About APU

APU Selected for MEXT High Quality Academic Promotion Program

APU was selected for the MEXT Program for Promoting High-Quality University Education for its application entitled "Building a New Model for Freshmen Education".

The Program for Promoting High-Quality University Education was designed to support universities in improving academics by establishing PDCA Cycles and clarifying academic policies in line with the revised University Establishment Standards. By sharing information widely and providing essential financial support, the government of Japan aims to improve the overall quality of its higher education.
374 universities submitted 745 applications on the topic of "projects to improve educational programs". 210 applications were successfully selected.

An outline of APU's "Building a New Model for Freshmen Education" is as follows.

In recent years, awareness of the significance of freshmen education has grown, and the ideas of transitioning to university and supporting students in their "First-Year Experience" have become very important. It is necessary to overhaul freshmen education as the foundation of a new type of undergraduate education in order to improve quality. APU will undertake the following measures:

  • APU will revise and systematize its Freshmen Orientation and effectively link regular curriculum and extracurricular programs in a comprehensive overhaul of freshmen education.
  • In addition to its freshman seminars First-Year Student Workshop I & II, APU will establish Introduction to APU (regular curriculum / 2 credits) to boost students' motivation to study and their awareness of goals. APU will promote the creation of a Learning Community in a pro-active style of transitional education.

With these endeavors, APU will ensure that its students adjust smoothly to university life, and it will create an APU identity by fostering an understanding of the university's basic ideals and its history. APU will realize transitional education through active acquisition of academic skills required for university life.