Each Graduation Requirement
- Graduation Requirement 1: Enroll for at least four years
Students must be enrolled at APU for at least four years.
Students enter their first semester upon enrollment and progress to the next semester level every half a year.Year Level 1st Year Student 2nd Year Student 3rd Year Student 4th Year Student Semester Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Enrollment Enroll Graduate ―
- Graduation Requirement 2: Complete at least 124 credits in total
Students must earn a total of at least 124 credits to graduate.
However, even if a student has earned 124 credits overall, they cannot graduate if they have not fulfilled any of graduation requirements 3 to 9.
- Graduation Requirement 3: Complete all required language subjects (or be exempted from required language subjects)
The number of required credits for English or Japanese Language Subjects differs between students based on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. APU automatically registers and assigns students to these classes until they earn credits for all their required language subjects.
【English】Required Language Subjects for Japanese-Basis Students
- Students can only proceed to the next level after earning credits for both English A and B at a given level. Students who fail either subject A or B cannot proceed to the next level. (For example, if a student passes English A but fails B, then they will only be registered for English B again in the next semester.)
- At all levels, English A is worth 4 credits and English B is worth 2 credits.
- Please refer to the “English Language Subjects” page for more details.
Track Starting
LevelNo. of
Required for
GraduationStandard Track
Registration Period for Required English SubjectsAdvanced Track
Registration Period for Required English SubjectsElementary A Pre-Intermediate A Intermediate A Upper-Intermediate A Advanced 1A Advanced 2A Elementary B Pre-Intermediate B Intermediate B Upper-Intermediate B Advanced 1B Advanced 2B Standard Track Elementary 24 1st Semester After
Intermediate(Optional) (Optional) Pre-
Intermediate18 Exempt 1st Semester After
Intermediate(Optional) (Optional) Intermediate 12 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After
Intermediate(Optional) (Optional) Upper-
Intermediate6 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester (Optional) (Optional) Advanced
TrackAdvanced 1 12 Cannot Register 1st Semester After
Advanced 1Advanced 2 6 Exempt 1st Semester Exempt 0 Exempt Exempt ※The "XX semester" in red font indicates the semester in which APU registers the subject in question
【Japanese】Required Language Subjects for English-Basis Students
- Please refer to the “Japanese Language Subjects” page for more details.
Starting Level No. of Credits
Required for
GraduationRegistration Period for Required Japanese Subjects Foundation I
(4 Credits)Foundation II
(4 Credits)Foundation III
(4 Credits)Intermediate
(4 Credits)Foundation I 16 Both Registered in 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation I – IIAfter Completing
Foundation I – IIIFoundation II 12 Exempt 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation I – IIAfter Completing
Foundation I – IIIFoundation III 8 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation I – IIIIntermediate 4 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester Higher than
Intermediate0 Exempt Exempt Exempt Exempt ※The "XX semester" in red font indicates the semester in which APU registers the subject in question
- Graduation Requirement 4: Fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field
- Of the 124 credits required for graduation, students need to earn 102 credits in specific subject fields (Graduation Requirements 3,4 and 6-9).
- Although students are required to complete 102 credits in the set subject fields, they can complete the remaining 22 credits (124 credits – 102 credits) in any subject field they are interested in.
- Depending on each student’s starting level for required language subjects, the number of required credits for “English/Japanese Language Subjects” and “Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects” will change. However, all students are still required to earn a total of 102 credits in the required subject fields.
【E.g.: English-basis Students (Starting from Foundation Japanese I)Subject Field Required
CreditsSubtotal Total Common
SubjectsJapanese Language Subjects 16 102 Credits 40 At least
124 creditsRequired CSM Common Liberal Arts Subject 2 Required GE Common Liberal Arts Subject 2 Required IR Common Liberal Arts Subject 2 Common Liberal Arts Subjects 10 Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 8 APS Major
SubjectsRegistered Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects 34 62 Graduation Research II 2 Major Education Subjects 26 Other College Subjects 0 Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0
- Graduation Requirement 5: Complete at least 20 credits of subjects held in English (Japanese-basis domestic students only)
Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects (either from their own college or another college) held in English.
Japanese-basis students must fulfil the following requirements in order to register for subjects held in English.English Track Requirements for Taking Subjects Held in English Standard Track (JST) Complete credits for or be exempted from “Intermediate English A/B” Advanced Track (JAT) No specific requirements. Can register for subjects held in English from their 1st semester. (NOTE)
- Language Education Subjects and subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
- Japanese-basis international students do not need to complete this requirement for graduation.
- Even if your residence status (domestic/international) changes after enrollment, your curriculum and graduation requirements do not change.
- The subject “Bridge Program” counts as a subject held in English.
“Bridge Program”
Subject OutlineBridge Program is a Common Liberal Arts Subject where students study a wide variety of liberal arts topics while improving their English ability.
This subject was established to serve as the first step towards students taking regular classes held in English.
Students cannot register for this subject again if they have already earned credits for it before.Eligibility Only Japanese-basis domestic students on the English Standard Track can register for this subject. Registration
RestrictionsAvailable after completing “Pre-Intermediate English A & B” and before completing “Upper-Intermediate English A & B”.
The classes are separated by college, so students cannot register for the “Bridge Program” of other colleges.
Students who want to take this subject should register for it themselves during one of the course registration periods.
- Graduation Requirement 6: Register for one of the APS Areas of Study
Registering for one of the three Areas of Study is a graduation requirement for APS students.
- The name of each student’s registered Area of Study is noted on their diploma.
- APS students can only register for one Area of Study.
APS Areas of Study Culture, Society, and Media (CSM) Global Economy (GE) International Relations (IR) Schedule for Area of Study RegistrationEligible Semesters 2nd Semester – Final Semester Registration Periods Course Registration Periods A & B, Correction Periods 1 & 2 *After registering for an Area of Study, students can change their registration an unlimited number of times within the registration periods above.
*Students are not permitted to register or change their Area of Study outside of the periods listed above.How to Register for an Area of Study
Please refer to this manual and register on Campusmate under “Area of Study Registration”.
APS Area of Study Registration Manual
- Graduation Requirement 7: Complete at least one of the required Common Liberal Arts Subjects for each of the three Areas of Study, earning a total of at least 6 credits for these subjects
Students must earn credits for at least one of the Common Liberal Arts subjects assigned to each of the three Areas of Study for a total of at least 6 credits overall.
Area of Study Subject
CodeSubject Name No. of
Available FromRegistration
MethodCulture, Society and Media
(CSM)020035 Introduction to Culture and Society 2 Earn credits for at
least 1 of the 2
subjects1st Semester Registered
by the
Student028002 Introduction to Media Studies 2 1st Semester Global Economy
(GE)020031 Introduction to Economics 2 Earn credits for at
least 1 of the 2
subjects1st Semester 028013 World Economy and Global Issues 2 1st Semester International Relations
(IR)020023 Introduction to International Relations 2 Earn credits for at
least 1 of the 2
subjects1st Semester 028001 Introduction to Comparative Politics 2 1st Semester *Students also can take both of the subjects for one Area of Study if they want to. In this case, the credits for one of the two subjects will count towards “Common Liberal Arts Subjects” for their graduation requirements.
- Graduation Requirement 8: Complete at least 36 credits from the Major Education Subjects for your registered Area of Study (including the credits from No. 9)
Students are required to earn at least 36 credits (including 2 credits for “Graduation Research II”) from the Major Education Subjects for their registered Area of Study.
These 36 credits should
comprise of:Registered Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects 34 credits Graduation Research II(Graduation Requirement No.9) 2 credits * If a student earns more than the required credits for “Registered Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects (34 credits)” and “Graduation Research II (2 credits)”, then any excess credits will count towards “Major Education Subjects (26 credits)” instead.
* "APS Common B Subjects" as well as "Seminar Subjects" can be included within the required "Registered Area of Study's Major Education Subjects" 36 credits"Major Education Subjects for Each Area of Study
【Culture, Society, and Media (CSM)】
Students who register for “Culture, Society and Media” as their Area of Study need to earn at least 34 credits from the following subjects.
They also must complete “Graduation Research II” (2 credits).▼List of Major Education Subjects, Seminar Subjects, and APS Common B Subjects that can be counted towards "Culture, Society, and Media" Area of Study's Major Education Credits.*Check the “APS 2023 Curriculum Subject List” for more details.
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name 030011 Social Theory 037125 Peace Studies 030013 Cultural Anthropology 037128 Human Rights 030022 Gender Studies 037144 Media and Politics 030025 Cultural Studies 037146 Ethnicity and the Nation State 030032 Language and Society 037148 Area Studies 030035 Social Stratification 037151 Field Research Project 030100 Transnational Sociology 038101 Sociology 030110 Multiculturalism and Society 038102 Religion and Society 030181 Political Theory 038103 Food System and Society 030191 Globalization and Regionalism 038104 Global Poverty 030195 Identity and Politics 038105 Digital Technology and Society 030266 Environment and Society 038131 Introduction to Research in Asia Pacific Studies 032005 Social Psychology 038132 Research Method 032006 Education and Society 038141 Advanced Sociology 037114 Media and History 038142 Media and Conflict 037118 Media and Culture 038143 A World History of Interaction 037119 Global History 038171 Major Seminar 037120 The Humanities and Modernity 038172 Graduation Research I 037121 New Media and Society 038181 Graduation Thesis 037122 Media and Law 038407 Big Data Analysis 038409 Advanced Area Studies 【Global Economy (GE)】
Students who register for “Global Economy” as their Area of Study need to earn at least 34 credits from the following subjects.
They also must complete “Graduation Research II” (2 credits).▼List of Major Education Subjects, Seminar Subjects, and APS Common B Subjects that can be counted towards "Global Economy" Area of Study's Major Education Credits.*Check the “APS 2023 Curriculum Subject List” for more details.
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name 030013 Cultural Anthropology 038103 Food System and Society 030035 Social Stratification 038104 Global Poverty 030100 Transnational Sociology 038111 Agriculture and Resources 030104 International Organizations 038112 Analysis of Global Economy 030182 Politics of Development 038113 Econometrics 030184 Conflict and Development 038114 Game Theory 030186 Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific 038131 Introduction to Research in Asia Pacific Studies 030266 Environment and Society 038132 Research Method 030267 Environmental Economics 038151 Behavioral Economics and Experimental Economics 030268 Industrial Ecology 038152 Japanese Economy 030673 Microeconomics 038153 Global Health Economics 030674 Macroeconomics 038154 American Economy 030675 Asian Economy 038155 European Economy 030820 International Finance 038156 Public Policy 032019 International Cooperation 038157 Special Lecture (Economic Issues in Asia, Middle East & Africa) 032080 Development Economics 038171 Major Seminar 032081 International Economics 038172 Graduation Research I 032082 International Political Economy 038181 Graduation Thesis 037104 Environmental Communication 038401 Energy Management 037148 Area Studies 038402 Project Management 037151 Field Research Project 038407 Big Data Analysis 038409 Advanced Area Studies 【International Relations (IR)】
Students who register for “International Relations” as their Area of Study need to earn at least 34 credits from the following subjects.
They also must complete “Graduation Research II” (2 credits).▼List of Major Education Subjects, Seminar Subjects, and APS Common B Subjects that can be counted towards "International Relations" Area of Study's Major Education Credits.*Check the “APS 2023 Curriculum Subject List” for more details.
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name 030102 International Law 037125 Peace Studies 030104 International Organizations 037126 Strategic Decision Making 030181 Political Theory 037127 Geo-Politics and Post Cold War Conflicts 030182 Politics of Development 037128 Human Rights 030184 Conflict and Development 037144 Media and Politics 030186 Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific 037146 Ethnicity and the Nation State 030187 International Relations in the Asia Pacific 037148 Area Studies 030191 Globalization and Regionalism 037151 Field Research Project 030192 Global Issues and Policies 038131 Introduction to Research in Asia Pacific Studies 030193 International Conflict Resolution 038132 Research Method 030195 Identity and Politics 038142 Media and Conflict 030197 Violence and Terrorism 038156 Public Policy 032015 History of International Politics 038161 Globalization and Law 032019 International Cooperation 038171 Major Seminar 032082 International Political Economy 038172 Graduation Research I 037102 International Relations Theory 038181 Graduation Thesis 037103 Foreign Policy of Japan 038409 Advanced Area Studies
- Graduation Requirement 9: Earn credits for “Graduation Research II”
Students must earn credits for “Graduation Research II”.
Please check the “Seminar Subjects” page for more details about seminars.
Number of Credits Earned from Distance Learning Courses
Number of Credits from “Distance Learning Courses” Included in Credits Counted Toward Graduation
A maximum of 60 credits earned from Distance Learning Courses may be counted toward graduation.
Under the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and APU’s University Regulations, the maximum number of credits from Distance Learning Courses that can be counted towards graduation for undergraduate students is 60 credits. Please note that if a student earns more than 60 credits, the additional credits will not count toward the number of credits needed for graduation. In addition, please note that even if a student earns more than 60 credits for applicable courses, this will not be indicated under “Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation” on the “Grade Report [Credit Completion]” page of Campusmate.
As such, students must check and manage the number of credits earned through Distance Learning courses themselves and make sure they do not exceed 60 credits.
Please check this page for the list of Distance Learning Courses and other information.
172017 Curriculum
- 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students between AY 2017 and AY 2022.
- 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students between AY 2018 and AY 2023.
- 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students between AY 2019 and AY 2024.
Graduation Requirements
Your graduation requirements depend on your enrollment language and whether you are a domestic or international student. In order to graduate from the College of Asia Pacific Studies, you must fulfill all of the requirements marked by 〇 in the table below. Please check the column that corresponds to your language basis and status as an international/domestic student.
No. | Graduation Requirements | Language Basis & Domestic / International Student |
Japanese-basis | English-basis | |||
Domestic student |
International student |
― | ||
1 | Enroll for at least four years | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
2 | Complete at least 124 credits in total | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
3 |
Complete all required language subjects (or be exempted from required language subjects) |
〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
4 | Fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
5 |
Complete at least 20 credits of subjects held in English (This requirement only applies to Japanese-basis domestic students) |
〇 | ― | ― |
6 | Select and register for an Area of Study | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
7 | Complete at least 2 credits of required subjects for your registered Area of Study (Common Liberal Arts Subjects) | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
8 | Complete at least 28 credits of Major Education Subjects for your registered Area of Study | 〇 | 〇 | 〇 |
Credits Required for Graduation by Curriculum
The following tables show the credit requirements for graduation by curriculum. (How to check your curriculum)
However, each student’s starting level for required language subjects (English or Japanese) differs depending on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. For this reason, even though students belong to the same curriculum, the number of required credits for “English Language Subjects” or “Japanese Language Subjects” may also differ between students. Please see “Graduation Requirement 3” for more information about required language subjects.
APS 17 JST: Credits Required for Graduation (APS 2017 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Standard Track)
Subject Field | Required Credits |
Subtotal | Total | |
Common Education Subjects |
English Language Subjects | 24 | 40 | At least 124 credits |
Area of Study’s Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 2 | |||
Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 14 | |||
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 0 | |||
APS Major Education Subjects |
Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects | 28 | 62 | |
APS Major Education Subjects | 34 | |||
Other College Subject | 0 | 0 | ||
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation | 0 |
APS 17 JAT: Credits Required for Graduation (APS 2017 Curriculum, Japanese-basis, English Advanced Track)
Subject Field | Required Credits |
Subtotal | Total | |
Common Education Subjects |
English Language Subjects | 12 | 40 | At least 124 credits |
Area of Study’s Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 2 | |||
Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 14 | |||
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 12 | |||
APS Major Education Subjects |
Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects | 28 | 62 | |
APS Major Education Subjects | 34 | |||
Other College Subject | 0 | 0 | ||
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation | 0 |
APS 17 E: Credits Required for Graduation (APS 2017 Curriculum, English-Basis)
Subject Field | Required Credits |
Subtotal | Total | |
Common Education Subjects |
Japanese Language Subjects | 16 | 40 | At least 124 credits |
Area of Study’s Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 2 | |||
Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 14 | |||
Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects | 8 | |||
APS Major Education Subjects |
Area of Study’s Major Education Subjects | 28 | 62 | |
APS Major Education Subjects | 34 | |||
Other College Subject | 0 | 0 | ||
Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation | 0 |
Explanation of Each Graduation Requirement
- Graduation Requirement 1: Enroll for at least four years
Students must be enrolled at APU for at least four years.
Year Level 1st year student 2nd year student 3rd year student 4th year student Semester Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th Enroll Enroll Graduate ―
- Graduation Requirement 2: Complete at least 124 credits in total
Students must earn a total of at least 124 credits to graduate.
However, even if a student has earned 124 credits overall, they cannot graduate if they have not fulfilled any of graduation requirements 3 to 8.
- Graduation Requirement 3: Complete all required language subjects (or be exempted from required language subjects)
The number of required credits for English or Japanese Language Subjects differs between students based on the results of the placement test taken after enrollment. APU automatically registers and assigns students to these classes until they earn credits for all their required language subjects.
【English】Required Language Subjects for Japanese-Basis Students
- Students can only proceed to the next level after earning credits for both English A and B at a given level. Students who fail either subject A or B cannot proceed to the next level. (For example, if a student passes English A but fails B, then they will only be registered for English B again in the next semester.)
- At all levels, English A is worth 4 credits and English B is worth 2 credits.
- Please refer to the “English Language Subjects” page for more details.
Track Starting Level No. of
Required for
GraduationStandard Track
Registration Period for Required English SubjectsAdvanced Track
Registration Period for
Required English SubjectsElementary A Pre-
Intermediate AIntermediate A Upper-Intermediate A Advanced 1A Advanced 2A Elementary B Pre-
Intermediate BIntermediate B Upper-
Intermediate BAdvanced 1B Advanced 2B Standard
TrackElementary 24 1st Semester After
Intermediate(Optional) (Optional) Pre-
Intermediate18 Exempt 1st Semester After
Intermediate(Optional) (Optional) Intermediate 12 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After
Intermediate(Optional) (Optional) Upper-
Intermediate6 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester (Optional) (Optional) Advanced
TrackAdvanced 1 12 Cannot Register 1st Semester After
Advanced 1Advanced 2 6 Exempt 1st Semester Exempt 0 Exempt Exempt 【Japanese】Required Language Subjects for English-Basis Students
- Please refer to the “Japanese Language Subjects” page for more details.
Starting Level No. of Credits
Required for
GraduationRegistration Period for Required Japanese Subjects Foundation I
(4 Credits)Foundation II
(4 Credits)Foundation III
(4 Credits)Intermediate
(4 Credits)Foundation I 16 All Registered in 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation I – IIIFoundation II 12 Exempt Both Registered in 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation II & IIIFoundation III 8 Exempt Exempt 1st Semester After Completing
Foundation IIIIntermediate 4 Exempt Exempt Exempt 1st Semester Higher than
Intermediate0 Exempt Exempt Exempt Exempt
- Graduation Requirement 4: Fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field
- Of the 124 credits required for graduation, students need to earn 102 credits in specific subject fields (Graduation Requirements 3 - 8).
- Although students are required to complete 102 credits in the set subject fields, they can complete the remaining 22 credits (124 credits – 102 credits) in any subject field they are interested in.
- Depending on each student’s starting level for required language subjects, the number of required credits for “English/Japanese Language Subjects” and “Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects” will change. However, all students are still required to earn a total of 102 credits in the required subject fields.
【E.g.: English-basis Students (Starting from Foundation Japanese I)Subject Field Required
CreditsSubtotal Total Common
SubjectsJapanese Language Subjects 16 102 Credits 40 At least
124 creditsArea of Study’s Required Common Liberal Arts Subjects 2 Common Liberal Arts Subjects 14 Language Education Subjects and/or Common Liberal Arts Subjects 8 APS Major
SubjectsArea of Study’s Major Education Subjects 28 62 APS Major Education Subjects 34 Other College Subject 0 0 Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation 0
- Graduation Requirement 5: Complete at least 20 credits of subjects held in English (This requirement only applies to Japanese-basis domestic students)
Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits of Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects (either from their own college or another college) held in English.
Japanese-basis students must fulfil the following requirements in order to register for subjects held in English.English Track Requirements for Taking Subjects Held in English Standard Track(JST) Complete credits for or be exempted from “Intermediate English A/B” Advanced Track(JAT) No specific requirements. Can register for subjects held in English from their 1st semester. (NOTE)
- Language Education Subjects and subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
- Japanese-basis international students do not need to complete this requirement for graduation.
- Even if your residence status (domestic/international) changes after enrollment, your curriculum and graduation requirements do not change.
- The subject “Bridge Program” counts as a subject held in English.
OutlineBridge Program is a Common Liberal Arts Subject where students study a wide variety of liberal arts topics while improving their English ability.
This subject was established to serve as the first step towards students taking regular classes held in English.
Students cannot register for this subject again if they have already earned credits for it before.Eligibility Only Japanese-basis domestic students on the English Standard Track can register for this subject. Registration
RestrictionsAvailable after completing “Pre-Intermediate English A & B” and before completing “Upper-Intermediate English A & B”.
The classes are separated by college, so students cannot register for the “Bridge Program” of other colleges.
Students who want to take this subject should register for it themselves during one of the course registration periods.
- Graduation Requirement 6: Select and register for an Area of Study
- The College of Asia Pacific Studies has established four Areas of Study for students to develop specialized knowledge and comprehensive problem-solving abilities regarding the various issues facing the Asia Pacific region. These studies center around solid language proficiency and a basic understanding of the diverse cultures, histories, societies, natural environments, and historical conditions within the Asia Pacific region. The name of that Area of Study will be noted on their diploma.
- Students can only register for one Area of Study.
Students can only register for one Area of Study.
APS Areas of Study Environment and Development (ED) Hospitality and Tourism (HT) International Relations and Peace Studies (IRP) Culture, Society and Media (CSM) Schedule for Area of Study RegistrationEligible Semesters 2nd Semester – 6th Semester Registration Periods Course Registration Periods A & B, Correction Periods 1 & 2 *After a student has registered for an Area of Study, they can change it an unlimited number of times within the registration periods above.
*Students are not permitted to register or change their Area of Study outside of the periods listed above.
*Some of APU’s systems and programs require applicants to have registered for an Area of Study. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that students register for an Area of Study as early as possible.How to Register for an Area of Study
Please refer to this manual and register on Campusmate under “Area of Study Registration”.
APS Area of Study Registration Manual
- Graduation Requirement 7: Complete at least 2 credits of required subjects for your registered Area of Study (Common Liberal Arts Subjects)
In the College of Asia Pacific Studies (APS), there are set required subjects for each Area of Study. These subjects provide students with a general and comprehensive overview of the academic fields each Area of Study belongs to as well as the issues and objectives within each field. By studying the basic knowledge and theories needed to understand the target of each discipline, these subjects serve as the first step to broader and deeper study of each Area of Study.
- APS students are required to complete at least 2 credits of the required Common Liberal Arts Subjects for their registered Area of Study to graduate.
Area of Study Subject Code Subject Name No. of
CreditsSemester Available
FromRegistration Method Environment and
Development (ED)021011 Introduction to
Environmental Studies2 1st Semester Registered by the
Student020036 Introduction to Development
Studies2 1st Semester Hospitality and Tourism (HT) 020039 Introduction to Tourism and
Hospitality2 1st Semester International Relations and
Peace Studies (IRP)020023 Introduction to International
Relations2 1st Semester Culture, Society and Media
(CSM)020035 Introduction to Culture and Society 2 1st Semester 027001 Introduction to Media Studies 2 1st Semester - Both “Environment and Development” and “Culture, Society and Media” have two required subjects each. However, students are only required to register and earn credits for at least one of the subjects to graduate.
- Students can also register for the introductory subjects for other Areas of Study.
- Graduation Requirement 8: Complete at least 28 credits of Major Education Subjects for your registered Area of Study
Students are required to earn at least 28 credits from the Major Education Subjects for their registered Area of Study.
【Environment and Development (ED)】
Students who register for “Environment and Development” as their Area of Study need to earn at least 28 credits from the following subjects.
All subjects are worth 2 credits except for “Graduation Research II”, which is worth 4 credits.▼List of Major Education Subjects for Environment and Development (ED)*Check the “APS 2017 Curriculum Subject List” for more details.
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name 030104 International Organizations 032060 Major Seminar I 030182 Politics of Development 032070 Major Seminar II 030184 Conflict and Development 032080 Development Economics 030261 Development Sociology and Anthropology 032081 International Economics 030262 Biodiversity 037104 Environmental Communication 030263 Global Environmental Issues 037110 Field Study for Environment and Development 030266 Environment and Society 037115 Community Based Tourism 030267 Environmental Economics 037130 Preliminary Seminar for Environment and Development 030268 Industrial Ecology 037131 Urban Environment and Development 030269 Project Management in Development 037132 Special Lecture in Environment and Development 030273 GIS and Remote Sensing 037133 Resource Management 030274 Environmental Modeling and Analysis 037147 NPO/NGO Studies 030275 Development Policy 037148 Area Studies 030276 Community Development 037149 Introduction to Research Methods 030300 Environmental Policy 037151 Field Research Project 030400 Ecotourism 037155 Graduation Research I 032019 International Cooperation 037156 Graduation Research II 【Hospitality and Tourism (HT)】
Students who register for “Hospitality and Tourism” as their Area of Study need to earn at least 28 credits from the following subjects.
All subjects are worth 2 credits except for “Graduation Research II”, which is worth 4 credits.▼List of Major Education Subjects for Hospitality and Tourism (HT)*Check the “APS 2017 Curriculum Subject List” for more details.
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name 030013 Cultural Anthropology 037135 Tourism and Hospitality Law 030269 Project Management in Development 037136 Tourism Development and Planning 030340 Hospitality Management 037137 Health and Wellness Tourism 030346 Hospitality Marketing 037138 Resort Development 030350 Sociology of Tourism 037139 Heritage Tourism 030400 Ecotourism 037140 Travel Industry 030740 Operations Research 037141 Destination Marketing and Management 032060 Major Seminar I 037142 Special Lecture in Tourism and Hospitality 032070 Major Seminar II 037143 MICE Tourism Industry 037105 Culture and History of Tourism 037148 Area Studies 037106 Tourism and Social Media 037149 Introduction to Research Methods 037107 Agri-heritage and Tourism 037151 Field Research Project 037111 Field Study for Tourism and Hospitality 037155 Graduation Research I 037112 Event and Festival Management 037156 Graduation Research II 037115 Community Based Tourism 037301 Advanced Organizational Behavior 037116 Tourism Economics 037303 Advanced Human Resource Management 037134 Preliminary Seminar for Tourism and Hospitality 【International Relations and Peace Studies (IRP)】
Students who register for “International Relations and Peace Studies” as their Area of Study need to earn at least 28 credits from the following subjects.
All subjects are worth 2 credits except for “Graduation Research II”, which is worth 4 credits.▼List of Major Education Subjects for International Relations and Peace Studies (IRP)*Check the “APS 2017 Curriculum Subject List” for more details.
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name 030102 International Law 032082 International Political Economy 030104 International Organizations 037101 History of Japanese Foreign Relations 030150 Globalization and Law 037102 International Relations Theory 030181 Political Theory 037103 Foreign Policy of Japan 030182 Politics of Development 037109 Field Study for International Relations and Peace Studies 030184 Conflict and Development 037124 Preliminary Seminar for International Relations and Peace Studies 030186 Comparative Political Economy of the Asia Pacific 037125 Peace Studies 030187 International Relations in the Asia Pacific 037126 Strategic Decision Making 030188 Regional Systems in the Asia Pacific 037127 Geo-Politics and Post Cold War Conflicts 030191 Globalization and Regionalism 037128 Human Rights 030192 Global Issues and Policies 037129 Special Lecture in International Relations and Peace Studies 030193 International Conflict Resolution 037144 Media and Politics 030195 Identity and Politics 037145 Global Media and Conflict 030197 Violence and Terrorism 037146 Ethnicity and the Nation State 030275 Development Policy 037148 Area Studies 032015 History of International Politics 037149 Introduction to Research Methods 032019 International Cooperation 037151 Field Research Project 032060 Major Seminar I 037155 Graduation Research I 032070 Major Seminar II 037156 Graduation Research II 【Culture, Society and Media (CSM)】
Students who register for “Culture, Society and Media” as their Area of Study need to earn at least 28 credits from the following subjects.
All subjects are worth 2 credits except for “Graduation Research II”, which is worth 4 credits.▼List of Major Education Subjects for Culture, Society and Media (CSM)*Check the “APS 2017 Curriculum Subject List” for more details.
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name 030011 Social Theory 037108 Field Study for Culture, Society and Media 030013 Cultural Anthropology 037114 Media and History 030021 Religion and Belief 037117 Preliminary Seminar for Culture, Society and Media 030022 Gender Studies 037118 Media and Culture 030025 Cultural Studies 037119 Global History 030032 Language and Society 037120 The Humanities and Modernity 030034 Sociology of Organizations 037121 New Media and Society 030035 Social Stratification 037122 Media and Law 030100 Transnational Sociology 037123 Special Lecture in Culture, Society and Media 030110 Multiculturalism and Society 037144 Media and Politics 030150 Globalization and Law 037145 Global Media and Conflict 030191 Globalization and Regionalism 037146 Ethnicity and the Nation State 030195 Identity and Politics 037147 NPO/NGO Studies 032005 Social Psychology 037148 Area Studies 032006 Education and Society 037149 Introduction to Research Methods 032060 Major Seminar I 037151 Field Research Project 032070 Major Seminar II 037155 Graduation Research I 037101 History of Japanese Foreign Relations 037156 Graduation Research II
Core Subjects *Not a graduation requirement
The social sciences are made up of two aspects: (1) society as the subject of research and (2) approaches for examining society and the theoretical framework of those approaches. Following this understanding, the subject of research in APS is the “Asia Pacific region”, and the four Areas of Study make up the approaches and theoretical frameworks for observing the Asia Pacific region. As the study of these two aspects is the foundation of APS, the following two subjects have been positioned as core subjects, and students can learn about the principles and goals of APS through taking these subjects. Neither subject is required for graduation, however, students are strongly encouraged to take these subjects in order to understand the college of APS. Credits acquired through these courses will count towards “APS Major Education Subjects”.
Subject Code |
Subject Name(Subject Field) | Course Objectives & Overview | Registration Method |
037113 |
Introduction to APS (APS Major Education subject) |
【Objective】 |
Registered by the University (Cannot Drop)
【Registration Period Set by APU】
English-basis students: |
037152 |
Introduction to Area Studies (APS Major Education subject) |
【Objective】 |
Registered by the Student |
Number of Credits Earned from Distance Learning Courses
Number of Credits from “Distance Learning Courses” Included in Credits Counted Toward Graduation
A maximum of 60 credits earned from Distance Learning Courses may be counted toward graduation.
Under the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and APU’s University Regulations, the maximum number of credits from Distance Learning Courses that can be counted towards graduation for undergraduate students is 60 credits. Please note that if a student earns more than 60 credits, the additional credits will not count toward the number of credits needed for graduation. In addition, please note that even if a student earns more than 60 credits for applicable courses, this will not be indicated under “Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation” on the “Grade Report [Credit Completion]” page of Campusmate.
As such, students must check and manage the number of credits earned through Distance Learning courses themselves and make sure they do not exceed 60 credits.
Please check this page for the list of Distance Learning Courses and other information.
112011 Curriculum
- 1.Students who enrolled as new (1st-semester) students between AY 2011 and AY 2016.
- 2.Students who enrolled as 2nd-year transfer students between AY 2011 and AY 2017.
- 3.Students who enrolled as 3rd-year transfer students between AY 2011 and AY 2018.
- 4.Students who originally enrolled before AY 2011, but as a result of reinstatement or readmission will be in the same semester as students in Group 1.
Areas of Study
The College of Asia Pacific Studies has established four Areas of Study for students to develop specialized knowledge and comprehensive problem-solving abilities regarding the various issues facing the Asia Pacific region. These studies center around solid language proficiency and a basic understanding of the diverse cultures, histories, societies, natural environments, and historical conditions within the Asia Pacific region.
APS Areas of Study | |
環境・開発 | Environment and Development |
観光学 | Hospitality and Tourism |
国際関係 | International Relations and Peace Studies |
文化・社会・メディア | Culture, Society and Media |
Registering for an Area of Study
Once students have registered for an Area of Study and completed 20 or more credits from among the designated subjects for their Area of Study, the name of that Area of Study will be shown on their diploma. Students can register for only one Area of Study. Registration in an Area of Study is optional.
- 【Registering / Changing an Area of Study】
Eligible Semesters 1st Semester ~ Final Semester Registration Period During Course Registration Period A, B, Correction Period 1, 2 - *Even if you register for an Area of Study, if you do not take at least 20 credits from among the designated subjects for your registered Area of Study, the Area of Study will not be shown on your diploma.
- 【How to Register for an Area of Study】
Please register on Campusmate under “Area of Study Registration”.
Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate, students must fulfill the credit requirements for each subject field, as well as complete at least 124 credits total.
Please check the following table to see how the credit requirements are counted in the subject fields.
Subject Field | Subjects counted towards the Subject Field |
Common Education Subjects |
Major Education Subjects |
General Electives |
Japanese-basis Students
Japanese-basis students will be placed on either the English Standard Track or English Advanced Track based on the results of a placement test taken at the time of enrollment.
- 【English Standard Track】 (Students beginning from any level within Elementary English ~ Upper Intermediate English)
Field No. of Required Credits Total Common Education Subjects English Language Subjects 24 at least 40 at least 124 Language Education and
Common Liberal Arts Subjects16 Major Education Subjects at least 62 General Electives at least 22 - *For cases in which a student is exempted from English Language subjects, the exempted number of credits must be taken under General Electives.
● Japanese-basis Domestic Student Graduation Requirements
Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits overall from Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects (in their own or another college) held in English.
- *Subjects such as seminar subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
- *Completion of Pre-Intermediate English A and B is required to take Bridge Program courses. However, students can only take a maximum of 6 credits of Bridge Program courses.
What is the Bridge Program?
Bridge Program courses offer students a way to study a wide variety of Liberal Arts subjects while improving their English ability. These courses were established as the first step to begin taking classes fully held in English for students who have completed Pre-Intermediate English A and B. Only Japanese-basis domestic students may register for these courses.
Japanese-basis domestic and international students must complete Intermediate English A and B before they can take Common Liberal Arts or Major Education subjects held in English.
- 【English Advanced Track】(Students beginning from any level within Advanced English 1A ~ English Language exemption)
Field No. of Required Credits Total Common Education Subjects English Language subjects 12 at least 40 at least 124 Language Education subjects and
Common Liberal Arts subjects28 Major Education Subjects at least 62 General Electives at least 22 - *For cases in which a student is exempted from English Language subjects, the exempted number of credits must be taken under General Electives.
● Japanese-basis Domestic Student Graduation Requirements
Japanese-basis domestic students must complete at least 20 credits overall from Common Liberal Arts and Major Education subjects (in their own or another college).
- *Subjects such as seminar subjects held in both English and Japanese (E/J) do not count towards this total.
- *There are no special requirements for English Advanced Track students in order to register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in English. Advanced Track students cannot, however, register for “Bridge Program” subjects.
English-basis Students
English-basis students must meet the following credit requirements to graduate.
Field | No. of Required Credits | Total | ||
Common Education Subjects | Japanese Language Subjects | 16 | at least 40 | at least 124 |
Language Education and Common Liberal Arts Subjects |
24 | |||
Major Education Subjects | at least 62 | |||
General Electives | at least 22 |
- *There are no special requirements for English-basis students in order to register for Common Liberal Arts or Major Education Subjects held in Japanese.
Number of Credits Earned from Distance Learning Courses
Number of Credits from “Distance Learning Courses” Included in Credits Counted Toward Graduation
A maximum of 60 credits earned from Distance Learning Courses may be counted toward graduation.
Under the Standards for the Establishment of Universities and APU’s University Regulations, the maximum number of credits from Distance Learning Courses that can be counted towards graduation for undergraduate students is 60 credits. Please note that if a student earns more than 60 credits, the additional credits will not count toward the number of credits needed for graduation. In addition, please note that even if a student earns more than 60 credits for applicable courses, this will not be indicated under “Subjects Not Counted Towards Graduation” on the “Grade Report [Credit Completion]” page of Campusmate.
As such, students must check and manage the number of credits earned through Distance Learning courses themselves and make sure they do not exceed 60 credits.
Please check this page for the list of Distance Learning Courses and other information.