Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University
Academic Information
  1. Degree Conferral Ceremony

Receiving Your Diploma after Graduation

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For students who have already graduated and yet to receive their diplomas, please follow the procedures below to receive your diploma.

1. To Receive Items at APU

① To pick up your documents yourself

Please contact us by email ahead of time to arrange a pickup time. Bring your Student ID or other Photo ID and come to the Academic Office counter for pickup.

② To have a proxy pick up your documents

The following 3 documents are required to permit a proxy (including family member or financial sponsor) to collect these items on your behalf:

  • Letter of Attorney (including a dated, personal signature from the certificate's owner)
  • Copy of the graduate's student ID or photo ID
  • Copy of the proxy's photo ID (or original photo ID at the counter)

2. To Receive Items by Post

Please read the information below carefully before proceeding to “How to Apply for Receipt by Mail.

① Shipping Date

Your diploma will be sent on Wednesday the week after you applied. Please give yourself a plenty of time.
Ex: Apply between Monday, April 8 and Friday, April 12 → documents will be mailed on Wednesday, April 17

*For those graduating this time, those who have completed the application process by the day before the graduation ceremony (or completed payment in the case of overseas mailing) will be shipped from the week following the graduation ceremony in the order of receipt.

② Items to be Mailed

For Graduates after March 2020
  • Diploma (1 copy)
  • Certificate of Graduation / Completion – English and Japanese (1 copy each)
  • Transcript – English and Japanese (1 copy each)
  • Graduation Souvenir
For March 2014 – September 2019 Graduates
  • Diploma (1 copy)
  • Certificate of Graduation / Completion – English and Japanese (1 copy each)
  • Transcript – English and Japanese (1 copy each)
  • Graduation Souvenir
For Pre-AY 2013 Graduates
  • Diploma (1 copy)
  • Graduation Souvenir

③ Fees for Diploma (Certificate of Graduation) Delivery

  Domestic Shipping International Shipping
Credit Payment Processing Fee 0 (JPY) 500 (JPY)
Shipping Fees Cash on Delivery Varies based on country / region (prepayment)
  • EMS will be used for overseas deliveries. The list of countries eligible for EMS service are shown at the link.
    Also, please be sure to check the following URL, because although the country is an EMS handling country, actual delivery may not be possible.
    Service availability by country - Japan Post
  • For delivery to a country or region not shown above the list, please contact us separately.
  • Please refer to the following list for the EMS rates.
First Zone
  • China
  • Korea
  • Taiwan
Second Zone
  • Asia (excluding China, Korea, and Taiwan)
Third Zone
  • Oceania
  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Middle East
  • Europe
Forth Zone
  • U.S.(including Guam, and other U.S. territories)
Fifth Zone
  • Central and South America (excluding Mexico)
  • Africa


  • If you need additional certificates other than those shown in 2-② Items to be Mailed, please refer to this link for information on how to apply. (Link goes to APU’s Student Services Website)

    • If you request additional forms they will be shipped separately from your diploma.
    • You must also pay an additional certificate fee (300 JPY per certificate), credit card processing fee (500 JPY) and shipping fee.
  • If a proxy is submitting the application, you must include a Letter of Proxy.

How to Apply for Receipt by Mail

Please apply via the procedure below.

Step 1: Prepare your Student ID Card
(If you don’t have your Student ID please prepare a Photo ID)

You will be asked to submit the data in Step 2.

Step 2: Fill out the Application Survey

Please complete the application from the survey below. *However, you will need to register as a member before submitting your application, so please register by clicking on the "Create Account" link at the bottom of the first page of our survey after accessing the following link.
*Please note that it may take 10 to 15 minutes to be able to log in after registration.
*Please answer in single-byte alphanumeric characters for items marked "single-byte alphanumeric characters only."

Please access from HERE

Step 3. Pre-pay by Credit Card

(Only for those who choose International Delivery in the survey in Step 2)

If you select “International Delivery” in the survey you must pay by credit card (processing fee: 500 JPY).
After completing the survey in step 2, the university will send you an email to complete your payment by credit card. Please follow the directions to complete your order.

Your application has been successfully completed. Please wait for your diploma to arrive.
If your diploma does not arrive within one week of the expected arrival date, please contact us using the information below.

Contact Information

Graduation Ceremony Officer, Academic Office



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