
Research Partnership Projects with Industry and Government

In addition to Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) projects, researchers at APU also conduct research through partnerships with industry and government. Such partnerships manifest in different types of research projects, as listed below. To apply for or inquire about research partnerships with APU, click here.

Joint Research

Joint Research refers to research projects where one or more researchers from APU collaborate with researchers affiliated to an external institution to conduct research on a common topic.

AY Collaborating Institution Principal Investigator Research Title
2019~ University of Warsaw
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
La Sapienza University
University of St Andrews
Jawaharlal Nehru University
SATO Yoichiro Eurasian Insights: Strengthening Indo-Pacific Studies in Europe (EISIPS)
Fundokin Shoyu Co., Ltd.
Inspire Corporation
YOO Bosul
PARDO Phillip Dean
Creating a New Product for the Overseas Expansion of Fundokin Soy Sauce Co., Ltd. and Developing an Appropriate Marketing Method
The Development of New Products Based on Halal Soy Sauce and Relevant Marketing Research

Delegated Research

Delegated Research refers to research projects delegated by an external institution to one or more researchers affiliated to APU. A contract must be established between APU and said institution, and APU manages the research funds provided.

AY Delegating Institution Principal Investigator Research Title
2020~ Japan Science and Technology Agency MANTELLO Peter A. Emotional AI in Cities: Cross Cultural Lessons from UK and Japan on Designing for An Ethical Life
Ministry of the Environment (Kyushu Regional Environmental Office) JONES Thomas E. FY2021 Explore to investigate how the collaboration between Aso-Kuju National Park and APU regarding the countermeasure for inbound work
2020 FY2020 Ideal Methods of Collaboration Between Aso-Kuju National Park and APU in Relation to the National Park's Activities
2019 FY2019 Ideal Methods of Collaboration Between Aso-Kuju National Park and APU in Relation to Foreign Visitors' Use of the National Park and its Activities
Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association YAMAURA Koichi Sustainable Energy and Cities: From a Perspective of Comparison between Japan and Taiwan
2018 International ONSEN Summit OITA Prefecture Planning Committee KUBO Takayuki Surveying Hot Springs Areas Overseas
2017 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited TODOROKI Hiroshi Surveying Potential to Develop Exchange-Centered Tourism Aimed at Foreign Tourists Visiting Japan

Research Supported by Private Foundations

Unlike Delegated Research, the research projects listed under this category do not require the establishment of a contract between APU and the private foundation. Researchers may directly send their applications to the foundation in question. Research funds may or may not be managed by APU.

AY Private Foundation Principal Investigator Research Title
The Institute of Internal Auditors-Japan YANG Jeongwoo Impact of conformance with internal audit standards on internal audit performance
Kurita Water and Environment Foundation HIRANO Miharu Protection of the right to access water in International Water Law
The Asahi Glass Foundation HIRANO Miharu The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) perspective over water administration in Japan: Proposal of a legal research method
Takahashi Industrial and Economic Research Foundation ISHIMURA Fumie Providing Local Disaster Support for A Multicultural Society: An Analysis of the Differences in Behavior Perception and Changes in Awareness in Workshops for Multilingual Support Groups

Other Research

AY Company Principal Investigator Research Title
2022 Oita Prefecture (Medical Robot and Equipment Industry Association) FUJIMOTO Takeshi
Research to support the development of overseas sales channels for medical equipment which is produced in Oita as part of the East Kyushu Medical Valley Initiative
Eco Ring Co., Ltd. SHINOHARA Yoshiki Measuring the global environmental impact of their reuse business.
Aoyama Stat App Partners Co., Ltd. OTAKE Toshitsugu Marketing research for overseas development of digital comics
2020~ Qlonolink Inc. LEE Geunhee Overseas promotion strategy for the Japanese entertainment industry
Co-op Oita VAFADARI M. Kazem A study on the mountain foothills of the Araki River Basin in Kunisaki City, Oita Prefecture: Striking a balance between conservation/restoration and sustainable tourism
2019~ Asahi Environmental Management Co., Ltd. YOUN Seung Ho Innovation in Jigoku Mushi Kobo Kannawa
2019~ Crowdfunding HONDA Akiko Community building, bringing us together!
Creating multicultural events with international students
2018~ Kyudenko Corporation SHINOHARA Yoshiki A Research of success and failure factors in social innovation: The relationship between social entrepreneurial networks and their success and failure